Ground motion prediction equations 1964–2021

John Douglas
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Strathclyde
James Weir Building
75 Montrose Street
G1 1XJ
United Kingdom


This online resource summarizes all empirical ground-motion prediction equations (GMPEs), to estimate earthquake peak ground acceleration (PGA) and elastic response spectral ordinates, published between 1964 and early 2021 (inclusive). This resource replaces: the Imperial College London reports of Douglas (2001a), Douglas (2002) and Douglas (2004a), which provide a summary of all GMPEs from 1964 until the end of 2003; the BRGM report of Douglas (2006), which summarizes all GMPEs from 2004 to 2006 (plus some earlier models); the report of Douglas (2008), concerning GMPEs published in 2007 and 2008 (plus some earlier models); and the report of Douglas (2011), which superseded all these reports and covered the period up to 2010. It is planned to continually update this website when new GMPEs are published or errors/omissions are discovered. In addition, this resource lists published GMPEs derived from simulations, although details are not given since the focus here is on empirical models. Studies that only present graphs are only listed, as are those non-parametric formulations that provide predictions for different combinations of distance and magnitude because these are more difficult to use for seismic hazard analysis than those which give a single formula. Equations for single earthquakes or for earthquakes of approximately the same size are excluded due to their limited usefulness. Those relations based on conversions from macroseismic intensity are only listed. Finally, conditional ground-motion models (e.g. Sung, Abrahamson, and Huang 2021), which provide predictions for a secondary intensity measure conditional on a primary measure, are excluded due to a lack of resources to identify and summarise these models.

This website summarizes, in total, the characteristics of 485 empirical GMPEs for the prediction of PGA and 316 empirical models for the prediction of elastic response spectral ordinates. In addition, 87 simulation-based models to estimate PGA and elastic response spectral ordinates are listed but no details are given. 52 complete stochastic models, 45 GMPEs derived in other ways, 39 non-parametric models and 18 backbone (G. M. Atkinson, Bommer, and Abrahamson 2014; Douglas 2018b) models are also listed. Finally, the table provided by Douglas (2012) is expanded and updated to include the general characteristics of empirical GMPEs for the prediction of: Arias intensity (34 models), cumulative absolute velocity (12 models), Fourier spectral amplitudes (19 models), maximum absolute unit elastic input energy (6 models), inelastic response spectral ordinates (6 models), Japanese Meterological Agency seismic intensity (5 models), macroseismic intensity (52 models, commonly called intensity prediction equations), mean period (6 models), peak ground velocity (147 models), peak ground displacement (37 models), relative significant duration (20 models) and vertical-to-horizontal response spectral ratio (13 models). This report will be updated roughly once every six months.

It should be noted that the size of this resource means that it may contain some errors or omissions. The boundaries between empirical, simulation-based and non-parametric ground-motion models are not always clear so I may classify a study differently than expected. No discussion of the merits, ranges of applicability or limitations of any of the relationships is included herein except those mentioned by the authors or inherent in the data used. This compendium is not a critical review of the models.

This compilation was made when I was employed at: Imperial College London, University of Iceland, BRGM and University of Strathclyde. I thank: my current and former employers for their support, many people for references, suggestions and encouragement while producing this resource, and the developers of LaTeXand associated packages, without whom this report would never have been written.

If required, you can cite this resource in the following way:

Douglas, J. (2022), Ground motion prediction equations 1964–2021,


ESEE Report 01-1 ‘A comprehensive worldwide summary of strong-motion attenuation relationships for peak ground acceleration and spectral ordinates (1969 to 2000)’ (Douglas 2001a) was completed and released in January 2001. A report detailing errata of this report and additional studies was released in October 2002 (Douglas 2002). These two reports were used by Douglas (2003) as a basis for a review of previous ground-motion prediction equations (GMPEs). Following the release of these two reports, some further minor errors were found in the text and tables of the original two reports, and additional studies were found in the literature that were not included in ESEE 01-1 or the follow-on report. Also some new studies were published. Rather than produce another report listing errata and additions it was decided to produce a new report that included details on all the studies listed in the first two reports (with the corrections made) and also information on the additional studies. This report was published as a research report of Imperial College London at the beginning of 2004 (Douglas 2004a). At the end of 2006 a BRGM report was published (Douglas 2006) detailing studies published in 2004–2006 plus a few earlier models that had been missed in previous reports. Finally, at the end of 2008 another BRGM report was published (Douglas 2008) containing summaries of GMPEs from 2007 and 2008 and some additional earlier models that had been recently uncovered.

Because of the large number of new GMPEs published in 2009 and 2010 and the discovery of some additional earlier studies and various errors in the previous reports, it was decided to publish a new comprehensive report to replace the previous reports (Douglas 2001a, 2002, 2004a, 2006, 2008) containing all previous reports plus additional material rather than publish yet another addendum to the 2004 report. It was also decided that, for completeness and due to the lack of another comprehensive and public source for this information, to include a list of GMPEs developed using other methods than regression of strong-motion data, e.g. simulation-based models (e.g. Douglas and Aochi 2008). However, due to the complexity of briefly summarizing these models it was decided not to provide details but only references. This report was published as Douglas (2011).

In order to make the compendium easier to use and to update in the future it was decided to port the entire report to html using the LaTeXTeX 4ht package as well as add models from 2011 to 2021 and some older GMPEs that were recently found. Finally, GMPEs for intensity measures other than PGA and elastic response spectral ordinates are listed but details are not given (although some of these correspond to models for PGA and elastic spectral ordinates and hence they are summarized elsewhere in this compendium).

This report summarizes, in total, the characteristics of 485 empirical GMPEs for the prediction of peak ground acceleration (PGA) and 317 models for the prediction of elastic response spectral ordinates as well as 34 models for the prediction of Arias intensity, 12 models for cumulative absolute velocity, 19 models for Fourier spectral amplitudes, 6 models for maximum absolute unit elastic input energy, 6 models for inelastic response spectral ordinates, 5 models for Japanese Meterological Agency seismic intensity, 52 models1 (intensity prediction equations) for macroseismic intensity, 6 models for mean period, 147 for peak ground velocity, 37 for peak ground displacement, 20 for relative significant duration and 13 models for vertical-to-horizontal response spectral ratio. With this many GMPEs available it is important to have criteria available for the selection of appropriate models for seismic hazard assessment in a given region — Cotton et al. (2006) and, more recently, Bommer et al. (2010) suggest selection requirements for the choice of models. For the selection of GMPEs routinely applicable to state-of-the-art hazard analyses of ground motions from shallow crustal earthquakes Bommer et al. (2010) summarize their criteria thus.

  1. Model is derived for an inappropriate tectonic environment (such as subduction-zone earthquakes or volcanic regions).

  2. Model not published in a Thomson Reuters ISI-listed peer-reviewed journal (although an exception can be made for an update to a model that did meet this criterion).

  3. The dataset used to derive the model is not presented in an accessible format; the minimum requirement would be a table listing the earthquakes and their characteristics, together with the number of records from each event.

  4. The model has been superseded by a more recent publication.

  5. The model does not provide spectral predictions for an adequate range of response periods, chosen here to be from \(0\) to \(2\,\mathrm{s}\).

  6. The functional form lacks either non-linear magnitude dependence or magnitude-dependent decay with distance.

  7. The coefficients of the model were not determined with a method that accounts for inter-event and intra-event components of variability; in other words, models must be derived using one- or two-stage maximum likelihood approaches or the random effects approach.

  8. Model uses inappropriate definitions for explanatory variables, such as \(M_L\) or \(r_{epi}\), or models site effects without consideration of \(V_{s,30}\).

  9. The range of applicability of the model is too small to be useful for the extrapolations generally required in PSHA: \(M_{\min}>5\), \(M_{\max}<7\), \(R_{\max}<80\,\mathrm{km}\).

  10. Model constrained with insufficiently large dataset: fewer than 10 earthquakes per unit of magnitude or fewer than 100 records per \(100\,\mathrm{km}\) of distance.

Similar criteria could be developed for other types of earthquakes (e.g. subduction). For example, the reader is referred to Stewart et al. (2015) for a discussion of the selection of GMPEs for hazard assessments for the three principal tectonic regimes. Application of such criteria would lead to a much reduced set of models. The aim of this report, however, is not to apply these, or any other, criteria but simply to summarize all models that have been published. Bommer et al. (2010) also note that: ‘[i]f one accepts the general approach presented in this paper, then it becomes inappropriate to develop and publish GMPEs that would subsequently be excluded from use in PSHA [probabilistic seismic hazard analysis] on the basis of not satisfying one or more of the requirements embodied in the criteria.’

Predictions of median ground motions from GMPEs show great dispersion (Douglas 2010a, 2010b, 2012) demonstrating the large epistemic uncertainties involved in the estimation of earthquake shaking. This uncertainty should be accounted for within seismic hazard assessments by, for example, logic trees (e.g. Bommer and Scherbaum 2008).

Other summaries and reviews of GMPEs

A number of reviews of GMPEs have been made in the past that provide a good summary of the methods used, the results obtained and the problems associated with such relations. Trifunac and Brady (1975a, 1976) provide a brief summary and comparison of published relations. McGuire (1976) lists numerous early relations. Idriss (1978) presents a comprehensive review of published attenuation relations up until 1978, including a number which are not easily available elsewhere. Hays (1980) presents a good summary of ground-motion estimation procedures up to 1980. Boore and Joyner (1982) provide a review of attenuation studies published in 1981 and they comment on empirical prediction of strong ground motion in general. Campbell (1985) contains a full survey of attenuation equations up until 1985. Joyner and Boore (1988) give an excellent analysis of ground motion prediction methodology in general, and attenuation relations in particular; Joyner and Boore (1996) update this by including more recent studies. N. N. Ambraseys and Bommer (1995) provide an overview of relations that are used for seismic design in Europe although they do not provide details about methods used. Recent reviews include those by Campbell (2003c, 2003a) and Bozorgnia and Campbell (2004a), which provide the coefficients for a number of commonly-used equations for peak ground acceleration and spectral ordinates, and Douglas (2003). Bommer (2006) discusses some pressing problems in the field of empirical ground-motion estimation. The International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering provides a useful online resource summarising a number of GMPEs (particularly those from Japan) and providing coefficients and an Excel spreadsheet for their evaluation. A recent discussion of current and future trends in ground-motion prediction is provided by Douglas and Edwards (2016).

Summaries and reviews of published ground-motion models for the estimation of strong-motion parameters other than PGA and elastic response spectral ordinates are available2. For example: Bommer and Martı́nez-Pereira (1999), Alarcón (2007) and Bommer, Stafford, and Alarcón (2009) review predictive equations for strong-motion duration; Tromans (2004) summarizes equations for the prediction of PGV and displacement (PGD); Bommer and Alarcón (2006) provide a more recent review of GMPEs for PGV; Hancock and Bommer (2005) discuss available equations for estimating number of effective cycles; Stafford, Berrill, and Pettinga (2009) briefly review GMPEs for Arias intensity; Rathje et al. (2004) summarize the few equations published for the prediction of frequency-content parameters (e.g. predominant frequency); and Cua et al. (2010) review various intensity prediction equations.

GMPEs summarised here

Equations for single earthquakes (e.g. Bozorgnia, Niazi, and Campbell 1995) or for earthquakes of approximately the same size (e.g. Seed et al. 1976; K. Sadigh, Youngs, and Power 1978) are excluded because they lack a magnitude-scaling term and, hence, are of limited use. Also excluded are those originally developed to yield the magnitude of an earthquake (e.g. Espinosa 1980), i.e. the regression is performed the other way round, which should not be used for the prediction of ground motion at a site. The model of Kim and Shin (2017) is not included because it is based on the ratio of the magnitude of the mainshock to an aftershock rather than the magnitude directly. The model of J. X. Zhao and Gerstenberger (2010) is not summarised since it uses recorded motions to estimate motions at sites without observations, within a rapid-response system. Models such as that by Olszewska (2006) and Golik and Mendecki (2012), who use ’source energy logarithms’ to characterize mining-induced events, have been excluded because such a characterization of event size is rare in standard seismic hazard assessments. Similarly, equations derived using data from nuclear tests, such as those reported by Mickey (1971; Hays 1980), are not included. Finally, conditional ground-motion models (e.g. Sung, Abrahamson, and Huang 2021), which provide predictions for a secondary intensity measure conditional on a primary measure, are excluded due to a lack of resources to identify and summarise these models.

Those based on simulated ground motions from stochastic source models (e.g G. M. Atkinson and Boore 1990) and other types of simulations (e.g. Megawati, Pan, and Koketsu 2005), those derived using the hybrid empirical technique (e.g Campbell 2003b; Douglas, Bungum, and Scherbaum 2006), those relations based on intensity measurements (e.g. Battis 1981) and backbone models (G. M. Atkinson, Bommer, and Abrahamson 2014; Douglas 2018b) are listed in Chapter 6 but no details are given because the focus here is on empirical models derived from ground-motion data. Studies using simulation techniques other than the classic stochastic method and which do not provide a closed-form GMPE (e.g. Medel-Vera and Ji 2016) are not listed as they are often difficult to use. Studies which provide graphs to give predictions (e.g. Schnabel and Seed 1973) are only listed and not summarized as are those non-parametric formulations that give predictions for different combinations of distance and magnitude (e.g. Anderson 1997), both of which are generally more difficult to use for seismic hazard analysis than those which report a single formula. For similar reasons, models derived using neural networks (e.g. Güllü and Erçelebi 2007) are only listed.

GMPEs for the prediction of PGA are summarized in Chapters 2 and 3 and those for spectral ordinates are summarized in Chapters 4 and 5. Chapter 6 lists other ground-motion models that are not detailed in the previous chapters. The final chapter (Chapter 7) provides the general characteristics of GMPEs for intensity measures other than PGA and elastic spectral ordinates. All the studies that present the same GMPE are mentioned at the top of the section and in the tables of general characteristics (Illustrations [tab:pga] & [tab:speccomp]). The information contained within each section, and within tables, is the sum of information contained within each of the publications, i.e. not all the information may be from a single source. Note that GMPEs are ordered in chronological order both in the section titles and the order of the sections. Therefore, a well-known model presented in a journal article may not be listed where expected since it had previously been published in a conference proceedings or technical report. To find a given model it is recommended to examine the table of content carefully or apply a keyword search to the PDF. Some models (e.g. Abrahamson and Silva 1997) provide GMPEs for spectral accelerations up to high frequencies (e.g. \(100\,\mathrm{Hz}\)) but do not explicitly state that these equations can be used for the prediction of PGA. Therefore, they are only listed in the chapters dealing with GMPEs for the prediction of spectral ordinates (Chapters 4 and 5) and their coefficients are not given. This should be considered when searching for a particular model.

To make it easier to understand the functional form of each GMPE the equations are given with variable names replacing actual coefficients and the derived coefficients and the standard deviation, \(\sigma\), are given separately (for PGA equations). These coefficients are given only for completeness and if an equation is to be used then the original reference should be consulted. If a coefficient is assumed before the analysis is performed then the number is included directly in the formula.

Obviously all the details from each publication cannot be included in this report because of lack of space but the most important details of the methods and data used are retained. The style is telegraphic and hence phrases such as ‘Note that …’ should be read ‘The authors [of the original model] note that …’. The number of records within each site and source mechanism category are given if this information was reported by the authors of the study. Sometimes these totals were found by counting the numbers in each category using the tables listing the data used and, therefore, they may be inaccurate.

This report contains details of all studies for PGA and response spectra that could be found in the literature (journals, conference proceedings, technical reports and some Ph.D. theses) although some may have been inadvertently missed3. Some of the studies included here have not been seen but are reported in other publications and hence the information given here may not be complete or correct. Since this resource has been written in many distinct periods over almost two decades (2000–2021), the amount of information given for each model varies, as does the style.

In the equations unless otherwise stated, \(D\), \(d\), \(R\), \(r\), \(X\), \(\Delta\) or similar are distance and \(M\) or similar is magnitude and all other independent variables are stated. PGA is peak ground acceleration, PGV is peak ground velocity and PSV is relative pseudo-velocity.

In Tables [tab:pga], [tab:speccomp] and [tab:gmpes] the gross characteristics of the data used and equation obtained are only given for the main equation in each study. The reader should refer to the section on a particular publication or the original reference for information on other equations derived in the study.

In earlier reports the name ‘attenuation relation(ships)’ is used for the models reported. The current de facto standard is to refer to such models as ‘ground motion prediction equations’ (GMPEs) and, therefore, this terminology is adopted here. However, as discussed by Boore and Atkinson (2007 Appendix A) there is some debate over the best name for these models (e.g. ‘ground-motion model’ or ‘ground motion estimation equations’) and some people disagree with the use of the word ‘prediction’ in this context.

No discussion of the merits, ranges of applicability or limitations of any of the relationships is included herein except those mentioned by the authors or inherent in the data used. This report is not a critical review of the models. The ground-motion models are generally reported in the form given in the original references. The boundaries between empirical, simulation-based and non-parametric ground-motion models are not always clear so I may classify a study differently than expected. Note that the size of this report means that it may contain some errors or omissions — the reader is encouraged to consult the original reference if a model is to be used.

Summary of published GMPEs for PGA

Esteva and Rosenblueth (1964)

Kanai (1966)

Milne and Davenport (1969)

Esteva (1970)

Denham and Small (1971)

Davenport (1972)

Denham, Small, and Everingham (1973)

Donovan (1973)

Esteva and Villaverde (1973) & Esteva (1974)

Katayama (1974)

McGuire (1974) & McGuire (1977)

Orphal and Lahoud (1974)

Ahorner and Rosenhauer (1975)

N. N. Ambraseys (1975), N. Ambraseys (1975) & N. N. Ambraseys (1978a)

Shah and Movassate (1975)

Trifunac and Brady (1975a), Trifunac (1976a) & Trifunac and Brady (1976)

Blume (1977)

Gürpinar (1977)

Milne (1977)

Saeki, Katayama, and Iwasaki (1977)

N. N. Ambraseys (1978b)

Donovan and Bornstein (1978)

Faccioli (1978)

Goto et al. (1978)

R. K. McGuire (1978b)

A. Patwardhan, K. Sadigh, I.M. Idriss, R. Youngs (1978) reported in Idriss (1978)

Cornell, Banon, and Shakal (1979)

Faccioli (1979)

Faccioli and Agalbato (1979)

Aptikaev and Kopnichev (1980)

Blume (1980)

Iwasaki, Kawashima, and Saeki (1980)

Matuschka (1980)

Ohsaki, Watabe, and Tohdo (1980)

TERA Corporation (1980)

Campbell (1981)

Chiaruttini and Siro (1981)

Goto, Kameda, and Sugito (1981)

Joyner and Boore (1981)

Bolt and Abrahamson (1982)

Joyner and Boore (1982b) & Joyner and Boore (1988)

PML (1982)

Schenk (1982)

Brillinger and Preisler (1984)

Campbell (1984) & K.W. Campbell (1988) reported in Joyner and Boore (1988)

Joyner and Fumal (1984), Joyner and Fumal (1985) & Joyner and Boore (1988)

Kawashima, Aizawa, and Takahashi (1984) & Kawashima, Aizawa, and Takahashi (1986)

McCann Jr. and Echezwia (1984)

Schenk (1984)

Xu, Shen, and Hong (1984)

Brillinger and Preisler (1985)

Kawashima, Aizawa, and Takahashi (1985)

Makropoulos and Burton (1985) & Makropoulos (1978)

K.-Z. Peng, Wu, and Song (1985)

K. Peng et al. (1985)

PML (1985)

McCue (1986)

C.B. Crouse (1987) reported in Joyner and Boore (1988)

Krinitzsky, Chang, and Nuttli (1987) & Krinitzsky, Chang, and Nuttli (1988)

Sabetta and Pugliese (1987)

K. Sadigh (1987) reported in Joyner and Boore (1988)

Singh et al. (1987)

Algermissen, Hansen, and Thenhaus (1988)

Annaka and Nozawa (1988)

Fukushima, Tanaka, and Kataoka (1988) & Fukushima and Tanaka (1990)

Gaull (1988)

McCue, Gibson, and Wesson (1988)

Petrovski and Marcellini (1988)

PML (1988)

Tong and Katayama (1988)

Yamabe and Kanai (1988)

Youngs, Day, and Stevens (1988)

Abrahamson and Litehiser (1989)

Campbell (1989)

Huo (1989)

Ordaz, Jara, and Singh (1989)

Alfaro, Kiremidjian, and White (1990)

Ambraseys (1990)

Campbell (1990)

Dahle, Bungum, and Kvamme (1990) & Dahle, Bugum, and Kvamme (1990)

Jacob et al. (1990)

Sen (1990)

Sigbjörnsson (1990)

Tsai, Brady, and Cluff (1990)

Ambraseys and Bommer (1991) & N. N. Ambraseys and Bommer (1992)

Crouse (1991)

Garcı̀a-Fernàndez and Canas (1991) & Garcia-Fernandez and Canas (1995)

Geomatrix Consultants (1991), Sadigh et al. (1993) & Sadigh et al. (1997)

Huo and Hu (1991)

I.M. Idriss (1991) reported in Idriss (1993)

Loh et al. (1991)

Matuschka and Davis (1991)

Niazi and Bozorgnia (1991)

Rogers et al. (1991)

Stamatovska and Petrovski (1991)

Abrahamson and Youngs (1992)

N. N. Ambraseys, Bommer, and Sarma (1992)

J. Huo and Hu (1992)

Kamiyama, O’Rourke, and Flores-Berrones (1992) & Kamiyama (1995)

Sigbjörnsson and Baldvinsson (1992)

Silva and Abrahamson (1992)

Taylor Castillo et al. (1992)

Tento, Franceschina, and Marcellini (1992)

Theodulidis and Papazachos (1992)

Abrahamson and Silva (1993)

Boore, Joyner, and Fumal (1993), Boore, Joyner, and Fumal (1997) & Boore (2005)

Campbell (1993)

Dowrick and Sritharan (1993)

Gitterman, Zaslavsky, and Shapira (1993)

McVerry et al. (1993) & McVerry, Dowrick, and Zhao (1995)

Midorikawa (1993a)

Quijada et al. (1993)

Singh et al. (1993)

Steinberg et al. (1993)

Sun and Peng (1993)

Ambraseys and Srbulov (1994)

Boore, Joyner, and Fumal (1994a) & Boore, Joyner, and Fumal (1997)

El Hassan (1994)

Fat-Helbary and Ohta (1994)

Fukushima, Gariel, and Tanaka (1994) & Fukushima, Gariel, and Tanaka (1995)

Lawson and Krawinkler (1994)

Lungu et al. (1994)

Musson, Marrow, and Winter (1994)

Radu et al. (1994), Lungu, Coman, and Moldoveanu (1995) & Lungu et al. (1996)

Ramazi and Schenk (1994)

Xiang and Gao (1994)

Aman, Singh, and Singh (1995)

N. N. Ambraseys (1995)

Dahle et al. (1995)

V. W. Lee, Trifunac, Todorovska, et al. (1995)

Lungu et al. (1995)

Molas and Yamazaki (1995)

Sarma and Free (1995)

N. N. Ambraseys, Simpson, and Bommer (1996) & Simpson (1996)

N. N. Ambraseys and Simpson (1996) & Simpson (1996)

Aydan, Sedaki, and Yarar (1996) & Aydan (2001)

Bommer et al. (1996)

Crouse and McGuire (1996)

Free (1996) & Free, Ambraseys, and Sarma (1998)

Inan et al. (1996)

Ohno et al. (1996)

Romeo, Tranfaglia, and Castenetto (1996)

Sarma and Srbulov (1996)

Singh, Aman, and Prasad (1996)

Spudich et al. (1996) & Spudich et al. (1997)

Stamatovska and Petrovski (1996)

Ansal (1997)

Campbell (1997), Campbell (2000), Campbell (2001) & Campbell and Bozorgnia (1994)

Ground-motion model (horizontal component) is: \[\begin{aligned} \ln A_H&=&a_1+a_2 M+a_3 \ln \sqrt{R_{\mathrm{SEIS}}^2+[a_4 \exp(a_5 M)]^2}\\ &&{}+[a_6+a_7\ln R_{\mathrm{SEIS}}+a_8M]F+[a_9+a_{10}\ln R_{\mathrm{SEIS}}]S_{\mathrm{SR}}\\ &&{}+[a_{11}+a_{12}\ln R_{\mathrm{SEIS}}]S_{\mathrm{HR}}+f_A(D)\\ f_A(D)&=&\left\{ \begin{array}{r@{\quad \mbox{for}\quad}l} 0&D \geq 1\,\mathrm{km}\\ \{[a_{11}+a_{12}\ln (R_{\mathrm{SEIS}})]-[a_9+a_{10} \ln (R_{\mathrm{SEIS}})]S_{\mathrm{SR}}\}(1-D)(1-S_{\mathrm{HR}})&D<1\,\mathrm{km}\\ \end{array} \right.\end{aligned}\] where \(A_H\) is in \(\,\mathrm{g}\), \(a_1=-3.512\), \(a_2=0.904\), \(a_3=-1.328\), \(a_4=0.149\), \(a_5=0.647\), \(a_6=1.125\), \(a_7=-0.112\), \(a_8=-0.0957\), \(a_9=0.440\), \(a_{10}=-0.171\), \(a_{11}=0.405\), \(a_{12}=-0.222\), \(\sigma=0.55\) for \(A_H<0.068\,\mathrm{g}\), \(\sigma=0.173-0.140\ln (A_H)\) for \(0.068\,\mathrm{g}\leq A_H \leq 0.21\,\mathrm{g}\) and \(\sigma=0.39\) for \(A_H>0.21\,\mathrm{g}\) (when expressed in terms of acceleration) and \(\sigma=0.889-0.0691M\) for \(M<7.4\) and \(\sigma=0.38\) for \(M \geq 7.4\) (when expressed in terms of magnitude).

Ground-motion model (vertical component) is: \[\begin{aligned} \ln A_V&=&\ln A_H + b_1+b_2 M + b_3 \ln [R_{\mathrm{SEIS}}+b_4 \exp (b_5 M)]\\ &&{}+b_6 \ln[R_{\mathrm{SEIS}}+b_7 \exp(b_8 M)]+b_9 F\end{aligned}\] where \(A_V\) is in \(\,\mathrm{g}\), \(b_1=-1.58\), \(b_2=-0.10\), \(b_3=-1.5\), \(b_4=0.079\), \(b_5=0.661\), \(b_6=1.89\), \(b_7=0.361\), \(b_8=0.576\), \(b_9=-0.11\) and \(\sigma_V=\sqrt{\sigma^2+0.36^2}\) (where \(\sigma\) is standard deviation for horizontal PGA prediction).

Uses three site categories:


Hard rock: primarily Cretaceous and older sedimentary deposits, metamorphic rock, crystalline rock and hard volcanic deposits (e.g. basalt).

Soft rock: primarily Tertiary sedimentary deposits and soft volcanic deposits (e.g. ash deposits).

Alluvium or firm soil: firm or stiff Quaternary deposits with depths greater than \(10\,\mathrm{m}\).

Also includes sediment depth (\(D\)) as a variable.

Restricts to near-source distances to minimize influence of regional differences in crustal attenuation and to avoid complex propagation effects that have been observed at longer distances.

Excludes recordings from basement of buildings greater than two storeys on soil and soft rock, greater than five storeys on hard rock, toe and base of dams and base of bridge columns. Excludes recordings from shallow and soft soil because previous analyses showed such sites have accelerations significantly higher than those on deep, firm alluvium. Include records from dam abutments because comprise a significant number of rock recordings and due to stiff foundations are expected to be only minimally affected by dam. Some of these could be strongly affected by local topography.

Includes earthquakes only if they had seismogenic rupture within shallow crust (depths less than about \(25\,\mathrm{km}\)). Includes several large, shallow subduction interface earthquakes because previous studies found similar near-source ground motions to shallow crustal earthquakes.

Includes only earthquakes with \(M\) about \(5\) or larger to emphasize those ground motions of greatest engineering interest and limit analysis to more reliable, well-studied earthquakes.

Notes that distance to seismogenic rupture is a better measure than distance to rupture or distance to surface projection because top layer of crust is non-seismogenic and will not contribute to ground motion. Give estimates for average depth to top of seismogenic rupture for hypothetical earthquakes.

Considers different focal mechanisms: reverse (H:6, V:5), thrust (H:9, V:6), reverse-oblique (H:4, V:2) and thrust-oblique (0), total (H:19, V:13) \(\Rightarrow F=1\) (H:278 records, V:116 records) (reverse have a dip angle greater than or equal to \(45^{\circ}\)), strike-slip (H:27, V:13) \(\Rightarrow F=0\) (H:367 records, V:109 records) (strike-slip have an absolute value of rake less than or equal to \(22.5^{\circ}\) from the horizontal as measured along fault plane). There is only one normal faulting earthquakes in set of records (contributing four horizontal records) so difference is not modelled although \(F=0.5\) given as first approximation (later revised to \(F=0\)).

Mostly W. USA with 20 records from Nicaragua(1) Mexico (5), Iran (8), Uzbekistan (1), Chile (3), Armenia (1) and Turkey (1).

Does regression firstly with all data. Selects distance threshold for each value of magnitude, style of faulting and local site condition such that the 16th percentile estimate of \(A_H\) was equal to \(0.02\,\mathrm{g}\) (which corresponds to a vertical trigger of about \(0.01\,\mathrm{g}\)). Repeats regression repeated only with those records within these distance thresholds. Avoids bias due to non-triggering instruments.

Finds dispersion (uncertainty) to be dependent on magnitude and PGA, models as linear functions. Finds better fit for PGA dependency.

Munson and Thurber (1997)

Pancha and Taber (1997)

Rhoades (1997)

Schmidt, Dahle, and Bungum (1997)

Youngs et al. (1997)

Ground-motion model for soil is: \[\begin{aligned} \ln \mathrm{PGA}&=&C_1^*+C_2 \mathbf{M} +C_3^* \ln \left[ r_{\mathrm{rup}}+\mathrm{e}^{C_4^*-\frac{C_2}{C_3^*} \mathbf{M}}\right] +C_5 Z_t+C_9H+C_{10}Z_{ss}\\ \mbox{with: }C_1^*&=&C_1+C_6Z_r\\ C_3^*&=&C_3+C_7Z_r\\ C_4^*&=&C_4+C_8Z_r\end{aligned}\] where \(\mathrm{PGA}\) is in \(\,\mathrm{g}\), \(C_1=-0.6687\), \(C_2=1.438\), \(C_3=-2.329\), \(C_4=\ln(1.097)\), \(C_5=0.3643\), \(C_9=0.00648\) and \(\sigma=1.45-0.1\mathbf{M}\) (other coefficients in equation not needed for prediction on deep soil and are not given in paper).

Ground-motion model for rock is: \[\begin{aligned} \ln \mathrm{PGA}&=&C_1^*+C_2 \mathbf{M} +C_3^* \ln \left[ r_{\mathrm{rup}}+\mathrm{e}^{C_4^*-\frac{C_2}{C_3^*}\mathbf{M}}\right] +C_5 Z_{ss}+C_8Z_t+C_9H\\ \mbox{with: }C_1^*&=&C_1+C_3C_4-C_3^*C_4^*\\ C_3^*&=&C_3+C_6Z_{ss}\\ C_4^*&=&C_4+C_7Z_{ss}\end{aligned}\] where \(\mathrm{PGA}\) is in \(\,\mathrm{g}\), \(C_1=0.2418\), \(C_2=1.414\), \(C_3=-2.552\), \(C_4=\ln(1.7818)\), \(C_8=0.3846\), \(C_9=0.00607\) and \(\sigma=1.45-0.1\mathbf{M}\) (other coefficients in equation not needed for prediction on rock and are not given in paper).

Use different models to force rock and soil accelerations to same level in near field.

Use three site categories to do regression but only report results for rock and deep soil:


Rock: Consists of at most about a metre of soil over weathered rock, 96 records.

Deep soil: Depth to bedrock is greater than \(20\,\mathrm{m}\), 284 records.

Shallow soil: Depth to bedrock is less than \(20\,\mathrm{m}\) and a significant velocity contrast may exist within \(30\,\mathrm{m}\) of surface, 96 records.

Use free-field recordings, i.e. instruments in basement or ground-floor of buildings less than four storeys in height. Data excluded if quality of time history poor or if portion of main shaking not recorded.

Consider tectonic type: interface (assumed to be thrust) (98 records) \(\Rightarrow Z_t=0\), intraslab (assumed to be normal) (66 records) \(\Rightarrow Z_t=1\)

Focal depths, \(H\), between \(10\) and \(229\,\mathrm{km}\)

Not enough data to perform individual regression on each subset so do joint regression analysis.

Both effect of depth and tectonic type significant.

Large differences between rock and deep soil.

Note differences between shallow crustal and interface earthquake primarily for very large earthquakes.

Assume uncertainty to be linear function of magnitude.

Zhao, Dowrick, and McVerry (1997)

Baag et al. (1998)

Bouhadad et al. (1998)

Costa, Suhadolc, and Panza (1998)

Manic (1998)

Reyes (1998)

Rinaldis et al. (1998)

Sadigh and Egan (1998)

Sarma and Srbulov (1998)

Sharma (1998)

Smit (1998)

N. P. Theodulidis (1998)

Theodulidis et al. (1998)

Cabañas et al. (1999), Cabañas et al. (2000), Benito et al. (2000) & Benito and Gaspar-Escribano (2007)

Chapman (1999)

Cousins, Zhao, and Perrin (1999)

Gallego and Ordaz (1999) & Gallego (2000)

Ólafsson and Sigbjörnsson (1999)

Si and Midorikawa (1999, 2000)

Spudich et al. (1999) & Spudich and Boore (2005)

Wang, Wu, and Bian (1999)

Zaré, Ghafory-Ashtiany, and Bard (1999)

N. Ambraseys and Douglas (2000), Douglas (2001b) & Ambraseys and Douglas (2003)

Bozorgnia, Campbell, and Niazi (2000)

Campbell and Bozorgnia (2000)

Field (2000)

Jain et al. (2000)

Kobayashi et al. (2000)

Monguilner, Ponti, and Pavoni (2000)

Paciello, Rinaldis, and Romeo (2000)

Sharma (2000)

P. Smit et al. (2000)

Takahashi et al. (2000)

G. Wang and Tao (2000)

S. Y. Wang and others (2000)

Chang, Cotton, and Angelier (2001)

Herak, Markus̆ić, and Ivančić (2001)

Lussou et al. (2001)

Sanchez and Jara (2001)

Wu, Shin, and Chang (2001)

Y.-H. Chen and Tsai (2002)

N. Gregor, Silva, and Darragh (2002)

Gülkan and Kalkan (2002)

Iglesias et al. (2002)

Khademi (2002)

Margaris et al. (2002a) & Margaris et al. (2002b)

Saini, Sharma, and Mukhopadhyay (2002)

Schwarz et al. (2002)

Stamatovska (2002)

Tromans and Bommer (2002)

Zonno and Montaldo (2002)

Alarcón (2003)

Alchalbi, Costa, and Suhadolc (2003)

Atkinson and Boore (2003)

Boatwright et al. (2003)

Bommer, Douglas, and Strasser (2003)

Campbell and Bozorgnia (2003d, 2003a, 2003b, 2003c) & Bozorgnia and Campbell (2004b)

Halldórsson and Sveinsson (2003)

Li and others (2003)

Nishimura and Horike (2003)

Shi and Shen (2003)

Sigbjörnsson and Ambraseys (2003)

Skarlatoudis et al. (2003)

Ulutaş and Özer (2003)

Zhao and others (2003)

Beauducel, Bazin, and Bengoubou-Valerius (2004)

Beyaz (2004)

Bragato (2004)

Cantavella et al. (2004)

Gupta and Gupta (2004)

Iyengar and Ghosh (2004)

Kalkan and Gülkan (2004a)

Kalkan and Gülkan (2004b) and Kalkan and Gülkan (2005)

Lubkowski et al. (2004)

Marin et al. (2004)

Midorikawa and Ohtake (2004)

Özbey et al. (2004)

Pankow and Pechmann (2004) and Pankow and Pechmann (2006)

Skarlatoudis et al. (2004)

Sunuwar, Cuadra, and Karkee (2004)

Ulusay et al. (2004)

Y.-X. Yu and Wang (2004)

Adnan et al. (2005)

N. N. Ambraseys et al. (2005a)

N. N. Ambraseys et al. (2005b)

Bragato (2005)

Bragato and Slejko (2005)

Frisenda et al. (2005)

Garcı́a et al. (2005)

Liu and Tsai (2005)

McGarr and Fletcher (2005)

Nath, Vyas, Pal, and Sengupta (2005)

Nowroozi (2005)

Ruiz and Saragoni (2005) & Saragoni, Astroza, and Ruiz (2004)

Takahashi et al. (2005), Zhao et al. (2006) and Fukushima et al. (2006)

Wald et al. (2005)

G. M. Atkinson (2006)

Beyer and Bommer (2006)

Bindi et al. (2006)

Campbell and Bozorgnia (2006a) and Campbell and Bozorgnia (2006b)

Costa et al. (2006)

Gómez-Soberón, Tena-Colunga, and Ordaz (2006)

Hernandez et al. (2006)

Jaimes, Reinoso, and Ordaz (2006)

Jean et al. (2006)

Kanno et al. (2006)

Kataoka et al. (2006)

Laouami et al. (2006)

Luzi et al. (2006)

Mahdavian (2006)

McVerry et al. (2006)

Moss and Der Kiureghian (2006)

Pousse et al. (2006)

Souriau (2006)

Tapia (2006) & Tapia, Susagna, and Goula (2007)

Tsai, Chen, and Liu (2006)

Zare and Sabzali (2006)

Akkar and Bommer (2007a)

Amiri, Mahdavian, and Dana (2007a) & Amiri, Mahdavian, and Dana (2007b)

Aydan (2007)

Bindi et al. (2007)

Bommer et al. (2007)

Boore and Atkinson (2007) & Boore and Atkinson (2008)

Campbell and Bozorgnia (2007), Campbell and Bozorgnia (2008b) & Campbell and Bozorgnia (2008a)

Danciu and Tselentis (2007a), Danciu and Tselentis (2007b) & Danciu (2006)

Douglas (2007)

S. Fukushima, Hayashi, and Yashiro (2007)

Graizer and Kalkan (2007, 2008)

Güllü and Erçelebi (2007)

Hong and Goda (2007) & Goda and Hong (2008)

Massa et al. (2007)

Popescu et al. (2007)

Sobhaninejad, Noorzad, and Ansari (2007)

Tavakoli and Pezeshk (2007)

Tejeda-Jácome and Chávez-Garcı́a (2007)

Abrahamson and Silva (2008) & Abrahamson and Silva (2009)

Ágústsson, orbjarnardóttir, and Vogfjör (2008)

Aghabarati and Tehranizadeh (2008)

Al-Qaryouti (2008)

C. Cauzzi and Faccioli (2008), C. V. Cauzzi (2008) & C. Cauzzi, Faccioli, Paolucci, et al. (2008)

L. Chen (2008)

B. S.-J. Chiou and Youngs (2008)

Cotton et al. (2008)

Güllü, Ansal, and Özbay (2008)

Humbert and Viallet (2008)

Idriss (2008)

Lin and Lee (2008)

Massa et al. (2008)

Mezcua, Garcı́a Blanco, and Rueda (2008)

Morasca et al. (2008)

Slejko et al. (2008)

Srinivasan et al. (2008)

Adnan and Suhatril (2009)

Aghabarati and Tehranizadeh (2009)

Akyol and Karagöz (2009)

Baruah et al. (2009)

Bindi, Luzi, and Pacor (2009)

Bindi, Luzi, et al. (2009)

Bragato (2009)

Cabalar and Cevik (2009)

Garcı̀a Blanco (2009)

Goda and Atkinson (2009)

H. P. Hong, Pozos-Estrada, and Gomez (2009)

H. P. Hong, Zhang, and Goda (2009)

Kuehn, Scherbaum, and Riggelsen (2009)

Li, Li, and Li (2009)

Mandal et al. (2009)

Moss (2009) & Moss (2011)

Pétursson and Vogfjörd (2009)

Rupakhety and Sigbjörnsson (2009)

Akkar and Bommer (2010)

Akkar and Çağnan (2010) & Çağnan, Akkar, and Gülkan (2011)

Arroyo et al. (2010)

Bindi et al. (2010)

Cua and Heaton (2010)

Douglas and Halldórsson (2010)

Faccioli, Bianchini, and Villani (2010)

Graizer, Kalkan, and Lin (2010) & Graizer, Kalkan, and Lin (2013)

Hong and Goda (2010)

Iervolino et al. (2010)

Jayaram and Baker (2010)

Montalva (2010) & Rodriguez-Marek et al. (2011)

Ornthammarath et al. (2010), Ornthammarath (2010) & Ornthammarath et al. (2011)

Sokolov et al. (2010)

Ulutaş and Özer (2010)

Alavi et al. (2011)

Anderson and Uchiyama (2011)

Arroyo and Ordaz (2011)

Beauducel et al. (2011)

Bindi, Pacor, et al. (2011)

Emolo, Convertito, and Cantore (2011)

Gehl, Bonilla, and Douglas (2011)

Joshi, Kumar, and Sinvhal (2011) & Joshi et al. (2012)

Kayabali and Beyaz (2011)

P.-S. Lin, Lee, et al. (2011)

Luzi et al. (2011)

Yilmaz (2011)

Yuen and Mu (2011)

Chang, Jean, and Loh (2012)

Contreras and Boroschek (2012)

Ground-motion model is: \[\begin{aligned} \log_{10}(Y)&=&C_1+C_2 M_w+C_3 H+C_4 R-g\log_{10}(R)+C_5 Z\\ R&=&\sqrt{R_{rup}^2+(C_6 10^{C_7 M_w})^2}\\ g&=&C_8+C_9 M_w\end{aligned}\] where \(Y\) is in \(\,\mathrm{g}\), \(C_1=-1.8559\), \(C_2=0.2549\), \(C_3=0.0111\), \(C_4=-0.0013\), \(C_5=0.3061\), \(C_6=0.0734\), \(C_7=0.3552\), \(C_8=1.5149\), \(C_9=-0.103\) and \(\sigma=0.2137\).

Use two site classes because of limited number of records:


\(V_{s,30}\geq 900\,\mathrm{m/s}\), Rock Quality Designation \(\geq 50\%\) or compressive strength \(q_u \geq 10\,\mathrm{MPa}\). 25 records. \(Z=0\)

Otherwise. 92 records. \(Z=1\) following the Chilean seismic code.

Focal depths (\(H\)) from \(18\) to \(53\,\mathrm{km}\).

Use data from 1985 to 2010 obtained from public databases and records from National Accelerograph Network.

Most records from SMA-1s or similar analogue instruments.

Most instruments on ground floor of 1-storey buildings (79 different stations).

Only use data from large interface earthquakes (9 mainshocks and 4 aftershocks). 8 events in north (including two in Peru) and 5 in central area of Chile.

Locations from Chilean Seismological Service and magnitudes from Global CMT.

Data well-distributed w.r.t. \(M_w\) and \(r_{rup}\).

Two events: 3/3/1985 and 27/2/2010 contribute 27 and 31 records, respectively; about half the data.

Estimate \(r_{rup}\) using CMT solutions and aftershock distributions assuming that rupture area generally smaller than aftershock area.

Filter (using acausal 4th-order Butterworth) based on visual inspection of Fourier amplitude spectra in log-log space. Generally use \(f_{max}\) of \(90\,\mathrm{Hz}\) for Nyquist of \(100\,\mathrm{Hz}\) and \(40\,\mathrm{Hz}\) for Nyquist of \(50\,\mathrm{Hz}\). Use iterative process to find \(f_{min}\) based on examination of displacements and displacement response spectra. Seek lowest \(f_{min}\) that preserves natural appearance in time domain and without obvious drift.

Coefficients \(C_6\), \(C_7\), \(C_8\) and \(C_9\) derived using algorithm to minimize mean residual for PGA from \(r_{rup}\leq 80\,\mathrm{km}\) (47 records). Fix these coefficients for other periods.

Compare predictions and observations for \(8.3 \leq M_w \leq 9.3\) and find good fit.

Plot total residuals w.r.t. distance and find no trends.

Convertito et al. (2012)

Cui et al. (2012)

Di Alessandro et al. (2012)

Gómez-Bernal, Lecea, and Juárez-Garcı́a (2012)

Hamzehloo and Mahood (2012)

Hung and Kiyomiya (2012)

Laouami and Slimani (2012)

Mohammadnejad et al. (2012)

Nabilah and Balendra (2012)

Nguyen et al. (2012)

Saffari et al. (2012)

Shah et al. (2012)

Abrahamson, Silva, and Kamai (2013, 2014)

Boore et al. (2013, 2014)

Campbell and Bozorgnia (2013, 2014)

Chiou and Youngs (2013, 2014)

Douglas et al. (2013)

Edwards and Douglas (2013)

Idriss (2013, 2014)

Joshi, Kumar, Castanos, et al. (2013)

Laurendeau et al. (2013)

Morikawa and Fujiwara (2013)

Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (2013)

Segou and Voulgaris (2013)

Sharma et al. (2013)

Skarlatoudis et al. (2013)

Villalobos-Escobar and Castro (2013)

Akkar, Sandıkkaya, and Bommer (2014a, 2014b)

Ansary (2014)

Bindi, Massa, et al. (2014b, 2014a)

Derras, Cotton, and Bard (2014)

Ghofrani and Atkinson (2014)

Gianniotis, Kuehn, and Scherbaum (2014)

Kurzon et al. (2014)

Luzi et al. (2014)

Rodrı́guez-Pérez (2014)

Vacareanu et al. (2014)

Atkinson (2015)

Breska, Perus, and Stankovski (2015)

C. Cauzzi, Faccioli, Vanini, et al. (2015) & C. Cauzzi and Faccioli (2018a, 2018b)

Emolo et al. (2015)

Graizer and Kalkan (2015) & Graizer and Kalkan (2016)

Haendel et al. (2015)

Jaimes, Ramirez-Gaytán, and Reinoso (2015)

Kale et al. (2015)

Kuehn and Scherbaum (2015)

Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (2015) — Al Noman and Cramer

Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (2015) — Graizer & Graizer (2016)

Vacareanu, Radulian, et al. (2015)

Vuorinen, Tiira, and Lund (2015)

Wan Ahmad et al. (2015)

Zhao et al. (2015)

Abrahamson, Gregor, and Addo (2016) & BC Hydro (2012)

Bozorgnia and Campbell (2016b)

Kaveh, Bakhshpoori, and Hamzeh-Ziabari (2016)

S. R. Kotha, Bindi, and Cotton (2016a, 2016b)

Kuehn and Scherbaum (2016)

Landwehr et al. (2016)

Lanzano et al. (2016)

Mu and Yuen (2016)

Noor et al. (2016) & Nazir et al. (2016)

Sedaghati and Pezeshk (2016)

Shoushtari, Adnan, and Zare (2016)

Stewart et al. (2016)

Sung and Lee (2016)

Tusa and Langer (2016)

Wang et al. (2016)

J. X. Zhao, Jiang, et al. (2016)

J. X. Zhao, Liang, et al. (2016)

J. X. Zhao, Zhou, et al. (2016)

Ameri et al. (2017)

Baltay, Hanks, and Abrahamson (2017)

Bindi et al. (2017)

Çağnan et al. (2017a, 2017b)

Derras, Bard, and Cotton (2017)

Garcı́a-Soto and Jaimes (2017)

Gülerce et al. (2017)

Idini et al. (2017)

Institute of Seismology at the University of Helsinki (2017) cited by Ader et al. (2019)

Kumar et al. (2017)

Liew et al. (2017)

G. A. Montalva, Bastı́as, and Rodriguez-Marek (2017b, 2017a, 2017c)

Oth, Miyake, and Bindi (2017)

Peruzza et al. (2017)

Sedaghati and Pezeshk (2017)

Shahidzadeh and Yazdani (2017)

Soghrat and Ziyaeifar (2017)

Zuccolo, Bozzoni, and Lai (2017)

Ameur, Derras, and Zendagui (2018)

Bajaj and Anbazhagan (2018)

Chousianitis et al. (2018)

M. D’Amico et al. (2018)

Erken, Nomaler, and Gündüz (2018)

Felicetta et al. (2018)

Javan-Emrooz, Eskandari-Ghadi, and Mirzaei (2018)

Ktenidou et al. (2018)

Laouami, Slimani, and Larbes (2018b, 2018a)

Mahani and Kao (2018)

Rahpeyma et al. (2018)

Sahakian et al. (2018)

Sharma and Convertito (2018)

Shoushtari, Adnan, and Zare (2018)

Wen et al. (2018)

Zafarani et al. (2018)

Darzi et al. (2019)

Farajpour, Pezeshk, and Zare (2019)

Huang and Galasso (2019)

Konovalov et al. (2019)

Lanzano, Luzi, Pacor, Felicetta, et al. (2019; Lanzano, Luzi, Pacor, Puglia, et al. 2019)

Laouami (2019)

Podili and Raghukanth (2019)

Stafford (2019)

Sung and Lee (2019)

Zolfaghari and Darzi (2019b)

Chao et al. (2020)

Cremen, Werner, and Baptie (2020)

Hu, Tan, and Zhao (2020)

Jaimes and Garcı́a-Soto (2020)

Kotha et al. (2020)

Kowsari et al. (2020)

Kuehn et al. (2020)

Lanzano and Luzi (2020)

Li et al. (2020)

Phung, Loh, Chao, and Abrahamson (2020)

Phung, Loh, Chao, Chiou, et al. (2020)

Ramkrishnan, Sreevalsa, and Sitharam (2020)

Tusa, Langer, and Azzaro (2020)

Abdelfattah et al. (2021)

Boore et al. (2021)

Gao, Chan, and Lee (2021)

Kumar et al. (2021)

Ramkrishnan, Sreevalsa, and Sitharam (2021)

General characteristics of GMPEs for PGA

Table [tab:pga] gives the general characteristics of published attenuation relations for peak ground acceleration. The columns are:

  1. Number of horizontal records (if both horizontal components are used then multiply by two to get total number)

  2. Number of vertical components

  3. Number of earthquakes

  4. Magnitude of smallest earthquake

  5. Magnitude of largest earthquake

  6. Magnitude scale (scales in brackets refer to those scales which the main \(M\) values were sometimes converted from, or used without conversion, when no data existed), where:

    1. Intermediate spectral magnitude (S.-Z. Chen and Atkinson 2002)

    2. Body-wave magnitude

    3. Chinese surface wave magnitude

    4. Coda length magnitude

    5. Duration magnitude

    6. Japanese Meteorological Agency magnitude

    7. Local magnitude

    8. Local moment magnitude reported by the Icelandic Meterological Office

    9. Magnitude calculated using Lg amplitudes on short-period vertical seismographs

    10. Surface-wave magnitude

    11. Moment magnitude

  7. Shortest source-to-site distance

  8. Longest source-to-site distance

  9. Distance metric, where (when available the de facto standard abbreviations of Abrahamson and Shedlock (1997) are used):

    1. Distance to rupture centroid

    2. Epicentral distance

    3. Distance to energy centre

    4. Distance to projection of rupture plane on surface (Joyner and Boore 1981)

    5. Hypocentral (or focal) distance

    6. Equivalent hypocentral distance (EHD) (Ohno et al. 1993)

    7. Distance to rupture plane

    8. Distance to seismogenic rupture plane (assumes near-surface rupture in sediments is non-seismogenic) (Campbell 1997)

  10. Number of different site conditions modelled, where:

    1. Continuous classification

    2. Individual classification for each site

  11. Use of the two horizontal components of each accelerogram [see Beyer and Bommer (2006)], where:

    1. Principal 1

    2. Principal 2

    3. Arithmetic mean

    4. Both components

    5. Randomly chosen component

    6. \(\mathrm{GMrotD50}\) (Boore, Watson-Lamprey, and Abrahamson 2006).

    7. East-west direction.

    8. Geometric mean

    9. \(\mathrm{GMrotI50}\) (Boore, Watson-Lamprey, and Abrahamson 2006).

    10. Larger component

    11. Largest of all 3 components (including vertical)

    12. Mean (not stated what type)

    13. Fault normal

    14. Randomly oriented component

    15. Fault parallel

    16. Quadratic mean, \(\sqrt{(a_1^2+a_2^2)/2}\), where \(a_1\) and \(a_2\) are the two components (Hong and Goda 2007)

    17. Resolved component

    18. \(\sqrt{(a_1+a_2)/2}\), where \(a_1\) and \(a_2\) are the two components (Reyes 1998)

    19. Unknown

    20. Vectorially-resolved component, i.e. square root of sum of squares of the two components

    21. Vectorially-resolved component including vertical, i.e. square root of sum of squares of the three components

  12. Regression method used, where:

    1. Ordinary one-stage

    2. Bayesian one-stage (Ordaz, Singh, and Arciniega 1994)

    3. Maximum likelihood one-stage or random-effects (Abrahamson and Youngs 1992; Joyner and Boore 1993)

    4. Weighted one-stage

    5. Weighted maximum-likelihood one-stage

    6. Two-stage (Joyner and Boore 1981)

    7. Maximum likelihood two-stage (Joyner and Boore 1993)

    8. Two-stage with second staged weighted as described in Joyner and Boore (1988)

    9. Other (see section referring to study)

    10. Unknown (often probably ordinary one-stage regression)

  13. Source mechanisms (and tectonic type) of earthquakes (letters in brackets refer to those mechanism that are separately modelled), where:

    1. All (this is assumed if no information is given in the reference)

    2. Aftershock

    3. Interslab

    4. Shallow crustal

    5. Gas extraction

    6. Interface

    7. Geothermal-related

    8. Hanging wall

    9. Intraplate

    10. Mining-induced

    11. Normal

    12. Oblique or odd (Frohlich and Apperson 1992)

    13. Reverse

    14. Strike-slip

    15. Thrust

    16. Unspecified

    17. Upper mantle

    18. Volcanic

    19. Wastewater disposal

‘+’ refers to extra records from outside region used to supplement data. (…) refer either to magnitudes of supplementing records or to those used for part of analysis. * means information is approximate because either read from graph or found in another way.

Reference Area H V E \(M_{\mathrm{min}}\) \(M_{\mathrm{max}}\) \(M\) scale \(r_{\mathrm{min}}\) \(r_{\mathrm{max}}\) \(r\) scale S C R M
Reference Area H V E \(M_{\mathrm{min}}\) \(M_{\mathrm{max}}\) \(M\) scale \(r_{\mathrm{min}}\) \(r_{\mathrm{max}}\) \(r\) scale S C R M
Esteva and Rosenblueth (1964) W. USA 46* - U U U U 15* 450* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U U A
Kanai (1966) California & Japan U - U U U U U U \(r_{rup}\) C U U A
Milne and Davenport (1969) W. USA U - U U U U U U \(r_{epi}\) 1 U U A
Esteva (1970) W. USA U - U U U U 15* 500* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U U A
Denham and Small (1971) Yonki, New Guinea 8 - 8 U U \(M_L\)66 U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U U A
Davenport (1972) Unknown U - U U U U U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U U A
Denham, Small, and Everingham (1973) Papua New Guinea 25 - 25 5.2 8.0 \(M_L\) 80* 300 U 1 U 1 A
Donovan (1973) Mostly W. USA but 100+ foreign 678 - U \(<\)5 \(>\)8 U 3* 450* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U U A
Esteva and Villaverde (1973) & Esteva (1974) W. USA U - U U U U 15* 150* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 B U A
Katayama (1974) Japan 330 - 46 5.1 7.8 U67 U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 A 1 A
McGuire (1974) & McGuire (1977) W. USA 34 - 22 5.3 7.6 \(M_L\) 14 125 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 B U A
Orphal and Lahoud (1974) California 140 - 31 4.1 7.0 \(M_L\) 15 350 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U O A
Ahorner and Rosenhauer (1975) Worldwide U - U U U U U U U U U U A
N. N. Ambraseys (1975), N. Ambraseys (1975) & N. N. Ambraseys (1978a) Europe 58 - U68 3.5 5.0 \(M_L\) 5 35 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U69 U A
Shah and Movassate (1975) Worldwide U - U U U U U U U U U U A
Trifunac and Brady (1975a),Trifunac (1976a) & Trifunac and Brady (1976) W. USA 181 181 57 3.8 7.7 Mostly \(M_L\) 670* 40071* \(r_{epi}\) 3 B O A
Blume (1977) California & W. Nevada 79572 - U U U \(M_L\) U U \(r_{hypo}\) 2 (1) B U A
Gürpinar (1977) California 64, 34, 13 - U U U \(M_L\) 28* 70* \(r_{hypo}\) 3 B 1 A
Milne (1977) W. USA 200* - U 3.5 7.7 U 1 380 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U U A
Saeki, Katayama, and Iwasaki (1977) Japan 298 - U U U U73 U U \(r_{epi}\) 4 U 1 A
N. N. Ambraseys (1978b) Europe & Middle East 162 - U 3.0* 6.6 \(m_b\) 0* 30* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 L O A
Donovan and Bornstein (1978) W. USA 59 - 10 5.0 7.7 U74 0.1 321 \(r_E\), \(r_{rup}\) and \(r_{hypo}\) 1 B O A
Faccioli (1978) Mostly W. USA & Japan, some foreign 4775 - 23 4.9 7.8 U76 15 342 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 B U A
Goto et al. (1978) Japan 45 - U U U U77 U U \(r_{epi}\) 1 U 1 A
R. K. McGuire (1978b) W. USA 70 - 17+* 4.5* 7.7 U78 11* 210* \(r_{hypo}\) 2 B U A
A. Patwardhan et al. (1978)79 Worldwide 63 (32) - 25 (23) 4 (5.3) 7.7 (7.8) \(M_s\) U U \(r_{rup}\) 2 B U A
Cornell, Banon, and Shakal (1979) W. USA 70 - U U U \(M_L\) U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 C U A
Faccioli (1979) Friuli, Italy 1980 - 5* 3.7 6.3 \(M_L\) 10* 30* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 B 1 A
Faccioli and Agalbato (1979) Friuli, Italy 66 52 14 3.7 6.3 \(M_L\) 5 (\(r_{epi}\)) 190 (\(r_{epi}\)) \(r_{hypo}\) 2 B 1 A
Aptikaev and Kopnichev (1980) Worldwide Many 100s - (70*) U (59) U U U U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U U A (T, TS, S, SN, N)81
Blume (1980) W. USA 816 - U 2.1 7.6 U 0 449 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 B 1, O A
Iwasaki, Kawashima, and Saeki (1980) Japan 301 - 51 \(>\)5.0 \(<\)7.9 \(M_L\)82 \(<\)20 \(>\)200 \(r_{epi}\) 4 U 1 A
Matuschka (1980) New Zealand 61 - U 4.5* U U U 120 \(d_{hypo}\) U U 1 A
Ohsaki, Watabe, and Tohdo (1980) Japan 75 75 U 4 7.4 U 6 500 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U 1 A
TERA Corporation (1980) W. USA+7 foreign 96 - 22 4.0 7.7 \(M_s\) (\(M_L\)) 0.08 47.00 \(r_{rup}\) 1 B O A
Campbell (1981) W. USA+8 foreign 116 - 27 5.0 7.7 \(M_L\) for \(M<6.0\) and \(M_s\) otherwise 0.08 47.7 \(r_{rup}\) 1 M O A
Chiaruttini and Siro (1981) Europe & Mid. East 224 - 117 2.7 7.8 \(M_L\) (\(m_b\)) 3 480 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 L 1 A
Goto, Kameda, and Sugito (1981) Japan 84 - 28 4.3* 7.8* U83 11* 300* \(r_{epi}\) 1, C L 1 A
Joyner and Boore (1981) W. N. America 182 - 23 5.0 7.7 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0.5 370 \(r_{jb}\) 2 L 2 A
Bolt and Abrahamson (1982) W. N. America 182 - 23 5.0 7.7 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0.5 370 \(r_{jb}\) 1 L O A
Joyner and Boore (1982b) & Joyner and Boore (1988) W. N. America 182 - 23 5.0 7.7 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0.5 370 \(r_{jb}\) 2 L 2 A
PML (1982) Europe + USA + others 113 - 32 4.3 8 \(M_s\) 0.1 330 \(r_{hypo}\) or \(r_{rup}\) 1 U U A
Schenk (1982) Unknown 3500 - U 2.5 6.5 \(M_s\) 2 600 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U O A
Brillinger and Preisler (1984) W. N. America 182 - 23 5.0 7.7 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0.5 370 \(r_{jb}\) 2 L 1M A
Campbell (1984) & K.W. Campbell (1988)84 Worldwide U - U \(\geq\) 5 U \(M_L\) for \(M<6.0\) and \(M_s\) otherwise U \(<\)50 \(r_{seis}\) 2 M U A (S, R)
Joyner and Fumal (1984) and Joyner and Fumal (1985) W. N. America 182 - 23 5.0 7.7 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0.5 370 \(r_{jb}\) C L 2 A
Kawashima, Aizawa, and Takahashi (1984) & Kawashima, Aizawa, and Takahashi (1986) Japan 197 - 90 5.0 7.9 \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) 5* 550* \(r_{epi}\) 3 R 1 A
McCann Jr. and Echezwia (1984) N. America + foreign 83 - 18 \(5.0+\) U \(M_w\) U U \(r_{rup}\) 1 U O A
Schenk (1984) Unknown 3500 - U 2.5 6.5 U 2 600 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U O A
Xu, Shen, and Hong (1984) N. China 19 - 10 4.5 7.8 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\) for \(M<6.0\), \(M_s\) for \(M\geq 6.0\)) 10.1 157 \(r_{epi}\) 1 L 1 A
Brillinger and Preisler (1985) W. N. America 182 - 23 5.0 7.7 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0.5 370 \(r_{jb}\) 2 L 1M A
Kawashima, Aizawa, and Takahashi (1985) Japan - 119 90* 5.0* 7.5* \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) 5* 500* \(r_{epi}\) 3 - 1 A
Makropoulos and Burton (1985) & Makropoulos (1978) Worldwide U - U U U U U U U U U U A
K.-Z. Peng, Wu, and Song (1985) N.E. China 73 - 20 3.7 7.8 \(M_C\) 2 442.5 \(r_{epi}\) 1 U 1 A
K. Peng et al. (1985) Tangshan region, China 93 87 19 2.9 5.3 \(M_L\) 2* 50* \(r_{epi}\) 1 L 2 A
PML (1985) USA + Europe + others 203 - 46 3.1 6.9 \(M_s\) 0.1 40 \(r_{rup}\) 1 U U A (S, T)
McCue (1986) E. Australia U - U 1.7 5.4 \(M_L\) 2.5 134 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U U A
C.B. Crouse (1987)85 S. California U - U U U \(M_s\) U U \(r_{rup}\) 1 B U A
Krinitzsky, Chang, and Nuttli (1987) & Krinitzsky, Chang, and Nuttli (1988) Plate boundaries86 38987 - U 5.0* 7.4*88 \(M\)89 7*90 200*91 \(r_{hypo}\)92 2 B O A
Sabetta and Pugliese (1987) Italy 95 - 17 4.6 6.8 \(M_s\) for \(M \geq 5.5\), \(M_L\) otherwise 1.5, 1.5 179, 180 Both \(r_{jb}\) & \(r_{epi}\) 2 L 1 A
K. Sadigh (1987)93 W. USA + others U - U U U \(M_w\) U U \(r_{rup}\) 2 B U A (S, R)
Singh et al. (1987) Mexico 16 - 16 5.6 8.1 \(M_s\) 282 466 \(r_{rup}\) 1 U 1 A
Algermissen, Hansen, and Thenhaus (1988) Vicinity of San Salvador 82 - U U U \(M_s\) U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 M U A
Annaka and Nozawa (1988) Japan U - 45 U U U U U U 1 U 1 A
Fukushima, Tanaka, and Kataoka (1988) & Fukushima and Tanaka (1990) Japan+200 W. USA 486+200 - 28+15 4.6(5.0) 8.2(7.7) \(M_s\) (\(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\)) 16 (0.1) 303 (48) \(r_{hypo}\), \(r_{rup}\) for 2 Japanese & all US 4 G 2 A
Gaull (1988) S.W. W. Australia 25+ - 12+ 2.6 6.9 \(M_L\) 2.5 175 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U O A
Joyner and Boore (1988) W. N. America 182 - 23 5.0 7.7 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0.5 370 \(r_{jb}\) 2 L, O 2W A
McCue, Gibson, and Wesson (1988) S.E. Australia 62 - U 0.5* 6* \(M_L\) 5* 833 \(r_{epi}\) 1 U O A
Petrovski and Marcellini (1988) Europe 120 120 46 3 7 U 8 200 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 L 1 A
PML (1988)94 USA + Europe + others 162 124 30* 3.0* \(\geq\) 7.0 \(M_s\) 10* \(\geq\) 150 \(r_{hypo}\) 3 L, V 1 A
Tong and Katayama (1988) Kanto (Japan) \(<\)227 - \(<\)27 4.5* 7.9* U 10* 750* \(r_{epi}\) C L O A
Yamabe and Kanai (1988) Japan U - 22 5.3 7.9 U U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U O A
Youngs, Day, and Stevens (1988) Worldwide subduction zones 197+389 - 60 5 8.1 (8.2)95 \(M_w\) (\(M_s\), \(m_b\)) 15* (20*) 450* (450*) \(r_{rup}\), \(r_{hypo}\) for \(M_w\lesssim 7.5\) 1 G 1W A (B,F)
Abrahamson and Litehiser (1989) \(75\%+\) California, rest foreign 585 585 76 5.0 8.1 \(M_s\) for \(M_s\geq6.0\), \(M_L\) (\(m_b\)) otherwise 0.08 400 \(r_{rup}\) 1 L O A (R & RO, I)
Campbell (1989) W. N. America + 3 from Managua 190 - 91 2.9 5.0 \(M_L\) 0.6 18.3 \(r_{epi}\) 1 M O A
Huo (1989) W. USA & S. China U - U U U U U U U 1 G 1 A
Ordaz, Jara, and Singh (1989) Guerrero, Mexico U - U U U U U U U U U U A
Alfaro, Kiremidjian, and White (1990) Guatemala, Nicaragua & El Salvador 20 - 12 4.1 7.5 \(M_s\) 1 27 \(r_{epi}\) 1 L U A
Ambraseys (1990) W. N. America 182 - 23 5.03 7.7 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0.5 370 \(r_{jb}\) 2 L 2 A
Campbell (1990) Unknown U - U U U \(M_L\) for \(M<6\), \(M_s\) for \(M\geq 6\) U U \(r_{seis}\) 1 U U A
Dahle, Bungum, and Kvamme (1990) & Dahle, Bugum, and Kvamme (1990) Worldwide intraplate regions 87 - 56 2.9 7.8 \(M_s\) (\(M_L\), \(m_b\), \(M_{CL}\)) 6 1300 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 L 2 A
Jacob et al. (1990) E. N. America U - 8 1.8 6.4 \(m_b\) \(\leq 20\) 820 U96 1 U O A
Sen (1990) Whittier Narrows area 72* - 11 2.2 3.5 \(M_L\) 12* 21* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U 1M A (T)
Sigbjörnsson (1990) Iceland U - U U 5.897 U U U \(r_{jb}\) 1 U U A
Tsai, Brady, and Cluff (1990) Worldwide \(<\)217 - \(<\)51 4.9* 7.4 \(M_w\) 3* 150* \(r_{rup}\) 1 M U T (S,O)
Ambraseys and Bommer (1991) & N. N. Ambraseys and Bommer (1992) Europe & Mid. East 529 459 H:219, V:191 4 7.34 \(M_s\) 1 H:313, V:214 \(r_{jb}\) for \(M_s\gtrsim6.0\), \(r_{epi}\) otherwise 1 L 1, 2 A
Crouse (1991) Worldwide subduction zones 69798 - U 4.8 8.2 \(M_w\) (\(M_s\), \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\)) \(>\)8 \(>\)866 \(r_E\), \(r_{hypo}\) for \(M<7.5\) 1 B 1 A
Garcı̀a-Fernàndez and Canas (1991) & Garcia-Fernandez and Canas (1995) Iberia99 57 367 U 3.1 5.0 \(m_{bLg}\) U U \(r_{epi}\) 1 - 1 A
Geomatrix Consultants (1991), Sadigh et al. (1993) & Sadigh et al. (1997) California with 4 foreign 960+4 U 119+2 3.8 (6.8) 7.4 (7.4) \(M_w\) 0.1 (3) 305 (172)100 \(r_{rup}\) for some, \(r_{hypo}\) for small ones 2 G U A(R,S)
Huo and Hu (1991) W. USA with 25 foreign 383+25 - 14+2 5.0 7.4 (7.3) \(M_L\) or \(m_b\) for \(M<6.0\) and \(M_s\) otherwise 0.1 227 (265) \(r_{jb}\) 2 B O A
I.M. Idriss (1991) reported in Idriss (1993) Unknown 572 - 30* 4.6 7.4 \(M_L\) for \(M<6\), \(M_s\) for \(M\geq 6\) 1 100 \(r_{rup}\), \(r_{hypo}\) for \(M<6\) 1 U U A
Loh et al. (1991) Taiwan 112 - 63 4.0 7.1 \(M_L\) 5.0 178.3 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 L U A
Matuschka and Davis (1991) New Zealand 80 80 30 U U U U U U 3 B U A
Niazi and Bozorgnia (1991) array, Taiwan 236 234 12 3.6 7.8 \(M_L\) (\(M_D\)) for \(M_L<6.6\), else \(M_s\) 3.1101 119.7 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 M 2W A
Rogers et al. (1991) Worldwide 1241 - 180* 5.3* 8.1* \(M_L\) for \(M\leq 6\), \(M_s\) for \(6<M<8\) and \(M_w\) for \(M\geq 8\) 4* 400* \(r_{rup}\) if have, \(r_{hypo}\) otherwise 6 L 1 A
Stamatovska and Petrovski (1991) Mainly Italy and former Yugoslavia 489102 - 78 3* 8* \(M_L\) 10* 500* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 B 1 A
Abrahamson and Youngs (1992) Unknown U - U U U U U U U 1 U 1M A (U, U)
N. N. Ambraseys, Bommer, and Sarma (1992) USA + Europe + others 504 - 45 3.1 6.87 \(M_s\) 0.5 39 \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) for some 1 L 1 A
J. Huo and Hu (1992) China & W. USA U - U U U \(M_s\) U U \(r_{jb}\) 1 U 1 A
Kamiyama, O’Rourke, and Flores-Berrones (1992) & Kamiyama (1995) Japan 357 - 82 4.1 7.9 \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) 3.4 413.3 \(r_{hypo}\) I B O A
Sigbjörnsson and Baldvinsson (1992) Iceland 262 - 39 2.0 6.0 U 2 80 \(r_{jb}\) 2 B,L 2 A
Silva and Abrahamson (1992) W. USA with 4 foreign 136 - 12 6.1 7.4 \(M_w\) 3* 100* \(r_{seis}\) 2 G 1M A (S,R)
Taylor Castillo et al. (1992) Nicaragua, El Salvador & Costa Rica 89 - 27 3.0 7.6 \(M_s\) 6 210 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 L U A
Tento, Franceschina, and Marcellini (1992) Italy 137 - 40 4 6.6 \(M_L\) 3.2 170 \(r_{jb}\) for \(M_L \geq 5.7\), \(r_{epi}\) otherwise 1 L 2 A
Theodulidis and Papazachos (1992) Greece+16 foreign 105+16103 - 36+4 4.5 (7.2) 7.0 (7.5) \(M_s\), \(M_w\), \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) 1 (48) 128 (236) \(r_{epi}\) 2 B O A
Abrahamson and Silva (1993) W. USA with 4 foreign 201 - 18 6.0 7.4 \(M_w\) 0.6* 100* \(r_{rup}\) 2 G 1M A (S, R)
Boore, Joyner, and Fumal (1993), Boore, Joyner, and Fumal (1997) & Boore (2005) W. N. America 271 - 20 5.1104 7.7 \(M_w\) 0 118.2 \(r_{jb}\) 3 L, G 2M A
Campbell (1993) Worldwide U - U U105 U \(M_L\) for \(M<6.0\) and \(M_s\) otherwise U U106 \(r_{seis}\) 2 M O A (T,S)
Dowrick and Sritharan (1993) New Zealand U - 8 U U U U U \(r_{jb}\) U U 1 A
Gitterman, Zaslavsky, and Shapira (1993) Israel U - U 3.9 5.1 \(M_L\) U U \(r_{epi}\) 1 U U A
McVerry et al. (1993) & McVerry, Dowrick, and Zhao (1995) New Zealand 256 - 31* 5.1 7.3 \(M_w\) 13 312 \(r_c\) or \(r_{hypo}\) 1 L 1 A, R
Midorikawa (1993a) Japan U - U 6.5 7.8 \(M_w\) U U \(r_{rup}\) 1 G 1 A
Quijada et al. (1993) S. America U - U U U U U U U U U U A
Singh et al. (1993) Nicaragua, El Salvador & Costa Rica 89 - 27 3.0 7.6 \(M_s\) 6 210 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 V O A
Steinberg et al. (1993) Worldwide U - U U 5* U U U \(r_{epi}\) 1 U 1 A
Sun and Peng (1993) W. USA with 1 foreign 150+1 - 42+1 4.1 7.7 \(M_L\) for \(M<6\), else \(M_s\) 2* 150* \(r_{epi}\) C R 1 A
Ambraseys and Srbulov (1994) Worldwide 947 - 76 5.0 7.7 \(M_s\) 1 375 \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) 1 L 2W A
Boore, Joyner, and Fumal (1994a) & Boore, Joyner, and Fumal (1997) W. N. America 271 (70) - 20 (9) 5.1107 (5.3) 7.7 (7.4) \(M_w\) 0 118.2 (109) \(r_{jb}\) C L, G 1M, 2M A (R,S)108
El Hassan (1994) Unknown U - U U U \(M_L\) U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U 1 A
Fat-Helbary and Ohta (1994) Aswan, Egypt 50 - 50 U U \(m_b\) U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U 1 A
Fukushima, Gariel, and Tanaka (1994) & Fukushima, Gariel, and Tanaka (1995) 3 vertical arrays in Japan 285 284 42 5.0 7.7 \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) 60* 400* \(r_{hypo}\) I B 1,2 A
Lawson and Krawinkler (1994) W. USA 250+ - 11 5.8 7.4 \(M_w\) U 100 \(r_{jb}\) 3 U 1M A
Lungu et al. (1994) Romania \(\approx 300\) 125 4 6.3 7.4 \(M_w\) U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U 1 A
Musson, Marrow, and Winter (1994) UK + 30* foreign 15 + 30* - 4+16 3 (3.7) 3.5 (6.4) \(M_L\) 70* (\(>\)1.3) \(>\)477.4 (200*) \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U109 O A
Radu et al. (1994), Lungu, Coman, and Moldoveanu (1995) & Lungu et al. (1996) Romania 106 - 3 6.7(\(M_L\)) or 7.0(\(M_w\)) 7.2(\(M_L\)) or 7.5(\(M_w\)) U110 90* 320* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 L 1 A
Ramazi and Schenk (1994) Iran 83 83 20 5.1 7.7 \(M_s\)111 \(\leq 8\) \(\geq 180\) \(r_{hypo}\) for most, \(r_{rup}\) for 19112 2 U U A
Xiang and Gao (1994) Yunnan, China + 114 W. N. America 131+114 - U 2.5* 7.6* \(M_s\) (\(M_L\)) 2* 120* \(r_{epi}\) 1 L U A
Aman, Singh, and Singh (1995) Himalayan region 84* - 5 5.7 7.2 \(M_B\) 3* 350* \(r_{epi}\) 1 U U A
N. N. Ambraseys (1995) Europe and Mid. East 830 620 334 4.0 7.3 \(M_s\) 0* 260* \(r_{jb}\) for \(M_s>6.0\), \(r_{epi}\) otherwise 1 L 2W A
Dahle et al. (1995) Cen. America 280 - 72 3* 8* \(M_w\) (\(M_s\), \(m_b\),\(M_D\)) 6* 490* \(r_{hypo}\) 2 L 1B A
V. W. Lee, Trifunac, Todorovska, et al. (1995) W. N. America 1926 1926 297 1.7 7.7 Usually \(M_L\) for \(M\leq 6.5\) and \(M_s\) for \(M>6.5\) 2 200+ \(r_{hypo}\) 9, 3 \(\times\) C U 1 A
Lungu et al. (1995) Romania 106 - 3 6.7(\(M_L\)) or 7.0(\(M_w\)) 7.2(\(M_L\)) or 7.5(\(M_w\)) U113 U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 L 1 A
Molas and Yamazaki (1995) Japan 2166 - 387 4.1* 7.8* \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) 8* 1000* \(r_{rup}\) for 2 earthquakes, \(r_{hypo}\) otherwise I L O A
Sarma and Free (1995) E. N. America114 77 - 33 2.8 5.9 \(M_w\) (\(m_b\), \(M_L\), \(M_s\)) 0 820 \(r_{jb}\) or \(r_{epi}\) 2 U 1 A
N. N. Ambraseys, Simpson, and Bommer (1996) & Simpson (1996) Europe & Mid. East 422 - 157 4.0 7.9 \(M_s\) (unspecified) 0 260 \(r_{jb}\) for \(M_s>6.0\), \(r_{epi}\) otherwise 3 L 2W115 A
N. N. Ambraseys and Simpson (1996) & Simpson (1996) Europe & Mid. East - 417 157 4.0 7.9 \(M_s\) (unspecified) 0 260 \(r_{jb}\) for \(M>6.0\), \(r_{epi}\) otherwise 3 - 2W116 A
Aydan, Sedaki, and Yarar (1996) & Aydan (2001) Turkey 27* 23* 19* 3.5* 7.6* \(M_s\) 10* 350* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U 1 A
Bommer et al. (1996) El Salvador & Nicaragua 36 - 20 3.7 7.0 \(M_s\) 62 260 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 L U A
Crouse and McGuire (1996) Cen. & S. California 238 - 16 6.0 7.7 \(M_s\) 0.1 211 \(r_{rup}\) 4 G 1W R,S (R,S)
Free (1996) & Free, Ambraseys, and Sarma (1998) Stable continental regions 558 478 H: 222, V: 189 1.5 6.8 \(M_w\) 0 820 \(r_{jb}\) for some, \(r_{epi}\) for most 2 L 1 A
Inan et al. (1996) Turkey U - U U U U U U \(r_{epi}\) 1 U U A
Ohno et al. (1996) California 248 - 17 5.0 7.5 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 7.2 99.6 \(r_q\) for \(M>5.3\), \(r_{hypo}\) otherwise 2 B 2M A
Romeo, Tranfaglia, and Castenetto (1996) Italy 95 - 17 4.6* 6.8* \(M_w\) 1.5, 1.5 179, 180 Both \(r_{jb}\) & \(r_{epi}\) 2 L 1 A
Sarma and Srbulov (1996) Worldwide 350 - 114 3.9 7.7 \(M_s\) 1 213 \(r_{jb}\) & \(r_{epi}\) 1 B, L U A
Singh, Aman, and Prasad (1996) Himalayas 86 - 5 5.7 7.2 \(m_b\) 33.15 340.97 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U 1 A
Spudich et al. (1996) & Spudich et al. (1997) Worldwide extensional regimes 128 - 30 5.10 6.90 \(M_w\) 0 102.1 \(r_{jb}\) 2 G, O 2M NS
Stamatovska and Petrovski (1996) Romania, Bulgaria & former Yugoslavia 190117 - 4 6.1 7.2 \(M_L\)118 10* 310* \(r_{epi}\) 1 B 1 A
Ansal (1997) Turkey U - U U U \(M_w\) U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U U A
Campbell (1997), Campbell (2000), Campbell (2001) & Campbell and Bozorgnia (1994) Worldwide 645 225 H:47, V:26 4.7 H:8.0, V:8.1 \(M_w\) 3 60 \(r_{seis}\) 3 G 1 A(S,R,N)
Munson and Thurber (1997) Hawaii 51 - 22 4.0 7.2 \(M_s\) for \(M_s \geq 6.1\), \(M_L\) otherwise 0 88 \(r_{jb}\) 2 L 2M A
Pancha and Taber (1997) New Zealand U - U U U U U U U 1 U 2 A
Rhoades (1997) W. N. America 182 - 23 5.0 7.7 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0.5 370 \(r_{jb}\) 1 L O A
Schmidt, Dahle, and Bungum (1997) Costa Rica 200 - 57 3.3 7.6 \(M_w\) (\(M_s\), \(m_b\), \(M_D\)) 6.1 182.1 \(r_{hypo}\) 3 L, B O A
Youngs et al. (1997) Worldwide subduction zones 476 - 164 5.0 8.2 \(M_w\) (\(M_s\),\(m_b\)) 8.5 550.9 \(r_{rup}\), \(r_{hypo}\) for some 2 G 1M NT
Zhao, Dowrick, and McVerry (1997) NZ with 66 foreign 461119+66 - 49+17 5.08 7.23(7.41) \(M_w\) 11 (0.1) 573 (10) \(r_{rup}\) for some, \(r_c\) for most 2 U 1 A(R)
Baag et al. (1998) Korea U - U U U U U U \(r_{epi}\) 1 U U A
Bouhadad et al. (1998) Algeria U - 2 5.6 6.1 \(M_s\) 20 70 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 L, M 1 A
Costa, Suhadolc, and Panza (1998) Friuli 80* 80* 20* 1.3* 4.3* \(M_D\) 3* 66* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U 1 A
Manic (1998) N.W. Balkans 276120 - 56 4 7 \(M_s\) U U \(r_{hypo}\) 2 B 1 A
Reyes (1998) University City, Mexico City 20+ - 20+ U U \(M_w\) U U \(r_{rup}\) I S U A
Rinaldis et al. (1998) Italy & Greece 137* - 24* 4.5 7 \(M_s\) or \(M_w\) 7 138 \(r_{epi}\) 2 U O A (N,ST)
Sadigh and Egan (1998) California with 4 foreign 960+4 - 119+2 3.8 7.4 \(M_w\) 0.1 305121 \(r_{rup}\) for some, \(r_{hypo}\) for small ones 2 G U A(R,SN)
Sarma and Srbulov (1998) Worldwide 690122 - 113 3.9 7.7 \(M_s\) (U) 0 197 \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) 2 B 1 A
Sharma (1998) Indian Himalayas 66 - 5 5.5 6.6 U 8 248 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 L 1W A
Smit (1998) Switzerland + some from S. Germany \(\ll\) 1546 \(<\)1546 H: \(<\)120, V: 120 2.0 5.1 \(M_L\) 1 290 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U 2 A
N. P. Theodulidis (1998) EuroSeisTest (N. Greece) 225 - 51 1.7 5.1 \(M_w\) 8 88 \(r_{hypo}\), \(r_{epi}\) 1 B 1 A
Theodulidis et al. (1998) Kozani-Grevena (Greece) 232123 - \(>\)23 3.1 6.6 \(M_w\) 1 140* \(r_{epi}\) 1 B O A
Cabañas et al. (1999), Cabañas et al. (2000), Benito et al. (2000) & Benito and Gaspar-Escribano (2007) Mediterranean region124 U U U 2.5 7.0 \(M_s\)125 0 250 \(r_{epi}\)126 4 L 1 A
Chapman (1999) W. N. America 304 - 23 5.0 7.7 \(M_w\) 0.1 189.4 \(r_{jb}\) 3 G 2M A
Cousins, Zhao, and Perrin (1999) NZ with 66 foreign 610+66 - 25+17 5.17 7.09(7.41) \(M_w\) 0.1 400 \(r_{rup}\) for some, \(r_c\) for most 3 U U A(R)
Gallego and Ordaz (1999) & Gallego (2000) Colombia U - U U U U U U U U U U A
Ólafsson and Sigbjörnsson (1999) Iceland 88127 - 17 3.4 5.9 \(M_w\)128 2 112 \(r_{epi}\) 1 B 1 A
Spudich et al. (1999) Worldwide extensional regimes 142 - 39 5.1 7.2 \(M_w\) 0 99.4 \(r_{jb}\) 2 G, O 1M NS
Wang, Wu, and Bian (1999) Tangshan, N. China 44 - 6 3.7 4.9 \(M_s\) (\(M_L\)) 2.1 41.3 \(r_{epi}\) 1 L 1 A
Zaré, Ghafory-Ashtiany, and Bard (1999) Iran 468 468 47* 2.7 7.4 \(M_w\) (\(M_s\), \(m_b\), \(M_L\)) 4 224 \(r_{hypo}\) (\(r_{rup}\) for 2) 4 B 2M R, RS & S
N. Ambraseys and Douglas (2000), Douglas (2001b) & Ambraseys and Douglas (2003) Worldwide 186 183 44 5.83 7.8 \(M_s\) 0 15 \(r_{jb}\) 3 L 1 A
Bozorgnia, Campbell, and Niazi (2000) Worldwide 2823 2823 48 4.7 7.7 \(M_w\) U \(\leq 60\) \(r_{seis}\) 4 G U A (R,S,T)
Campbell and Bozorgnia (2000) Worldwide 960129 941130 49131 4.7 7.7 \(M_w\) 1* 60* \(r_{seis}\) 4 G 1 A (S,R,T)
Field (2000) S California 447 - 28 5.1 7.5 \(M_w\) 0 148.9 \(r_{jb}\) C (6) G 1M A (R, S, O)
Jain et al. (2000) Central Himalayas 32 (117) - 3 5.5 7.0 U 2 (4) 152 (322) \(r_{epi}\) 1 U 1 T
Kobayashi et al. (2000) Japan U - U 5.0 7.8 \(M_w\) 0.9* 400* U 4 B 1M A
Monguilner, Ponti, and Pavoni (2000) W. Argentina 54132 - 10 4.3 7.4 \(M_s\) if \(M_L\) & \(M_s>6\), \(M_L\) otherwise 11 350 \(r_{hypo}\) 2 U 1W A
Paciello, Rinaldis, and Romeo (2000) Greece & Italy 115 - 18 4.5* U \(M_w\) or \(M_s\) U U \(r_{epi}\) 3 B 1 A (N)
Sharma (2000) Indian Himalayas - 66 5 5.5 6.6 U 8 248 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 - 1W A
Si and Midorikawa (1999, 2000) Japan 856 - 21 5.8 8.3 \(M_w\) 0* 280* Both \(r_q\) & \(r_{rup}\) 2 L O A
P. Smit et al. (2000) Caucasus 84 - 26 4.0 7.1 \(M_s\) 4 230 \(r_{epi}\)133 1 L 2 A
Takahashi et al. (2000) Japan+166 foreign 1332 - U+7* 5* (5.8*) 8.3* (8*) \(M_w\) 1* (0.1*) 300* (100*) \(r_{rup}\), \(r_{hypo}\) for some 4 G O A
G. Wang and Tao (2000) W. N. America 182 - 23 5.0 7.7 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0.5 370 \(r_{jb}\) 2 L O A
S. Y. Wang and others (2000) China U - U U U U U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U 1 A
Chang, Cotton, and Angelier (2001) Taiwan 4720134, 2528135 -


, 19


, 4.6


, 6.3

\(M_w\) (\(M_L\) for \(M_L<6.5\))


, 40.2


, 272.4


, \(r_{hypo}\)

1 G 2 A
Herak, Markus̆ić, and Ivančić (2001) Dinarides 145 145 46 4.5 6.8 \(M_L\) 3* 200* \(r_{epi}\) 1 L 2 A
Lussou et al. (2001) Japan 3011 3011 102 3.7 6.3 \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) 4* 600* \(r_{hypo}\) 4 B 2 A
Sanchez and Jara (2001) Pacific coast of Mexico U - U U U \(M_s\) U U \(r_{epi}\) 1 U U BF
Wu, Shin, and Chang (2001) Taiwan 1941 - 60 4.8 7.6 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0.05* 400* \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for some) 1 & I U U A
Y.-H. Chen and Tsai (2002) Taiwan 424 - 48 U U \(M_L\) U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U O A
N. Gregor, Silva, and Darragh (2002) Shallow crustal worldwide (mainly California) 993 993 68 4.4 7.4 \(M_w\) 0.1 267.3 \(r_{rup}\) 2 U 1M A (S, R/O, T)
Gülkan and Kalkan (2002) Turkey 93136 - 19 4.5 7.4 \(M_w\) 1.20 150 \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) 3 L, R 1 A
Iglesias et al. (2002) Mexico U - 10 5.4 7.4 \(M_w\) U 400* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 V 1 B
Khademi (2002) Iran 160 160 28* 3.4* 7.4 \(M_w\) (\(m_b\) for \(M_s<5\) and \(M_s\) otherwise) 0.1* 180* \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) for \(M<5.9\) 2 L O A
Margaris et al. (2002a) & Margaris et al. (2002b) Greece 744 - 142 4.5 7.0 \(M_w\) 1 150 \(r_{epi}\) 3 B O A
Saini, Sharma, and Mukhopadhyay (2002) Indian Himalayas U U U U U U U U U U U U A
Schwarz et al. (2002) N.W. Turkey 683 683 U 0.9* 7.2 \(M_L\) 0* 250* \(r_{epi}\) 3 U 1 A
Stamatovska (2002) Romania 190137 - 4 6.1 7.2 U 10* 310* \(r_{epi}\) 1 B 1 A
Tromans and Bommer (2002) Europe 249 - 51 5.5 7.9 \(M_s\) 1 359 \(r_{jb}\) 3 L 2 A
Zonno and Montaldo (2002) Umbria-Marche 161 - 15 4.5 5.9 \(M_L\) 2* 100* \(r_{epi}\) 2 L 2 N, O
Alarcón (2003) Colombia 47 - U 4.0 6.7 \(M_s\) 49.7 322.4 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U U A
Alchalbi, Costa, and Suhadolc (2003) Syria 49 49 10 3.5 5.8 \(M_{CL}\) 21 400 \(r_{hypo}\) 2 U 1 A
Atkinson and Boore (2003) Subduction zones 1200+ - 43* 5.5 8.3 \(M_w\) 11* 550* \(r_{rup}\) 4 C 1M F, B
Boatwright et al. (2003) N. California 4028 - 104 3.3 7.1 Mainly \(M_w\), \(M_L\) for some 1* 370* \(r_{hypo}\) 4 U O A
Bommer, Douglas, and Strasser (2003) Europe & Mid. East 422 - 157 4.0 7.9 \(M_s\) (unspecified) 0 260 \(r_{jb}\) for \(M_s>6.0\), \(r_{epi}\) otherwise 3 L 1M A (S, R, N)
Campbell and Bozorgnia (2003d), Campbell and Bozorgnia (2003a) & Bozorgnia and Campbell (2004b) Worldwide 443138 439139 36140 4.7 7.7 \(M_w\) 2* 60* \(r_{seis}\) 4 G 1 A (S & N, R, T)
Halldórsson and Sveinsson (2003) Iceland 131 - 12 4.1 6.6 \(M_{Lw}\) 5* 300* U 1 U 1 A
Li and others (2003) Yunnan, China U - U U 7.6 U U U \(r_{epi}\) 1 EW 1 A
Nishimura and Horike (2003) Japan U U U U U \(M_{JMA}\) U U \(r_{hypo}\) U U 1 A
Shi and Shen (2003) Shanghai region U - U U U \(M_s\) U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U U A
Sigbjörnsson and Ambraseys (2003) Europe & Middle East 465 - U 5* 7* \(M_w\) or \(M_s\) 1* 500* \(r_{jb}\) if available, \(r_{epi}\) otherwise 1 L 1 S
Skarlatoudis et al. (2003) Greece 1000 - 225 4.5 7.0 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 1.5* 150* \(r_{epi}\) 2 U O A (N, ST)
Ulutaş and Özer (2003) Turkey 221 - U 5 7.4 \(M_w\) U U \(r_{epi}\) 1 U U A
Zhao and others (2003) Yunnan, China U - U U 7.6 U U U \(r_{epi}\) 1 U 1 A
Beauducel, Bazin, and Bengoubou-Valerius (2004) Guadeloupe 1430 - 398 1.1 6.3 \(M_D\) (\(m_b\), \(M_w\)) 1.7 450 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 R 1 A
Beyaz (2004) Unknown (Turkey?) U - U U U \(M_w\) U U \(r_{epi}\) 1 U 1 A
Bragato (2004) NE Italy (\(45\)\(46.5^{\circ}\)N & \(12\)\(14^{\circ}\)E) 814 - 192 2.5 4.5 \(M_L\) U U \(r_{epi}\) 1 U O A
Cantavella et al. (2004) Iberia U - U 2.5 5.1 \(M_{bLg}\) 4 284 \(r_{epi}\) 1 U 1 A
Gupta and Gupta (2004) Koyna region, India 31 31 U U 6.5 \(M_L\) 3* 25* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 L O A
Iyengar and Ghosh (2004) N India 61 - \(>\)5 5.5* 6.6* U 8* 248* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 L 1 A
Kalkan and Gülkan (2004a) Turkey - 100 47 4.2 7.4 \(M_w\) (unspecified scales) 1.2 250 \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) for small events 3 - 1 A
Kalkan and Gülkan (2004b) and Kalkan and Gülkan (2005) Turkey 112 - 57 4.0 7.4 \(M_w\) (unspecified scales) \(1.2\) \(250\) \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) for small events 3 L141 1 A
Lubkowski et al. (2004) Stable continental regions 163 - U 3.0 6.8 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0 854 \(r_{epi}\) (\(r_{jb}\) for 1 event) 1 U 1, 1M, 2, 2M A
Marin et al. (2004) France 63 - 14 2.6 5.6 \(M_L\) 5 700 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 L 1 A
Midorikawa and Ohtake (2004) Japan 3335 - 33 5.5 8.3 \(M_w\) 0* 300* \(r_{rup}\) 2 L 1 A (C, B, F)
Özbey et al. (2004) NW Turkey 195 - 17 5.0 7.4 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 5* 300* \(r_{jb}\) 3 G 1M NS
Pankow and Pechmann (2004) and Pankow and Pechmann (2006) Worldwide extensional regimes 142 - 39 5.1 7.2 \(M_w\) 0 99.4 \(r_{jb}\) 2 G, O 1M NS
Skarlatoudis et al. (2004) Greece 819 - 423 1.7 5.1 \(M_w\) 3 40 \(r_{epi}\) 1 U O A
Sunuwar, Cuadra, and Karkee (2004) Okhotsk-Amur plate boundary 667 667 42 4.0 5.6 \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) \(>\)3 \(>\)264 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 L 2M A
Ulusay et al. (2004) Turkey 221 - 122 4.1 7.5 \(M_w\) (\(M_s\), \(m_b\), \(M_d\), \(M_L\)) 5.1 99.7 \(r_{epi}\) 3 L 1 A
Y.-X. Yu and Wang (2004) W USA 187 - \(>\)17 5.0* 7.8* U 2* 200* \(r_{epi}\) 1 B O A
Adnan et al. (2005) Worldwide subduction 1100 - U 5.3 8.5 \(M_w\) U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 A 1 BF
N. N. Ambraseys et al. (2005a) Europe & Middle East 595 - 135 5.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 99 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for small events) 3 L 1WM A (N, T, S, O)
N. N. Ambraseys et al. (2005b) Europe & Middle East - 595 135 5.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 99 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for small events) 3 - 1WM A (N, T, S, O)
Bragato (2005) Worldwide 243 - 60* 5.0 7.8 \(M_s\) 0 15 \(r_{jb}\) 1 L O A
Bragato and Slejko (2005) E Alps (\(45.6\)\(46.8^{\circ}\)N & \(12\)\(14^{\circ}\)E) 1402 3168 240 2.5 6.3 \(M_L\) 0 130 \(r_{jb}\) & \(r_{epi}\) 1 R O A
Frisenda et al. (2005) NW Italy 6899142 - \(>\)1152 0.0* 5.1143 \(M_L\) 0 300144 \(r_{hypo}\) 2 B 1 A
Garcı́a et al. (2005) Central Mexico 277 277 16 5.2 7.4 \(M_w\) 4* 400* \(r_{rup}\) for \(M_w>6.5\), \(r_{hypo}\) otherwise 1 G145 1M B
Liu and Tsai (2005) Taiwan 7907 7907 51 4.05 7.10 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 5* 300* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 M 2M A
McGarr and Fletcher (2005) Central Utah coal-mining areas 72 - 12 0.98 4.2 \(M_w\) (\(M_{CL}\)) 0.5* 10* \(r_{hypo}\) 2 L 2M M
Nath, Vyas, Pal, and Sengupta (2005) Sikkim (Himalaya) 240* - 80 3 5.6 \(M_L\) 10* 100* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U 1 A
Nowroozi (2005) Iran 279 279 45 3.0* 7.4 \(M_w\) (\(M_s\), \(m_b\), \(M_L\)) 2 245 \(r_{epi}\) 4 V 1 A
Ruiz and Saragoni (2005) & Saragoni, Astroza, and Ruiz (2004)146 Chile 41 41 8 6.4 7.8 \(M_s\) 35.72 315.01 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 B 1 F
Takahashi et al. (2005), Zhao et al. (2006) and Fukushima et al. (2006) Japan+208 overseas 4518+208 - 249+20 5.0 8.3 \(M_w\) 0* 300* \(r_{rup}\) 5 G 1M C (R, S/N) & F, B
Wald et al. (2005) California U - U U 5.3* \(M_w\) U U \(r_{jb}\) 1 L U A
G. M. Atkinson (2006) Los Angeles region 4179 - 485+ 3.1* 7.1* \(M_w\) 5* 300* \(r_{epi}\) (\(r_{jb}\) for some) I, C B 1 A
Beyer and Bommer (2006) Shallow crustal (USA, Taiwan, Turkey and others) 949 - 103 4.3* 7.9* \(M_w\) 6* 200* \(r_{hypo}\) U 1, 2, A, B, C, D50, G, I50, L, N, P, R 1M A (U)
Bindi et al. (2006) Umbria-Marche 239 - 45 4.0 5.9 \(M_L\) 1* 100* \(r_{epi}\) & \(r_{hypo}\) 4 L 1M NS
Campbell and Bozorgnia (2006a) and Campbell and Bozorgnia (2006b) Worldwide 1500+ - 60+ 4.2 7.9 \(M_w\) 0 200 \(r_{rup}\) C G 2M A (R, S, N)
Costa et al. (2006) NE Italy & Slovenia 900* 900* 123 3.0* 6.5* U 1* 100* \(r_{epi}\) 2 L, V 1 A
Gómez-Soberón, Tena-Colunga, and Ordaz (2006) Mexico 1983 - 109 4.5* 8.1* \(M_w\) (\(M_s\) if \(M>6\), \(m_b\) if \(M<6\)) 5* 800* \(r_{hypo}\) (\(r_{rup}\) for some) 1 U 2 F
Hernandez et al. (2006) Haulien LSTT (Taiwan) 456 456 51 5 7.3 \(M_L\) 13.7 134.8 \(r_{hypo}\) 5 B 1 A
Jaimes, Reinoso, and Ordaz (2006) Ciudad Universitaria station, Mexico City 21 - 21 6.0 8.1 \(M_w\) 285 530 \(r_{rup}\) 1 U 1B F
Jean et al. (2006) Taiwan U (\(>\)3000) - 59 (\(>\)242) 5.0* 7.5* \(M_L\) 0.1* 300* \(r_{hypo}\) (\(r_{rup}\) for 1 event) 1, I G 1 A
Kanno et al. (2006) Japan+some foreign 3392+377 (shallow) & 8150 (deep) - 73+10 & 111 5.0* (6.1) & 5.5* 8.2* (7.4) & 8.0* \(M_w\) (\(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\)) 1* (1.5*) & 30* 450* (350*) & 450* \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for some) C R 2M A
Kataoka et al. (2006) Japan 5160 - 47 4.8* 6.9* \(M_w\) 1* 200* U 1 U U C
Laouami et al. (2006) Algeria 28 - 4 5.6 6.0 \(M_s\) 13 70 \(r_{epi}\) & \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U 1 A
Luzi et al. (2006) Molise (Italy) 886 - U 2.6* 5.7 \(M_L\) 5* 55* \(r_{hypo}\) 2 L 1M A
Mahdavian (2006) Central Iran147 150 150 U 3.1 7.4 \(M_s\) (\(m_b\)) 4 98 \(r_{hypo}\) 2 A 1 A
McVerry et al. (2006) New Zealand+66 overseas 535+66 - 49+17 5.08 (5.2) 7.23 (7.4) \(M_w\) 6 (0.1) 400 (10) \(r_c\) (\(r_{rup}\)) 3 L, G 1M C (R, OR, S & N) & F, B
Moss and Der Kiureghian (2006) W. N. America 271 - 20 5.2 7.7 \(M_w\) 0 118.2 \(r_{jb}\) C G O A
Pousse et al. (2006) Japan 9390148 - U 4.1 7.3 (\(M_w\)) 5* 250* \(r_{hypo}\) (\(r_{rup}\) for some) 5 B 2M A
Souriau (2006) France 175 - 20 3.0 5.4 \(M_L\) (ReNass & LDG) 10* 800* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 L 1 A
Tapia (2006) & Tapia, Susagna, and Goula (2007) Western Mediterranean 334 - 30 3.8 6.0 \(M_L\) 6 542 \(r_{epi}\) 1 U 1 A
Tsai, Chen, and Liu (2006) Taiwan 7123 - 744 4* 7.3* \(M_L\) 0* 330* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 G O A
Zare and Sabzali (2006) Iran 89 89 55* 2.7 7.4 \(M_w\) 4 167 \(r_{hypo}\) 4 U 1M & 2M A
Akkar and Bommer (2007a) Europe & Middle East 532 - 131 5.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 99 \(r_{jb}\) 3 G 1WM A (N, S, R)
Amiri, Mahdavian, and Dana (2007a) & Amiri, Mahdavian, and Dana (2007b) Alborz and central Iran149 200* 200* 50* 4.5* 7.3* \(M_s\) (\(m_b\)) 5* 400* \(r_{hypo}\) 2 L 1 A
Aydan (2007) Turkey U - U U U U U U \(r_{hypo}\) C U U A
Bindi et al. (2007) NW Turkey 4047 4047 528 0.5 5.9 \(M_L\)150 5* 200* \(r_{hypo}\)151 2 L 1M A
Bommer et al. (2007) Europe and Middle East 997 - 289 3 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 99 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for small events) 3 G 1WM A (N, S, R)
Boore and Atkinson (2007) & Boore and Atkinson (2008) Worldwide shallow crustal 1574 - 58 4.27152 7.90153 \(M_w\) 0 280154 \(r_{jb}\) C I50 2M A (N, R, S, U)
Campbell and Bozorgnia (2007), Campbell and Bozorgnia (2008b) & Campbell and Bozorgnia (2008a) Worldwide shallow crustal 1561 - 64 4.27155 7.90156 \(M_w\) 0.07 199.27 \(r_{rup}\) C I50 1M A (N, R, S, HW)
Danciu and Tselentis (2007a), Danciu and Tselentis (2007b) & Danciu (2006) Greece 335 - 151 4.5 6.9 \(M_w\) 0* 136 \(r_{epi}\) 3 A 1M A (ST, N)
Douglas (2007) \(M_w\) \(r_{jb}\) 1 A
S. Fukushima, Hayashi, and Yashiro (2007) Japan (central Honshu) 8615 - 158 5.0 6.8 \(M_{JMA}\) 18.1 448.4 \(r_{rup}\) 1 V 1 A
Graizer and Kalkan (2007, 2008) Worldwide shallow crustal 2583 - 47 4.9157 7.9158 \(M_w\) 0.1 349.6159 \(r_{rup}\) C U O A (R,SN)
Güllü and Erçelebi (2007) Turkey 210 - U 3.2 7.4 \(M_w\) 1 364 \(r_{epi}\) 4 V3 1 A
Hong and Goda (2007) & Goda and Hong (2008) California 592 - 39 5* 7.3* \(M_w\) 0.2* 100* \(r_{jb}\) C G, Q, R 1M A
Massa et al. (2007) Central northern Italy 1063 - 243 2.5 5.2 \(M_L\) 0* 300* \(r_{hypo}\) 2 L 1 A
Popescu et al. (2007) Romania U - 58 4* 7.1 \(M_w\) \(\leq\) 70 \(\geq\) 227 \(r_{epi}\), \(r_{hypo}\) C L O A
Sobhaninejad, Noorzad, and Ansari (2007) Europe & Middle East 589 589 131 5.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 99 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for small events) 3 L O A (N, T, S, O)
Tavakoli and Pezeshk (2007) Taiwan 424 - 48 4.3* 7.3* \(M_L\) 5* 260* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 G O A
Tejeda-Jácome and Chávez-Garcı́a (2007) Colima, Mexico 162 162 26 3.3 5.2 \(M_L\) 5* 175 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 G 2M A
Abrahamson and Silva (2008) & Abrahamson and Silva (2009) Worldwide shallow crustal 2754 - 135 4.27160 7.9161 \(M_w\) 0.06* 200* \(r_{rup}\) C I50 1M A (N, R, S, HW)
Ágústsson, orbjarnardóttir, and Vogfjör (2008) South Iceland 1085 1085 64 3.5 6.5 \(M_{Lw}\) 3* 350* \(r_{epi}\) 1 V3 1 A
Aghabarati and Tehranizadeh (2008) Worldwide shallow crustal 646 - 54 5.2 7.9 \(M_w\) 0 60 \(r_{rup}\)162 C G 1M A (N, R, S)
Al-Qaryouti (2008) Dead Sea area 57 - 30 3.7 6.2 \(M_L\) 5.8 330.6 \(r_{epi}\) 1 L 2 A
C. Cauzzi and Faccioli (2008), C. V. Cauzzi (2008) & C. Cauzzi, Faccioli, Paolucci, et al. (2008) Worldwide shallow crustal 1164 1132 60 5.0 7.2 \(M_w\) 6* 150* \(r_{hypo}\) 4 & C G 2M A (N, R, S)
L. Chen (2008) China, Taiwan and Japan 249 249 55 4.2 7.6 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\), \(M_s\)) 10 & 12 153 & 153 \(r_{epi}\) & \(r_{hypo}\) 2 G & L 2 A
B. S.-J. Chiou and Youngs (2008) Worldwide shallow crustal 1950 - 125 4.265163 7.90164 \(M_w\) 0.2*165 70*166 \(r_{rup}\) C I50 1M A (N, R, S, HW, AS)
Cotton et al. (2008) Japan 3894 - 337 4 7.3 \(M_w\) (\(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\)) 1* 100* \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for small) 4167 & 2168 G 2M A
Güllü, Ansal, and Özbay (2008) Turkey 210 - U 3.2 7.4 \(M_w\) 10* 100* \(r_{epi}\) 2 L3 1 A
Humbert and Viallet (2008) Europe & Middle East 960 - 138 4.0 7.4 \(M_s\) U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U O A
Idriss (2008) Worldwide shallow crustal 942 - 72 4.5 7.7 \(M_w\) 0.3 199.3 \(r_{rup}\) 2 I50 1 A (R/RO/NO, S/N)
Lin and Lee (2008) NE Taiwan+10 foreign 4244+139 - 44+10 4.1 (6.0) 7.3 (8.1) \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 15 630 \(r_{hypo}\) 2 G 1W A (B, F)
Massa et al. (2008) Northern Italy 306 306 82 3.5 & 4.0 6.3 & 6.5 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) & \(M_L\) 1* 100* \(r_{epi}\) 3 L 1M A
Mezcua, Garcı́a Blanco, and Rueda (2008) Spain 250 - 149 3.1 5.3 \(M_w\) (\(m_b (L_g)\)) 5* 100* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U 1 A
Morasca et al. (2008) Molise 3090 3090 100 2.7 5.7 \(M_L\) 12* 60* \(r_{hypo}\) 2 L 1M A
Slejko et al. (2008) Caucasus (\(36\)\(46^{\circ}\)N, \(38\)\(52^{\circ}\)E) 200 - \(\geq\)21 4.0* 8.1* \(M_s\) (\(M_L\), \(M_w\), \(m_b\)) 2* 100* \(r_{epi}\) 1 U O A
Srinivasan et al. (2008) Kolar Gold Fields, India 795 - 795 0.5 3.0 \(M_L\) 1 4.76 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 G 1 A
Adnan and Suhatril (2009) Lalaysia 93 - 14 6.7 9.1 \(M_w\) 466 2487 \(r_{rup}\) 1 G 1M F, B
Aghabarati and Tehranizadeh (2009) Worldwide shallow crustal 678 678 55 5.2 7.9 \(M_w\) 0 60 \(r_{rup}\) C G 1M A (N, R, S)
Akyol and Karagöz (2009) Western Anatolia 168 - 49 4.03 6.40 \(M_w\) (\(M_d\), \(M_L\)) 15 200 \(r_{hypo}\) 2 L 2M A
Baruah et al. (2009) Shillong plateau (India) 82 - U 2.5* 5.0* \(M_s\) (\(M_D\)) 3.5 144.5 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 A 1 A
Bindi, Luzi, and Pacor (2009) Italy 241 241 27 4.8 6.9 \(M_w\) 0 190 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for small) 3 L, G 1M A (N, S, R)
Bindi, Luzi, et al. (2009) Italy 235 - 27 4.6 6.9 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0 183 \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) 3 L 1M A
Bragato (2009) Italy 922 - 116 2.7 4.5 \(M_L\) 6 100 \(r_{epi}\) I, 3, 1, C U 1 A
Cabalar and Cevik (2009) Turkey 93169 - 19 4.5 7.4 \(M_w\) 1.20 150 \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) 3 L, R O A
Garcı̀a Blanco (2009) Spain U - 149 U 5.3 U 10* 100* \(r_{epi}\) 1 U 1 A
Goda and Atkinson (2009) Japan 8557 (3410 shallow, 5147 deep) - 155 (51 shallow, 104 deep) 5.5 7.9 \(M_w\) 1.5* 300* \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for some \(M<6.5\)) C G 2M A (C/F, B)
H. P. Hong, Pozos-Estrada, and Gomez (2009) Mexico (interface & inslab) 418, 277 -, - 40, 16 5.0, 5.2 8.0, 7.4 \(M_w\) U U \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for small) 1 G, R, Q 1M F, S
H. P. Hong, Zhang, and Goda (2009) California 592 - 39 5* 7.3* \(M_w\) 0.2* 100* \(r_{jb}\) C G, R 1M, 2M, O A
Kuehn, Scherbaum, and Riggelsen (2009) Worldwide 2660 - 60 5.61 7.9* \(M_w\) 0.1* 200* \(r_{jb}\) C G 1M (O) A (N, R, S)
Li, Li, and Li (2009) Yunnan, China 240 - U 3.0 7.9 U 5 25 \(r_{epi}\) 1 U 1 A
Mandal et al. (2009) Gujarat, India 248 - 33 3.1 7.7 \(M_w\) 1* 300* \(r_{jb}\) 2 L 2 A
Moss (2009) & Moss (2011) Worldwide shallow crustal 1950 - 125 4.265 7.90 \(M_w\) 0.2* 70* \(r_{rup}\) C I50 1M A (N, R, S, HW, AS)
Pétursson and Vogfjörd (2009) SW Iceland 823 823 46 3.3 6.5 \(M_{Lw}\) 3 380 \(r_{epi}\) 1 V3 1 A
Rupakhety and Sigbjörnsson (2009) South Iceland+others 64+29 - 12 5.02 7.67 \(M_w\) 1 97 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for some) 2 L 1 S & O
Akkar and Bommer (2010) Europe & Middle East 532 - 131 5.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 99 \(r_{jb}\) 3 G 1M A (N, S, R)
Akkar and Çağnan (2010) Turkey 433 - 137 5.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0* 200* \(r_{jb}\) C G 1M A (N, S, R)
Arroyo et al. (2010) Pacific coast of Mexico 418 - 40 5.0 8.0 \(M_w\) 20 400 \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for \(M_w<6\)) 1 U O F
Bindi et al. (2010) Italy 561 561 107 4.0 6.9 \(M_w\) 1* 100* \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) 3 L 1M A
Cua and Heaton (2010) Southern California+other shallow crustal 3588+1607 - 70 2 (5) 7.3 (7.9) \(M_w\) 0.8 (0.1)* 200 (200)* \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for \(M<5\)) 2 G 1 A
Douglas and Halldórsson (2010) Europe & Middle East 595 - 135 5.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 99 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for small events) 3 L 1WM A (N, T, S, O, AS)
Faccioli, Bianchini, and Villani (2010) Worldwide shallow crustal 1499 - \(\leq\) 60 4.5 7.6 \(M_w\) 0.2* 200* \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for small) 4 & C G 1M A (N, R, S)
Graizer, Kalkan, and Lin (2010) & Graizer, Kalkan, and Lin (2013) Worldwide 13992 - 245 4.2 7.9 \(M_w\) 0.1* 500* \(r_{rup}\) C U O A (SN, R)
Hong and Goda (2010) California170 592 - 39 5.0 7.28 \(M_w\) 0.2* 100* \(r_{jb}\) C 1, 2 1M A
Iervolino et al. (2010) Italy 95 - 17 4.6 6.8 \(M_w\) 1.5, 1.5 179, 180 \(r_{jb}\) & \(r_{epi}\) 3 L 1 A
Jayaram and Baker (2010) Worldwide shallow crustal 1561 - 64 4.27 7.90 \(M_w\) 0.07 199.27 \(r_{rup}\) C I50 O A (N, R, S, HW)
Montalva (2010) & Rodriguez-Marek et al. (2011) Japan 3894 - 337 4 7.3 \(M_w\) (\(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\)) 1 100 \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for small) C, I G O (1M) A
Ornthammarath et al. (2010), Ornthammarath (2010) & Ornthammarath et al. (2011) South Iceland 81 - 6 5.1 6.5 \(M_w\) 1* 80* \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for \(M_w<6\)) 2 G 1M S
Sokolov et al. (2010) Taiwan 4656 - 66 4.6* 7.6* \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 5* 220* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 G 1, 2M A
Ulutaş and Özer (2010) Marmara region, Turkey 751 - 78 4.0 7.4 \(M_w\) (\(M_d\)) 0.1 196.8 \(r_{jb}\)171 (\(r_{epi}\) for small events) 1 L 1 SN
Alavi et al. (2011) Worldwide shallow crustal 2252 - U 5.1* 7.9* \(M_w\) 0.2* 350* \(r_{rup}\) C U O A (Rake)
Anderson and Uchiyama (2011) Guerrero, Mexico 293 293 27 5.05 7.96 \(M_w\) 10* 390* \(r_{rup}\) 1 M, V, V3 O A
Arroyo and Ordaz (2011) Worldwide shallow crustal 906 - 44 U U \(M_w\) U U \(r_{rup}\) 1 I50 1M A (R/RO/NO, S/N)
Beauducel et al. (2011) Guadeloupe (France) 1430 - 400* 1* 6.3 \(M_d\) for \(M<4.5\), \(M_w\) otherwise 2* 500* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 V 1W A
Bindi, Pacor, et al. (2011) Italy 769 - 99 4.1 6.9 \(M_w\) 0* 200* \(r_{jb}\) 5 G, V 1M A (S, R, N, U)
Emolo, Convertito, and Cantore (2011) Campania-Lucania, Italy 875 - 123 1.5 3.2 \(M_L\) 3 100* \(r_{hypo}\) 2 L 1 A
Gehl, Bonilla, and Douglas (2011) Japan 3874 - 335 4.0 7.3 \(M_w\) 0* 340* \(r_{rup}\) C G 1M, O A
Joshi, Kumar, and Sinvhal (2011) & Joshi et al. (2012) Kumaon Himalaya (India) 130 - 82 3.5 5.3 \(M_w\) 4 151 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 L 1 A
Kayabali and Beyaz (2011) Turkey 482172 - U 4 7.4 \(M_w\) (\(M_s\), \(M_L\), \(M_D\)) 0* 200* \(r_{epi}\) 1 B 1 A
Luzi et al. (2011) Italy U - U 4.0* 6.9* \(M_w\) 0* 300* \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for \(M_w<5.5\)), \(r_{hypo}\) 5 G 1M A (S, N, R)
P.-S. Lin, Lee, et al. (2011) Taiwan + 8 foreign events 5181+87 - 44+8 3.5 (6.0) 7.6 (7.4) \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 1 240 \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\)) 2 G 1 A (HW)
Yilmaz (2011) SW Turkey 66 - 44 2.9 6.04 \(M_d\) 1.11 145 \(r_{epi}\) & \(r_{hypo}\) 2+C U O A
Yuen and Mu (2011) Tangshan, Xinjiang and Guangdong (China) 266 - 147 3.6* 7.2* U 4* 600* \(r_{hypo}\) 3 U O A
Chang, Jean, and Loh (2012) Taiwan 302 - 58 5.5 7.3 \(M_L\) 0* 170* \(r_{hypo}\) (\(r_{rup}\) for some) 1 G 1 A
Contreras and Boroschek (2012) Chile 117 - 13 6.5 8.8 \(M_w\) 30* 600* \(r_{rup}\), \(r_{hypo}\) for 4 events 2 G 1M F
Convertito et al. (2012) Geysers, N. California U173 - 220 1.0 3.5 \(M_w\) (\(M_D\)) 0.5 20 \(r_{hypo}\) 2 L 1M G
Cui et al. (2012) Sichuan-Yunnan (China) 962 - \(>\)21 4.5 6.5 \(M_s\) 0* 110* \(r_{epi}\) 2 G 1, 1W A
Di Alessandro et al. (2012) Italy 602 - 120 4.0 6.8 \(M_w\) 2* 200* \(r_{hypo}\) 7 G 1M A
Gómez-Bernal, Lecea, and Juárez-Garcı́a (2012) Mexico 607 607 17174 6.0 8.1 \(M_w\) 20* 600* \(r_{rup}\) 1 L 2 A (F, B, C)
Hamzehloo and Mahood (2012) East central Iran 258 - 109175 4.9* 7.4 \(M_w\) 1* 200* \(r_{jb}\) 1 G 2M A
Hung and Kiyomiya (2012) Japan & northern Vietnam and Yunnan (China) 447 + 22 - 7 3.9 (2.7) 6.9 (6.4) \(M_w\) (\(M_s\)) 3* 300* \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\)) C U 1 S
Laouami and Slimani (2012) Algeria \(+\) Europe & USA 633 \(+\) 528 & 155176 - 82+17* & 7* 3 (5*) 6.8 (7.3*) \(M_s\) 6* (10*) 140* (150*) \(r_{hypo}\) 2 B 2 A
Mohammadnejad et al. (2012) Worldwide shallow crustal 2252 - U 5.2 7.9 \(M_w\) 0.07 366.03 \(r_{rup}\) C I50 O A (R, S, N)
Nabilah and Balendra (2012) Peninsular Malaysia & Singapore 35 - 9 7.2 9.1 \(M_w\) 508 1021 \(r_{epi}\) 1 L 2 F
Nguyen et al. (2012) Northern Vietnam 330 - 53 1.6 4.6 \(M_L\) 5* 500* \(r_{epi}\) 1 L3 1 A
Saffari et al. (2012) Iran 351 - 78 5.0 7.4 \(M_w\) 4 190* \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for \(M_w<6.5\)) 3 U 2M A
Shah et al. (2012) N. Pakistan/N. India 128 - 25 4.1 7.6 U 8 265 \(r_{epi}\) 1 U 1 A
Abrahamson, Silva, and Kamai (2013, 2014) Worldwide shallow crustal 15750 - 326 3 7.9177 \(M_w\) 0 300 \(r_{rup}\) + others for HW C D50 1M A (S, N, R, HW)
Boore et al. (2013, 2014) Worldwide shallow crustal 15000* - 350* 3.0 7.9178 \(M_w\) 0 400 \(r_{jb}\) C D50 2M A (S, N, R, U)
Campbell and Bozorgnia (2013, 2014) Worldwide shallow crustal 15521 - 322 3.0179 7.9180 \(M_w\) 0* 300* \(r_{rup}\) C D50 1M A (S, R, N, HW)
Chiou and Youngs (2013, 2014) Worldwide shallow crustal 12244 - 300 3.1*181 7.9*182 \(M_w\) 0.3* 400*183 \(r_{rup}\) C D50 1M A (S, R, N, HW)
Douglas et al. (2013) Mainly geothermally-related 3968 - 535 1* 4* \(M_w\) (\(M_L\), \(M_D\)) 0* 20* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 G 1M G
Edwards and Douglas (2013) Cooper Basin (Australia) 2089 - 427 1.7 3.1 \(M_w\) 2.4 7.8 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 G 1M G
Idriss (2013, 2014) Worldwide shallow crustal 2353 - 151 4.5184 7.9185 \(M_w\) 0.2 175 \(r_{rup}\) C D50 1 A
Joshi, Kumar, Castanos, et al. (2013) Uttarakhand Himalaya (India) U, 29 - U, U 3.5, 3.5 5.3, 5.3 \(M_w\) 15, 20 100, 210 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U 1 A
Laurendeau et al. (2013) Japan 2357 - 132 4.5 6.9 \(M_w\) 3* 300* \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for small) C G 1M A
Morikawa and Fujiwara (2013) Japan 21681 - 333 5.5 9.0 \(M_w\) 1* 200 \(r_{rup}\) C V 2W A (C, B, F)
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (2013) Worldwide shallow crustal - \(M_w\) C - 1M A (N, S, R, HW)
Segou and Voulgaris (2013) Europe & Middle East 327 - 164 4.1 6.6 \(M_w\) (\(m_b\)) 1* 150* \(r_{epi}\) 3 I50 O A (S, R, N)
Sharma et al. (2013) Geysers, N. California 5451 - 212 1.3 3.3 \(M_w\) (\(M_D\)) 0.5 20 \(r_{hypo}\) 3 L 1M G
Skarlatoudis et al. (2013) Hellenic Arc (Greece) 743 - 21 4.4 6.7 \(M_w\) (\(m_b\), \(M_L\)) 65* 850* \(r_{hypo}\) 3 D50 1M F, B
Villalobos-Escobar and Castro (2013) Medellı̀n and Aburrà Valley (Colombia) 596 - 17 2.8 6.5 \(M_L\) 10* 290 \(r_{epi}\) I U 1M A
Akkar, Sandıkkaya, and Bommer (2014a, 2014b) Europe & Middle East 1041 - 221 4.0 7.6186 \(M_w\) 0 200 \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) & \(r_{hypo}\) C G 1M A (S, N, R)
Ansary (2014) Himalaya, India R: 229, S: 187 - 150* 2.5* 7.8 U 2* 2000* \(r_{hypo}\) 2 U 1 A
Bindi, Massa, et al. (2014b, 2014a) Europe & Middle East 1224, 2126 - 225, 365 4.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 300 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for \(M_w\leq 5\) and \(r_{epi}\geq 10\)) & \(r_{hypo}\) C, 4 G 1M A (S, N, R)
Derras, Cotton, and Bard (2014) Europe & Middle East 1088 - 320 3.6187 7.6188 \(M_w\) 1189 547190 \(r_{jb}\) C G O A
Ghofrani and Atkinson (2014) Japan \(>1000\) - 6 7.0 9.0 \(M_w\) 30* 1000* \(r_{rup}\) C G O F
Gianniotis, Kuehn, and Scherbaum (2014) Various Eurasian areas \(M_w\) \(r_{hypo}\) C G O A (NS, R)
Kurzon et al. (2014) San Jacinto fault zone (S. California, USA) 29474 - 809 1.5 5.9 \(M_L\) 0 150 \(r_{epi}\) 1 G 1M A
Luzi et al. (2014) Italy 829, 2805, 401 - 146, 658, 41 4, 4, 3.5 6.9, 6.9, 6.3 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0* 200* \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for \(M<5.5\)) 5 G 1M A
Rodrı́guez-Pérez (2014) Cen. and S. Mexico 75 (F), 121 (B) - 8 F, 25 B 5.1 (F), 5.0 (B) 8.0 (F), 7.2 (B) \(M_w\) 50* (F), 70* (B) 580* (F), 540* (B) \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for \(M_w<6.5\)) 1 G 1M F, B
Vacareanu et al. (2014) 9 events from Vrancea (Romania) + 17 foreign events 233+198 - 9+17 5.2 (5.6)191 7.4 (7.8)192 \(M_w\) 105193 650*194 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 G 1M B
Atkinson (2015) California U - U 3* 6* \(M_w\) 2* 40 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 G 1M A
Breska, Perus, and Stankovski (2015) Worldwide 3550 for \(r_{jb}\) & 3083 for \(r_{rup}\) - 173 4.2 7.9 \(M_w\) 0 200* \(r_{jb}\) & \(r_{rup}\) C G 1 A (R, N, S)
C. Cauzzi, Faccioli, Vanini, et al. (2015) Worldwide shallow active crustal 1880 - 98 4.5 7.9 \(M_w\) 0* 150* \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for \(M_w\leq 5.7\)) C G 2M A (S, N, R)
Emolo et al. (2015) South Korea 11129 - 222 2.0 4.9 \(M_L\) 1.4 600* \(r_{epi}\) I L 1M A
Graizer and Kalkan (2015) & Graizer and Kalkan (2016) Worldwide shallow crustal 2583 - 47 4.9195 7.9196 \(M_w\) 0.2 250 \(r_{rup}\) C U O A (R,SN)
Haendel et al. (2015) Northern Chile 1094 - 138 5* 8.1 \(M_w\) 40* 300* \(r_{rup}\) 2 G 1M B, F
Jaimes, Ramirez-Gaytán, and Reinoso (2015) Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico City197 22 - 22 5.2 7.4 \(M_w\) 103 464 \(r_{rup}\) for \(M_w >6.5\), \(r_{hypo}\) for \(M_w\leq 6.5\) 1 G 1B B
Kale et al. (2015) Turkey & Iran 1198 - 313 4 7.6198 \(M_w\) 0 200 \(r_{jb}\) C G 1MW A (S, N, R)
Kuehn and Scherbaum (2015) Europe & Middle East 835 - 279 4.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 200 \(r_{jb}\) C G O A (R, N, S)
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (2015) — Al Noman and Cramer Cen. and E. N. America + foreign 6061199 - 78200 2.5 7.6201 \(M_w\) 1* 2000* \(r_{rup}\) C D50 2M A (R, S, U)
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (2015) — Graizer & Graizer (2016) Cen. and E. USA 5026 - 48 3.75202 6.8203 \(M_w\) 4204 1000* \(r_{rup}\) C D50 O A
Vacareanu, Radulian, et al. (2015) Vrancea, Romania + foreign intermediate-depth 344+360 - 9+29 5.2 (5.1) 7.4 (8.0) \(M_w\) 2 (\(r_{epi}\)) 399 (\(r_{epi}\)) \(r_{hypo}\) 3 G 1M A
Vuorinen, Tiira, and Lund (2015) Fennoscandian shield U - 2239 U U U U U U U U 1 A
Wan Ahmad et al. (2015) Malaysia 130 - 10 3.5 6.7 \(M_w\) U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 M 1 S
Zhao et al. (2015) Japan + some overseas 16362 - 335 + 62 4.9* 9.1* \(M_w\) 0* 300* \(r_{rup}\) if available, \(r_{hypo}\) otherwise 4 + C G 1M A (B, F, R, N, S)
Abrahamson, Gregor, and Addo (2016) & BC Hydro (2012) Worldwide subduction 2590 for B, 953 for F - 63 for B, 43 for F 5.0 for B, 6.0 for F 7.9 for B, 8.4 for F \(M_w\) 12* 300* \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\)) for F, \(r_{hypo}\) for B C G 1M B, F
Bozorgnia and Campbell (2016b) Worldwide shallow crustal - 15161 321 3.0205 7.9206 \(M_w\) 0* 500*207 \(r_{rup}\) C - 1M A (R, S, N)
Kaveh, Bakhshpoori, and Hamzeh-Ziabari (2016) Worldwide shallow crustal 2252 - U 5.2 7.9 \(M_w\) 0.07 360 \(r_{rup}\) C U O A
S. R. Kotha, Bindi, and Cotton (2016a, 2016b) Europe & Middle East 1251 - U 4 7.6 \(M_w\) 0* 300*208 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for some \(M_w\leq 5\)) C G O A
Kuehn and Scherbaum (2016) Europe & Middle East 1261 - 362 4.1 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 200 \(r_{jb}\) C G O A (R, N, S)
Landwehr et al. (2016) California & Nevada 10692 - 221 3.0* 7.3* \(M_w\) 1* 300* \(r_{jb}\) C U209 O A (S, N, R)
Lanzano et al. (2016) Po Plain & NE Italy 2489 - 94 4.0 6.4 \(M_w\) 0* 200* \(r_{jb}\) 5 G 1M A (R, N, U)
Mu and Yuen (2016) Tangshan, China 132 - 72 4.0* 7.8* \(M_w\) 2* 500* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U O A
Noor et al. (2016) & Nazir et al. (2016) Malaysia 130 - 11 3.53 8.6 \(M_w\) 204 1720 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 M 1 S
Sedaghati and Pezeshk (2016) Europe & Middle East 350 - 85 5.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 1* 100* \(r_{jb}\) 4 G 1, 1W, 1M, 2, 2M, 2O and O A
Shoushtari, Adnan, and Zare (2016) Malaysia, Japan and Iran 531 - 13 5.0 7.7 \(M_w\) 120* 1400* \(r_{hypo}\) 4 G 1 B
Stewart et al. (2016) Worldwide shallow crustal - 17089 U 3 7.9210 \(M_w\) 0 300 \(r_{jb}\) C - 2M A (R, S, N, U)
Sung and Lee (2016) Taiwan 19887 - 150 4.01 7.62 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0.32 291.59 \(r_{hypo}\), \(r_{rup}\) for Chi-Chi C U 1M, O A (S, N, R)
Tusa and Langer (2016) Mount Etna, Italy 1158 (shallow), 1957 (deep) 1158 (shallow), 1957 (deep) 38 (shallow), 53 (deep) 3.0 4.3 (shallow), 4.8 (deep) \(M_L\) 0.5 100 \(r_{epi}\) 3 G 1 V
Wang et al. (2016) Offshore NE Taiwan 832 - 13 4.0 5.9 \(M_w\) 20* 300* \(r_{hypo}\) C G 1 N
J. X. Zhao, Jiang, et al. (2016) Japan 4555\(+\)155 - 125\(+\)11 5.0* 7.92 (8.25) \(M_w\) 25* 300* \(r_{rup}\), \(r_{hypo}\) for most 4 G 1M B
J. X. Zhao, Liang, et al. (2016) Japan 3111\(+\)463 - 76 5.0* 9.0 \(M_w\) 20* 300* \(r_{rup}\), \(r_{hypo}\) for most 4 G 1M F
J. X. Zhao, Zhou, et al. (2016) Japan + some foreign 5957 - 117 4.9 7.2* \(M_w\) 0* 280* \(r_{rup}\), \(r_{hypo}\) for most 4 G 1M C (N), UM (R, NS)
Ameri et al. (2017) Europe & Middle East 2355 - 384 3 7.6 \(M_w\) 0* 200* \(r_{epi}\), \(r_{jb}\) 4 G 1M A (N, R, S)
Baltay, Hanks, and Abrahamson (2017) San Jacinto fault (USA) 14840 - 3200 1.15 3 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0* 20* \(r_{hypo}\) C G 1M A
Bindi et al. (2017) Worldwide shallow crustal 4692 - 242 3* 7.9* \(M_w\) 4* 300* \(r_{hypo}\), \(r_{jb}\) C G 1M A
Çağnan et al. (2017a, 2017b) Europe & Middle East - 1041 221 4.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 200 \(r_{jb}\) C V 1M A (S, N, R)
Derras, Bard, and Cotton (2017) Japan 977 - 214 3.7 6.9 \(M_w\) 3.65 440.63 \(r_{jb}\) C \(\times\) C G O A
Garcı́a-Soto and Jaimes (2017) Mexico (Pacific coast) 418 418 40 5.0 8.0 \(M_w\) 17 400 \(r_{rup}\) for \(M_w>6.5\), \(r_{hypo}\) otherwise 1 V 1M F
Gülerce et al. (2017) Worldwide shallow crustal - 15597 326 3 7.9211 \(M_w\) 0 300 \(r_{rup}\) + others for HW C V 1M A (S, N, R, HW)
Idini et al. (2017) Chile 114 for B, 369 for F - 38 for B, 65 for F 5.5 7.8 for B, 8.8 for F212 \(M_w\) 61 for B, 31 for F 386 for B, 391 for F \(r_{hypo}\) (\(r_{rup}\) for F and \(M_w\geq 7.7\)) C U 2M B,F
Institute of Seismology at the University of Helsinki (2017) cited by Ader et al. (2019) Finland U - U -0.9 4.1 \(M_{L}\) 1.5 78 \(r_{hypo}\) U U 1 A
Kumar et al. (2017) NE India 216 - 24 4.0 6.8 U 25* 950* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U 2 A
G. A. Montalva, Bastı́as, and Rodriguez-Marek (2017b, 2017a, 2017c) Chile 2461 for F, 1313 for S - 281 for F, 192 for B 4.5* 8.8 for F, 7.8* for B \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 25* for F, 60* for B 1000* for F, 500* for B \(r_{rup}\) for F, \(r_{hypo}\) for B C G 1M F, B
Liew et al. (2017) Malaysia 111, 65, 82 - 10, 5, 7 U, U, U 7.0*, 6.0*, U \(M_w\) and \(m_b\) U U \(r_{epi}\), \(r_{epi}\), \(r_{hypo}\) and \(r_{epi}\) 1 V213 1 F, B, C
Oth, Miyake, and Bindi (2017) Japan 118102 - 1905 2.7 7.2 \(M_w\) 0.8* 250 \(r_{hypo}\) (\(r_{rup}\) for \(M_w\geq 6\)) 1 G 1M A
Peruzza et al. (2017) Mount Etna, Italy 1158 - 38 3.0 4.3 \(M_L\) 0.5 100 \(r_{hypo}\) 3 G 1 V
Sedaghati and Pezeshk (2017) Iran 688 688 152 4.7 7.4 \(M_w\) 1* 250* \(r_{jb}\) C 1M G A
Shahidzadeh and Yazdani (2017) Iran 289 - 136 5.0* 7.4* \(M_w\) 0* 190* \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) for some 3 L O A (S, R, N)
Soghrat and Ziyaeifar (2017) N Iran 325 325 55 4.1 7.3 \(M_w\) (U) 5.3 303.1 \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) for some 4, C G 1M A (S, R, U)
Zuccolo, Bozzoni, and Lai (2017) Southwest Italy 2270 - 319 1.5 4.2 \(M_L\) 3 100* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 B 1W A
Ameur, Derras, and Zendagui (2018) Worldwide shallow crustal 2335 - 137 3.2214 7.9215 \(M_w\) 0.01216 358217 \(r_{jb}\) C G O A
Bajaj and Anbazhagan (2018) Himalaya 512 - 66 4.0 7.8 \(M_w\) 5* 500* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U 1 A
Chousianitis et al. (2018) Greece 652 - 72 4.0* 6.8 \(M_w\) 0.3* 200* \(r_{epi}\) 2 G 2M A (R/S, N)
M. D’Amico et al. (2018) S Calabria & Sicily (S Italy) 840 - 48 4.0 6.0 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 2* 200* \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for most) 4 G 1M A
Erken, Nomaler, and Gündüz (2018) NW Turkey + foreign 369 + 33 - 19 + 7 4.1 + 6.6218 7.4 + 7.6219 \(M_w\) 1 344220 \(r_{jb}\) 2 U 1 A
Felicetta et al. (2018) Italy 769 - 99 4.1 6.9 \(M_w\) 0* 200* \(r_{jb}\) 5, 6 G 1M A (S, R, N, U)
Javan-Emrooz, Eskandari-Ghadi, and Mirzaei (2018) N Iran, E Turkey, Armenia & Georgia 463 463 107 4.5 7.4 \(M_w\) (\(m_b\)) 2 100 \(r_{epi}\) 2 V O A (R, S)
Ktenidou et al. (2018) Euroseistest (N Greece) 691 - 74 2.0 5.6 \(M_L\) 5 220 \(r_{rup}\) 1, 2, C, I D50 1M A
Laouami, Slimani, and Larbes (2018b, 2018a) Algeria + Europe + W. USA 556+494+158 - 82 + 58 + 8 3.0 + 5.3 + 5.9 6.8 + 7.6 + 7.2 \(M_w\) (\(M_s\)) 6* 230* \(r_{hypo}\) 3 B 2 A
Mahani and Kao (2018) Graham and Septimus areas (BC, Canada) U, U - 129, 90 1.5, 1.5 3.8, 3.0 \(M_L\) 2.3, 1.6 19, 42 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 G 1M W
Rahpeyma et al. (2018) Hveragerdi (S Iceland) 4620 - 610 0.42 4.75 \(M_L\) 1.6 18* \(r_{hypo}\) I G O A
Sahakian et al. (2018) Anza, S California \(>\)120 000 - \(>\)10 000 0.5 4.5 \(M_w\) 0* 180 \(r_{hypo}\) C, I G 1M A
Sharma and Convertito (2018) The Geysers, USA 261711 - 10974 0.7 3.3 \(M_w\) (\(M_D\)) 0.1 73 \(r_{hypo}\) I L 1M G
Shoushtari, Adnan, and Zare (2018) Japan + Malay Peninsula 651 + 77 - 11 + 14 5.0 + 6.7 9.1 + 9.0 \(M_w\) 120* + 500* 1300* + 1000* \(r_{hypo}\) 4 G 1 F
Wen et al. (2018) Sichuan region (China) 1644 - 186 4.0 6.7 \(M_s\) 2 200 \(r_{jb}\) C D50 1M A
Zafarani et al. (2018) Iran 1551 - 200 4.0 7.3 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0.6* 200* \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\)) 4 G 1M A (R, S, U)
Darzi et al. (2019) Iran 1350 - 370 4.5 7.4 \(M_w\) (\(M_s\), \(m_b\)) 1* 200* \(r_{epi}\), \(r_{hypo}\), \(r_{jb}\) & \(r_{rup}\) 3 G 2M A (S, R, U)
Farajpour, Pezeshk, and Zare (2019) Iran 1356221 - 208 4.8 7.5 \(M_w\) 1.5* 350* \(r_{rup}\) C G 1M A (R, S, N)
Huang and Galasso (2019) Italy 7843 - 233 4.0 6.9 \(M_w\) 1* 250* \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_epi\)) 3 D50 O A (R, S, N)
Konovalov et al. (2019) Sakhalin (Russia) 115 115 15 4.4 6.1 \(M_w\) 15 650 \(r_{rup}\) 1 L3 1W A
Lanzano, Luzi, Pacor, Felicetta, et al. (2019; Lanzano, Luzi, Pacor, Puglia, et al. 2019) Italy + 12 foreign events 4965 + 823222 - 144 + 12 3.5 + 6.07 6.87 + 8.0 \(M_w\) 0* 200* \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for \(M<5.5\)), \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for \(M<5.5\)) C D50 1M A (N, R, S)
Laouami (2019) Algeria + Europe + W. USA - 257 + 247 + 79 U 3.0 7.4 \(M_w\) (\(M_s\)) 5 150 \(r_{hypo}\) 3 - 2 A
Podili and Raghukanth (2019) Japan 96880 - 1340 5.0 9.0 \(M_w\) 5 350 \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for some) C A 2 A (S, R, N, U, B, C)
Stafford (2019) Worldwide shallow crustal 924–8548 - 103–384 3* 7.9* \(M_w\) 0* 200* \(r_{rup}\) C D50 O A (S, N, R)
Sung and Lee (2019) Taiwan 20006 - 497 4.01 7.62 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0.63 200 \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for \(M_w<4.8\)) C, I G 1M A (S, N, R)
Zolfaghari and Darzi (2019b) Iran - 1350 370 4.5 7.4 \(M_w\) (\(M_s\), \(m_b\)) 1* 200* \(r_{epi}\), \(r_{hypo}\), \(r_{jb}\) & \(r_{rup}\) 3 - 2M A (S, R, U)
Chao et al. (2020) Taiwan 40892 - 316 3.5 7.6223 \(M_w\) 0.07 437.10 \(r_{rup}\) C D50 O A (N, S, R, F, B, AS)
Cremen, Werner, and Baptie (2020) Lancashire + N. Nottinghamshire (UK) 195+192 - 29+48 (0.1*) (2.9*) \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 1.5* 7* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 G O E + M
Hu, Tan, and Zhao (2020) Sagami Bay, Japan 738 (offshore)224, 3775 (onshore) 738 (offshore), 3775 (onshore) 233, 223 (onshore) 4.0 6.8 \(M_w\) 5* 300* \(r_{hypo}\) I, 4 D50 1M A (C, F, B)
Jaimes and Garcı́a-Soto (2020) Mexico 366 366 23 5.2 8.2 \(M_w\) 22 400 \(r_{rup}\) for \(M_w>6.5\), \(r_{hypo}\) otherwise 1 G225 1M B
Kotha et al. (2020) Europe & Mediterranean 18222 - 927 3.0 7.4 \(M_w\) 0 545 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\)) I D50 O A
Kowsari et al. (2020) South Iceland 83 - 6 5.1 6.5 \(M_w\) 0* 80* \(r_{jb}\) 2 D50 O S
Kuehn et al. (2020) Separate models for Taiwan & Iran 13236 & 2775 - 108 & 480 4* & 3 7.6* & 7.37 \(M_w\) 1* & 2.5 300* & 300 \(r_{jb}\) & \(r_{hypo}\) C & 1 D50 1M, O A
Lanzano and Luzi (2020) Volcanic areas, Italy 615 - 41 3.0 4.9 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 2* 200* \(r_{hypo}\) 3 G 1M V
Li et al. (2020) Sichuan-Yunnan (China) + global 250 + 276 - 7 + 22 6.0 + 6.1 7.9 + 7.68 \(M_w\) 0* 200* \(r_{rup}\) C D50 1M A
Phung, Loh, Chao, and Abrahamson (2020) Taiwan + Japan 3314 + 3376 - 51 + 25 4.5 + 6.5 7.1 + 9.1 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 1 + 26 280 + 345 \(r_{rup}\) C D50 O A (B, F)
Phung, Loh, Chao, Chiou, et al. (2020) Taiwan + other shallow crustal 11375 + 2040 - 157 + 30 3.5 + 6.46 7.65 + 7.9 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0.1* 200* \(r_{rup}\) C D50 O A (N, S, R, HW)
Ramkrishnan, Sreevalsa, and Sitharam (2020) NE India 204 - 24 4.2 6.9 \(M_w\) 42 640 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 L 2M A
Tusa, Langer, and Azzaro (2020) Mt Etna, Italy 1600 1600 49 3.0 4.8 \(M_L\) 0.5 100 \(r_{hypo}\) 3 G 1M V
Abdelfattah et al. (2021) Jazan (Saudi Arabia) 638 - 72 2.0 5.1 \(M_L\) 4 200* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 A 1 A
Boore et al. (2021) Greece 1500* - 150* 4.0* 7.0* \(M_w\) 0.1* 300* \(r_{jb}\) C D50 O A (S, R, N)
Gao, Chan, and Lee (2021) S. Taiwan 338 - 61 4.2 7.6 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 3.6 300 \(r_{rup}\), \(r_{hypo}\) for some events 1 D50 1M A
Kumar et al. (2021) Uttarakhand, India 116 - 9 5.0 6.8 \(M_w\) 10* 430* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 L 2W A
Ramkrishnan, Sreevalsa, and Sitharam (2021) N. and Cen. Himalaya 278 - 33 4.1 7.8 \(M_w\) 16 1560 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U O A

Summary of published GMPEs for spectral ordinates

Johnson (1973)

McGuire (1974) & McGuire (1977)

Kobayashi and Nagahashi (1977)

Trifunac (1977) & Trifunac and Anderson (1977)

Faccioli (1978)

R. K. McGuire (1978b)

Trifunac (1978) & Trifunac and Anderson (1978a)

Trifunac and Anderson (1978b)

Cornell, Banon, and Shakal (1979)

Faccioli and Agalbato (1979)

Trifunac and Lee (1979)

Ohsaki et al. (1980)

Ohsaki, Watabe, and Tohdo (1980)

Trifunac (1980)

Devillers and Mohammadioun (1981)

Joyner and Boore (1982a)

Joyner and Boore (1982b)

Kobayashi and Midorikawa (1982)

Joyner and Fumal (1984), Joyner and Fumal (1985) & Joyner and Boore (1988)

Kawashima, Aizawa, and Takahashi (1984)

Kawashima, Aizawa, and Takahashi (1985)

Trifunac and Lee (1985b)

Kamiyama and Yanagisawa (1986)

C.B. Crouse (1987) reported in Joyner and Boore (1988)

Lee (1987) & Lee (1993)

K. Sadigh (1987) reported in Joyner and Boore (1988)

Annaka and Nozawa (1988)

Crouse, Vyas, and Schell (1988)

Petrovski and Marcellini (1988)

PML (1988)

Yokota, Shiba, and Okada (1988)

Youngs, Day, and Stevens (1988)

Kamiyama (1989)

Sewell (1989)

Trifunac and Lee (1989)

G. M. Atkinson (1990)

Campbell (1990)

Dahle, Bungum, and Kvamme (1990) & Dahle, Bugum, and Kvamme (1990)

Tamura, Sasaki, and Aizawa (1990)

Tsai, Brady, and Cluff (1990)

Crouse (1991)

Dahle, Bungum, and Kvamme (1991)

Geomatrix Consultants (1991), Sadigh et al. (1993) & Sadigh et al. (1997)

I.M. Idriss (1991) reported in Idriss (1993)

Loh et al. (1991)

Matuschka and Davis (1991)

Mohammadioun (1991)

Stamatovska and Petrovski (1991)

Benito et al. (1992)

Niazi and Bozorgnia (1992)

Silva and Abrahamson (1992)

Tento, Franceschina, and Marcellini (1992)

Abrahamson and Silva (1993)

Boore, Joyner, and Fumal (1993) & Boore, Joyner, and Fumal (1997)

Caillot and Bard (1993)

Campbell (1993)

Electric Power Research Institute (1993a)

Sun and Peng (1993)

Boore, Joyner, and Fumal (1994a), Boore, Joyner, and Fumal (1997) & Boore (2005)

Climent et al. (1994)

Fukushima, Gariel, and Tanaka (1994) & Fukushima, Gariel, and Tanaka (1995)

Lawson and Krawinkler (1994)

Lee and Manić (1994) & V. W. Lee (1995)

Mohammadioun (1994)

G. Mohammadioun (1994)

Musson, Marrow, and Winter (1994)

Theodulidis and Papazachos (1994)

Dahle et al. (1995)

V. W. Lee and Trifunac (1995)

N. N. Ambraseys, Simpson, and Bommer (1996) & Simpson (1996)

N. N. Ambraseys and Simpson (1996) & Simpson (1996)

Bommer et al. (1996)

Crouse and McGuire (1996)

Free (1996) & Free, Ambraseys, and Sarma (1998)

Molas and Yamazaki (1996)

Ohno et al. (1996)

Sabetta and Pugliese (1996)

Ground-motion model used is: \[\log_{10} Y = a+bM- \log_{10} \sqrt{d^2+h^2}+e_1 S_1 +e_2 S_2\]

Response parameter, \(Y\), is pseudo-velocity for \(5\%\) damping

Use data from Sabetta and Pugliese (1987).

Remove anelastic decay term because it was not significant at \(\alpha=0.1\) and sometimes it was positive. Originally geometrical decay coefficient \(c\) was allowed to vary but find it is close to \(-1\) so constrain.

Use three site categories:


Shallow: depth \(H\leq 20\,\mathrm{m}\) alluvium \(400\leq V_s \leq 800\,\mathrm{m/s}\).

Deep: depth \(H>20\,\mathrm{m}\) alluvium \(400\leq V_s \leq 800\,\mathrm{m/s}\).

Stiff: \(V_s >800\,\mathrm{m/s}\).

Accelerograms digitised at \(400\) samples/sec. Bandpass frequencies chosen by an analysis of signal and fixed trace Fourier spectra. \(f_{\mathrm{min}}\) between \(0.2\) and \(0.7\,\mathrm{Hz}\) most about \(0.3\,\mathrm{Hz}\) and \(f_{\mathrm{max}}\) between \(20\) and \(35\,\mathrm{Hz}\) most about \(25\,\mathrm{Hz}\). Instrument correction applied.

Use one-stage method although two-stage method yields similar results.

Also present smoothed coefficients.

Spudich et al. (1996) & Spudich et al. (1997)

Abrahamson and Silva (1997)

G. M. Atkinson (1997)

Campbell (1997), Campbell (2000) & Campbell (2001)

Schmidt, Dahle, and Bungum (1997)

Youngs et al. (1997)

Bommer et al. (1998)

Perea and Sordo (1998)

Reyes (1998)

Shabestari and Yamazaki (1998)

Chapman (1999)

Spudich et al. (1999) & Spudich and Boore (2005)

N. Ambraseys and Douglas (2000), Douglas (2001b) & Ambraseys and Douglas (2003)

Bozorgnia, Campbell, and Niazi (2000)

Campbell and Bozorgnia (2000)

Chou and Uang (2000)

Field (2000)

Kawano et al. (2000)

Kobayashi et al. (2000)

McVerry et al. (2000)

Monguilner et al. (2000)

Paciello, Rinaldis, and Romeo (2000)

Shabestari and Yamazaki (2000)

P. Smit et al. (2000)

Takahashi et al. (2000)

Lussou et al. (2001)

Das, Gupta, and Gupta (2002, 2006)

Gülkan and Kalkan (2002)

Khademi (2002)

Manic (2002)

Schwarz et al. (2002)

Zonno and Montaldo (2002)

Alarcón (2003)

Atkinson and Boore (2003)

Berge-Thierry et al. (2003)

Bommer, Douglas, and Strasser (2003)

Campbell and Bozorgnia (2003d, 2003a, 2003b, 2003c) & Bozorgnia and Campbell (2004b)

Fukushima et al. (2003)

Kalkan and Gülkan (2004a)

Kalkan and Gülkan (2004b) and Kalkan and Gülkan (2005)

Matsumoto et al. (2004)

Özbey et al. (2004)

Pankow and Pechmann (2004) and Pankow and Pechmann (2006)

Sunuwar, Cuadra, and Karkee (2004)

Takahashi et al. (2004)

Wang et al. (2004)

Y. Yu and Hu (2004)

Y.-X. Yu and Wang (2004)

N. N. Ambraseys et al. (2005a)

N. N. Ambraseys et al. (2005b)

Bragato and Slejko (2005)

Garcı́a et al. (2005)

McGarr and Fletcher (2005)

Pousse et al. (2005)

Takahashi et al. (2005), Zhao et al. (2006) and Fukushima et al. (2006)

Wald et al. (2005)

G. M. Atkinson (2006)

Beyer and Bommer (2006)

Bindi et al. (2006)

Campbell and Bozorgnia (2006a) and Campbell and Bozorgnia (2006b)

Hernandez et al. (2006)

Jaimes, Reinoso, and Ordaz (2006)

Kanno et al. (2006)

Kataoka et al. (2006)

McVerry et al. (2006)

Pousse et al. (2006)

Sakamoto, Uchiyama, and Midorikawa (2006)

Sharma and Bungum (2006)

Sigbjörnsson and Elnashai (2006)

Tapia (2006) & Tapia, Susagna, and Goula (2007)

Uchiyama and Midorikawa (2006)

Zare and Sabzali (2006)

Akkar and Bommer (2007a)

Bindi et al. (2007)

Bommer et al. (2007)

Boore and Atkinson (2007) & Boore and Atkinson (2008)

Campbell and Bozorgnia (2007), Campbell and Bozorgnia (2008b) & Campbell and Bozorgnia (2008a)

Danciu and Tselentis (2007a), Danciu and Tselentis (2007b) & Danciu (2006)

Y. Fukushima, Bonilla, et al. (2007b) & Y. Fukushima, Bonilla, et al. (2007a)

Hong and Goda (2007) & Goda and Hong (2008)

Massa et al. (2007)

Tejeda-Jácome and Chávez-Garcı́a (2007)

Abrahamson and Silva (2008) & Abrahamson and Silva (2009)

Aghabarati and Tehranizadeh (2008)

C. Cauzzi and Faccioli (2008), C. V. Cauzzi (2008) & C. Cauzzi, Faccioli, Paolucci, et al. (2008)

Y. Chen and Yu (2008b)

Y. Chen and Yu (2008a)

B. S.-J. Chiou and Youngs (2008)

Cotton et al. (2008)

Dhakal, Takai, and Sasatani (2008)

Hancock, Bommer, and Stafford (2008) & Hancock (2006)

Idriss (2008)

Kataoka et al. (2008)

Lin and Lee (2008)

Massa et al. (2008)

Morasca et al. (2008)

Yuzawa and Kudo (2008)

Aghabarati and Tehranizadeh (2009)

Akyol and Karagöz (2009)

Bindi, Luzi, and Pacor (2009)

Bindi, Luzi, et al. (2009)

Bragato (2009)

Ghasemi et al. (2009)

Goda and Atkinson (2009)

H. P. Hong, Pozos-Estrada, and Gomez (2009)

H. P. Hong, Zhang, and Goda (2009)

Kuehn, Scherbaum, and Riggelsen (2009)

Moss (2009) & Moss (2011)

Rupakhety and Sigbjörnsson (2009)

Sharma et al. (2009)

Akkar and Bommer (2010)

Akkar and Çağnan (2010)

Amiri et al. (2009)

Arroyo et al. (2010)

Bindi et al. (2010)

Bozorgnia, Hachem, and Campbell (2010)

Das and Gupta (2010)

Douglas and Halldórsson (2010)

Faccioli, Bianchini, and Villani (2010)

Hong and Goda (2010)

Jayaram and Baker (2010)

Montalva (2010) & Rodriguez-Marek et al. (2011)

Ornthammarath et al. (2010), Ornthammarath (2010) & Ornthammarath et al. (2011)

Rodriguez-Marek and Montalva (2010)

Sadeghi, Shooshtari, and Jaladat (2010)

Saffari et al. (2010)

Anderson and Uchiyama (2011)

Arroyo and Ordaz (2011)

Bindi, Pacor, et al. (2011)

Buratti, Stafford, and Bommer (2011)

Cauzzi et al. (2011)

Chopra and Choudhury (2011)

Gehl, Bonilla, and Douglas (2011)

P.-S. Lin, Lee, et al. (2011)

Chang, Jean, and Loh (2012)

Contreras and Boroschek (2012)

Cui et al. (2012)

Di Alessandro et al. (2012)

Hamzehloo and Mahood (2012)

Mohammadnejad et al. (2012)

Saffari et al. (2012)

Abrahamson, Silva, and Kamai (2013, 2014)

Boore et al. (2013, 2014)

Campbell and Bozorgnia (2013, 2014)

Chiou and Youngs (2013, 2014)

Douglas et al. (2013)

Idriss (2013, 2014)

Laurendeau et al. (2013)

Morikawa and Fujiwara (2013)

Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (2013)

Segou and Voulgaris (2013)

Sharma et al. (2013)

Skarlatoudis et al. (2013)

Akkar, Sandıkkaya, and Bommer (2014a, 2014b)

Ansary (2014)

Bindi, Massa, et al. (2014b, 2014a)

Derras, Cotton, and Bard (2014)

Ghofrani and Atkinson (2014)

Kurzon et al. (2014)

Luzi et al. (2014)

Rodrı́guez-Pérez (2014)

Stafford (2014)

Vacareanu et al. (2014)

Atkinson (2015)

C. Cauzzi, Faccioli, Vanini, et al. (2015)

Emolo et al. (2015)

Haendel et al. (2015)

Jaimes, Ramirez-Gaytán, and Reinoso (2015)

Kale et al. (2015)

Kuehn and Scherbaum (2015)

Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (2015) — Al Noman and Cramer

Vacareanu, Radulian, et al. (2015)

Vuorinen, Tiira, and Lund (2015)

Zhao et al. (2015)

Abrahamson, Gregor, and Addo (2016) & BC Hydro (2012)

Bommer et al. (2016)

Bozorgnia and Campbell (2016b)

S. R. Kotha, Bindi, and Cotton (2016a, 2016b)

Landwehr et al. (2016)

Lanzano et al. (2016)

Sedaghati and Pezeshk (2016)

Shoushtari, Adnan, and Zare (2016)

Stewart et al. (2016)

Sung and Lee (2016)

Tusa and Langer (2016)

Wang et al. (2016)

J. X. Zhao, Jiang, et al. (2016)

J. X. Zhao, Liang, et al. (2016)

J. X. Zhao, Zhou, et al. (2016)

Ameri et al. (2017)

Bindi et al. (2017)

Çağnan et al. (2017a, 2017b)

Derras, Bard, and Cotton (2017)

Garcı́a-Soto and Jaimes (2017)

Gülerce et al. (2017)

Hassani et al. (2017)

Idini et al. (2017)

G. A. Montalva, Bastı́as, and Rodriguez-Marek (2017b, 2017a, 2017c)

Peruzza et al. (2017)

Sedaghati and Pezeshk (2017)

Shahidzadeh and Yazdani (2017)

Soghrat and Ziyaeifar (2017)

Zuccolo, Bozzoni, and Lai (2017)

Ameur, Derras, and Zendagui (2018)

M. D’Amico et al. (2018)

Felicetta et al. (2018)

Gupta and Trifunac (2018c)

S. R. Kotha, Cotton, and Bindi (2018a, 2018b)

Ktenidou et al. (2018)

Laouami, Slimani, and Larbes (2018b, 2018a)

Laurendeau et al. (2018)

Mahani and Kao (2018)

Sharma and Convertito (2018)

Shoushtari, Adnan, and Zare (2018)

Wen et al. (2018)

Zafarani et al. (2018)

Bindi et al. (2019)

Darzi et al. (2019)

Farajpour, Pezeshk, and Zare (2019)

Huang and Galasso (2019)

Lanzano, Luzi, Pacor, Felicetta, et al. (2019; Lanzano, Luzi, Pacor, Puglia, et al. 2019)

Laouami (2019)

Sung and Lee (2019)

Zolfaghari and Darzi (2019b)

Chao et al. (2020)

Cremen, Werner, and Baptie (2020)

Hu, Tan, and Zhao (2020)

Jaimes and Garcı́a-Soto (2020)

Kotha et al. (2020)

Kowsari et al. (2020)

Kuehn et al. (2020)

Lanzano and Luzi (2020)

Li et al. (2020)

Phung, Loh, Chao, and Abrahamson (2020)

Phung, Loh, Chao, Chiou, et al. (2020)

Tusa, Langer, and Azzaro (2020)

Boore et al. (2021)

C. Huang, Tarbali, and Galasso (2021)

Gao, Chan, and Lee (2021)

General characteristics of GMPEs for spectral ordinates

Table [tab:speccomp] gives the general characteristics of published attenuation relations for spectral ordinates. The columns are the same as in Table [tab:pga] with three extra columns:

  1. Number of periods for which attenuation equations are derived

  2. Minimum period for which attenuation equation is derived

  3. Maximum period for which attenuation equation is derived

Reference Area H V E \(M_{\mathrm{min}}\) \(M_{\mathrm{max}}\) \(M\) scale \(r_{\mathrm{min}}\) \(r_{\mathrm{max}}\) \(r\) scale S \(T\)s \(T_{\mathrm{min}}\) \(T_{\mathrm{max}}\) C R M
Reference Area H V E \(M_{\mathrm{min}}\) \(M_{\mathrm{max}}\) \(M\) scale \(r_{\mathrm{min}}\) \(r_{\mathrm{max}}\) \(r\) scale S \(T\)s \(T_{\mathrm{min}}\) \(T_{\mathrm{max}}\) C R M
Johnson (1973) W. USA 41 - 23 5.3 7.7 \(m_b\) 6.3 149.8 \(r_{epi}\) 1 14 0.055 2.469 M 1 A
Kobayashi and Nagahashi (1977) Japan U - U 5.4* 7.9* U 60* 210* \(r_{hypo}\) I U 0.1 5 R239 O A
McGuire (1977) W. USA 34 - 22 5.3 7.6 \(M_L\) 14 125 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 16 0.1 8 B U A
Trifunac (1977) & Trifunac and Anderson (1977) W. USA 182 182 46 3.8 7.7 Mostly \(M_L\) 6240* 400241* \(r_{epi}\) 3 91 0.04 12 B O A
Faccioli (1978) W. USA, Japan, Papua New Guinea, Mexico & Greece 26242 - 11 5.3 7.8 U 15 342 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 15 0.1 4 B U A
R. K. McGuire (1978b) W. USA 70 - 17+* 4.5* 7.7 U243 11* 210* \(r_{hypo}\) 2 1 1 1 B U A
Trifunac (1978) & Trifunac and Anderson (1978a) W. USA 182 182 46 3.8 7.7 Mostly \(M_L\) 6244* 400245* \(r_{epi}\) 3 91 0.04 12 B O A
Trifunac and Anderson (1978b) W. USA 182 182 46 3.8 7.7 Mostly \(M_L\) 6246* 400247* \(r_{epi}\) 3 91 0.04 12 B O A
Cornell, Banon, and Shakal (1979) W. USA 70 - U U U \(M_L\) U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 7 0.17 5 C U A
Faccioli and Agalbato (1979) Friuli, Italy 38 - 14 3.7 6.3 \(M_L\) 5 (\(r_{epi}\)) 190 (\(r_{epi}\)) \(r_{hypo}\) 2 1 1 1 B 1 A
Trifunac and Lee (1979) W. N. America U U U U U U U U \(r_{epi}\) 3 91 0.04 15 U U A
Ohsaki et al. (1980) Japan 95 - 29+ 3.9* 7.2* U 3* 500* \(r_{hypo}\) 2 86 0.02 5 U 1 A
Ohsaki, Watabe, and Tohdo (1980) Japan 75 - U 4 7.4 U 6 500 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U 0.02 5 U 1 A
Trifunac (1980) W. USA U - U U U U U U \(r_{epi}\) C 91 0.04 7.5 U U A
Devillers and Mohammadioun (1981) W. USA 186 - U 3.3* 7.7* U \(\geq\) 10 250* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 46 0.04 10 U 1 A
Joyner and Boore (1982a) W. N. America 64 - 12 5.3* 7.7 \(M_w\) 0.6* 110* \(r_{jb}\) 2 12 0.1 4 L 2 A
Joyner and Boore (1982b) W. N. America 64 - 12 5.3* 7.7 \(M_w\) 0.6* 110* \(r_{jb}\) 2 12 0.1 4 L, R 2 A
Kobayashi and Midorikawa (1982) Japan 45 - U 5.1 7.5 U 50 280 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U 0.1 5 U O A
Joyner and Fumal (1984), Joyner and Fumal (1985) & Joyner and Boore (1988) W. N. America U - U 5.0 7.7 \(M_w\)(\(M_L\)) U U \(r_{jb}\) C 12 0.1 4 L U A
Kawashima, Aizawa, and Takahashi (1984) Japan 197 - 90 5.0 U \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) U U \(r_{epi}\) 3 10 0.1 3 R 1 A
Kawashima, Aizawa, and Takahashi (1985) Japan - 119 90* 5.0* 7.5* \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) 5* 500* \(r_{epi}\) 3 10 0.1 3 - 1 A
Trifunac and Lee (1985b) W. N. America 438 438 104 U U U U U \(r_{hypo}\) 3, C 91 0.04 15 U U A
Kamiyama and Yanagisawa (1986) Japan 228 - 69 4.5 7.9 \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) 3 323 \(r_{epi}\) I 45 0.1 10 U 1 A
C.B. Crouse (1987)248 S. California U - U U U \(M_s\) U U \(r_{rup}\) 1 10 0.05 6 B U A
Lee (1987) & Lee (1993) Mostly California 494 494 106 U U \(M_L\) for \(M\lesssim 6.5\), others for \(M>6.5\) U U \(r_{epi}\) 3 91 0.04 15 B U A
K. Sadigh (1987)249 W. USA + others U - U U U \(M_w\) U U \(r_{rup}\) 2 7 0.1 4 B U A (S, R)
Annaka and Nozawa (1988) Japan U - 45 U U U U U U 1 U 0.04* 4* U 1 A
Crouse, Vyas, and Schell (1988) N. Honshu 64 - U 5.1 8.2 \(M_w\), \(M_s\) & \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) for \(<7.5\) 42 407 \(r_E\), \(r_{hypo}\) for \(M<7.5\) 1 10 0.1 4 B 1 A
Petrovski and Marcellini (1988) Europe 120 120 46 3 7 U 8 200 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 26 0.02 5 L 1 A
PML (1988)250 USA + Europe + others 162 124 30* 3.0* \(\geq\) 7.0 \(M_s\) 10* \(\geq\) 150 \(r_{hypo}\) 3 20 0.025 1 A
Yokota, Shiba, and Okada (1988) Tokyo 154 24 75 (U) 4.0 6.1 \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) 59 (60) 206 (100) \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U 0.1 (0.05) 10 (5) U U A
Youngs, Day, and Stevens (1988) Worldwide subduction zones 20 + 197 + 389 - 16* (60) 5.6* (5) 8.1* (8.1, 8.2)251 \(M_w\) (\(M_s\), \(m_b\)) U (15*, 20*) U (450*, 450*) \(r_{rup}\), \(r_{hypo}\) for \(M_w\lesssim 7.5\) 1 15 0.07 4 G 1W A (B,F)
Kamiyama (1989) Japan 228 - U 4.1 7.9 \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) 3 350 \(r_{epi}\) I U 0.05* 10* U 1 A
Sewell (1989) California + 7 other events 112 - 24 5.0 7.7\(M_w\) (\(M_L\), \(M_s\)) 0.6 211 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for some) 2 20 0.07 2 C 2 A
Trifunac and Lee (1989) Mostly California 438 438 104 U U U U U \(r_{epi}\) C 12 0.04 14 B U A
G. M. Atkinson (1990) E. N. America + 10 others 92+10252 - 8+3 3.60 (5.16) 6.00 (6.84) \(M_w\) 8 (8) 1215 (23) \(r_{hypo}\) 1 4 0.1 1 B 2 A
Campbell (1990) Unknown U - U U U \(M_L\) for \(M<6\), \(M_s\) for \(M\geq 6\) U U \(r_{seis}\) 1 15 0.04 4 U U A
Dahle, Bungum, and Kvamme (1990) & Dahle, Bugum, and Kvamme (1990) Worldwide intraplate regions 87 - 56 2.9 7.8 \(M_s\) (\(M_L\), \(m_b\), \(M_{CL}\) 6 1300 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 89 0.025 4 L 2 A
Tamura, Sasaki, and Aizawa (1990) Japan 97 - 7 7.1 7.9 \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) U U \(r_{epi}\) 3 13 2 20 L 1, O A
Tsai, Brady, and Cluff (1990) Worldwide \(<\)88 - \(<\)51 4.9* 7.4 \(M_w\) 3* 150* \(r_{rup}\) 1 14 0.07 1 U M T (S,O)
Crouse (1991) Worldwide subduction zones 235 - U 5.1 8.2 \(M_w\) (\(M_s\), \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\)) \(>\)8 \(>\)469 \(r_E\), \(r_{hypo}\) for \(M<7.5\) 1 10 0.1 4 B 1 A
Dahle, Bungum, and Kvamme (1991) Intraplate (particularly Norway) 395+31 - 136+11 2.4*(4.1) 5.2*(6.9) \(M_s\) (\(M_L\),\(M_{CL}\)) 20* (9.7) 1200* (1300) \(r_{hypo}\) 1 4253 0.1 1 L O A
I.M. Idriss (1991)254 Unknown 572 - 30* 4.6 7.4 \(M_L\) for \(M<6\), \(M_s\) for \(M\geq 6\) 1 100 \(r_{rup}\), \(r_{hypo}\) for \(M<6\) 1 23 0.03 5 U U A
Loh et al. (1991) Taiwan 112 - 63 4.0 7.1 \(M_L\) 5.0 178.3 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 11 0.04 10 L U A
Matuschka and Davis (1991) New Zealand 80 80 30 U U U U U U 3 16 0.04 4 B U A
Mohammadioun (1991) Italy 144 - 46 3.0 6.5 U 6 186 \(r_{hypo}\), 1 eq. with \(r_{rup}\) 1 81 0.013 1.95 B U A
Stamatovska and Petrovski (1991) Mainly Italy and former Yugoslavia 489255 - 78 3* 8* \(M_L\) 10* 500* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 23 0.05 5 B 1 A
Niazi and Bozorgnia (1992) array, Taiwan 236 234 12 3.6 7.8 \(M_L\) (\(M_D\)) for \(M_L<6.6\), else \(M_s\) 3.1256 119.7 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 23 0.03 10 M 2W A
Benito et al. (1992) Campano Lucano 84 - U 4.7 6.5 \(M_L\) 3.4* 142* \(r_{hypo}\) 3 15 0.04 10 L 1 A
Silva and Abrahamson (1992) W. USA with 4 foreign U–136 - U–12 6.1 7.4 \(M_w\) 3* 100* \(r_{seis}\) 2 10 1 20 G 1M A (S,R)
Tento, Franceschina, and Marcellini (1992) Italy 137 - 40 4 6.6 \(M_L\) 3.2 170 \(r_{jb}\) for \(M_L \geq 5.7\), \(r_{epi}\) otherwise 1 12 0.04 2.75 L 2 A
Abrahamson and Silva (1993) W. USA with 4 foreign 22–201 - 1–18 6.0 7.4 \(M_w\) 0.6* 100* \(r_{rup}\) 2 10 1 20 G 1M A (S, R)
Boore, Joyner, and Fumal (1993) & Boore, Joyner, and Fumal (1997) W. N. America 112 - 14 5.30 7.70 \(M_w\) 0 109 \(r_{jb}\) 3 46 0.1 2 L, G 2M A
Caillot and Bard (1993) Italy 83 - \(\leq 40\) 3.2 6.8 \(M_s\) if \(M_L\) & \(M_s \geq 6.0\) else \(M_L\) 10 63 \(r_{hypo}\) 2 25 0.05 1.98 U 2, 1W A
Campbell (1993) Worldwide U - U U257 U \(M_L\) for \(M<6.0\) and \(M_s\) otherwise U U258 \(r_{seis}\) 2 15 0.04 4 M O A (T,S)
Sadigh et al. (1993) & Sadigh et al. (1997) California with 4 foreign 960+4 U 119+2 3.8 (6.8) 7.4 (7.4) \(M_w\) 0.1 (3) 305 (172)259 \(r_{rup}\) for some, \(r_{hypo}\) for small ones 2 21 0.05260 7.5261 G U A(R,S)
Electric Power Research Institute (1993a) Eastern North America 66 132 U 4* 6.8* \(M_w\), \(m_{Lg}\) 5* 1000* \(r_{hypo}\) (\(r_{rup}\) for largest) 3 10 0.03 1 G 1M A
Sun and Peng (1993) W. USA with 1 foreign 150+1 - 42+1 4.1 7.7 \(M_L\) for \(M<6\), else \(M_s\) 2* 150* \(r_{epi}\) C U 0.04 10 R 1 A
Boore, Joyner, and Fumal (1994a) & Boore, Joyner, and Fumal (1997) W. N. America 112 (70) - 14 (9) 5.30 7.70 (7.40) \(M_w\) 0 109 \(r_{jb}\) C 46 0.1 2 L, G 1M, 2M A (R,S)262
Climent et al. (1994) Central America & Mexico 280 U 72 U U U U U U U U 0.05* \(\geq\) 2 U U A
Fukushima, Gariel, and Tanaka (1994) & Fukushima, Gariel, and Tanaka (1995) 3 vertical arrays in Japan 285 284 42 5.0 7.7 \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) 60* 400* \(r_{hypo}\) I U 0.05 2 B 1,2 A
Lawson and Krawinkler (1994) W. USA 250+ - 11 5.8 7.4 \(M_w\) U 100 \(r_{jb}\) 3 38 0.1 4 U 1M A
Lee and Manić (1994) & V. W. Lee (1995) Former Yugoslavia 313 313 183 3.75 7.0 U 4 250 \(r_{epi}\) 6 12 0.04 2 U 2R A
Mohammadioun (1994) California 108263 56 23 5.3 7.7 \(M_L\) 3 136 Often \(r_{rup}\), \(r_{hypo}\) in far field 1 96 0.013 5 B 1 A
G. Mohammadioun (1994) W. USA 530264 \(\approx 265\) U U U \(M_L\) 1 250 \(r_{rup}\), \(r_E\) if more appropriate, \(r_{hypo}\) in far field 1 96 0.013 5 B 1 A
Musson, Marrow, and Winter (1994) UK + 28* foreign 88*+28*265 - 15+16 3 (3.7) 4.1 (6.4) \(M_L\) 70* (\(>\)1.3) \(>\)477.4 (200*) \(r_{hypo}\) 1 4 0.1 1 U266 O A
Theodulidis and Papazachos (1994) Greece+16 foreign 105+16267 - 36+4 4.5 (7.2) 7.0 (7.5) \(M_s\), \(M_w\), \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) 1 (48) 128 (236) \(r_{epi}\) 2 73 0.05 5 B O A
Dahle et al. (1995) Cen. America 280 - 72 3* 8* \(M_w\) (\(M_s\), \(m_b\), \(M_D\)) 6* 490* \(r_{hypo}\) 2 8 0.025 4 L 1B A
V. W. Lee and Trifunac (1995) W. N. America 1926 1926 297 1.7 7.7 Usually \(M_L\) for \(M\leq 6.5\) and \(M_s\) for \(M>6.5\) 2 200+ \(r_{hypo}\) 9, 3 \(\times\) C 91 0.04 15 U 1 A
N. N. Ambraseys, Simpson, and Bommer (1996) Europe & Mid. East 422 - 157 4.0 7.9 \(M_s\) (unspecified) 0 260 \(r_{jb}\) for \(M>6.0\), \(r_{epi}\) otherwise 3 46 0.1 2 L 2 A
N. N. Ambraseys and Simpson (1996) Europe & Mid. East - 417 157 4.0 7.9 \(M_s\) (unspecified) 0 260 \(r_{jb}\) for \(M>6.0\), \(r_{epi}\) otherwise 3 46 0.1 2 L 2 A
Bommer et al. (1996) El Salvador & Nicaragua 36 - 20 3.7 7.0 \(M_s\) 62 260 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 10 0.1 2 L U A
Crouse and McGuire (1996) Cen. & S. California 238 - 16 6.0 7.7 \(M_s\) 0.1 211 \(r_{rup}\) 4 14 0.04 14 G 1W R,S (R,S)
Free (1996) & Free, Ambraseys, and Sarma (1998) Stable continental regions 399–410 347–477 H: 137–138, V: 126–132 1.5 6.8 \(M_w\) 0 820 \(r_{jb}\) for some, \(r_{epi}\) for most 2 52 0.04 2 L 1 A
Molas and Yamazaki (1996) Japan 2166 - 387 4.1 7.8 \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) 8* 1000* \(r_{rup}\) for 2 earthquakes, \(r_{hypo}\) otherwise I 12 0.1 4 L O A
Ohno et al. (1996) California 248 - 17 5.0 7.5 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 7.2 99.6 \(r_q\) for \(M>5.3\), \(r_{hypo}\) otherwise 2 U 0.02 2 B 2M A
Sabetta and Pugliese (1996) Italy 95 95 17 4.6 6.8 \(M_s\) if \(M_L\) & \(M_s \geq 5.5\) else \(M_L\) 1.5, 1.5 179, 180268 Both \(r_{jb}\) & \(r_{epi}\) 3 14 0.04 4 L 1 A
Spudich et al. (1996) & Spudich et al. (1997) Worldwide extensional regimes 99–118 - 27–29 5.10 6.90 \(M_w\) 0 102.1 \(r_{jb}\) 2 46 0.1 2 G, C 2M NS
Abrahamson and Silva (1997) California with some others \(\leq 655\)* \(\leq 650\)* \(\leq 58\) 4.4 7.4 U 0.1 220* \(r_{rup}\) 2 28 0.01 5 G 1M A (S,O,T)
G. M. Atkinson (1997) Cascadia with some foreign U - 11+9 4.1 6.7(8.2) \(M_w\) 20* 580* \(r_c\) for some, \(r_{hypo}\) for small ones 2 12 0.1 2 B 2 A
Campbell (1997), Campbell (2000) & Campbell (2001) Worldwide 266269 173 H:30, V:22 4.7 8.1 \(M_s\) for \(M_s \geq 6\), \(M_L\) for \(M_s<6\) 3 50 \(r_{seis}\) 3 13 0.05 4 G IW A (S,R,N)
Schmidt, Dahle, and Bungum (1997) Costa Rica 200 - 57 3.3 7.6 \(M_w\) (\(M_s\), \(m_b\), \(M_D\)) 6.1 182.1 \(r_{hypo}\) 3 7 0.025 4 L, B O A
Youngs et al. (1997) Worldwide subduction zones \(\leq 476\) - \(\leq 164\) 5.0 8.2 \(M_w\) (\(M_s\),\(m_b\)) 8.5 550.9 \(r_{rup}\), \(r_{hypo}\) for some 2 11 0.075 3 G 1M NT (N,T)
Bommer et al. (1998) Europe & Mid. East 121–183 - 34–43 5.5 7.9 \(M_s\) 3 260 \(r_{jb}\) for most, \(r_{epi}\) otherwise 3 66 0.04 3 L 2 A
Perea and Sordo (1998) Urban area of Puebla, Mexico 10270 - 8 5.8 8.1 \(m_b\) for \(M<6\), \(M_s\) otherwise 274 663 \(r_{epi}\) 1 195 0.01 3.5 L 1 A
Reyes (1998) University City, Mexico City 20+ - 20+ U U \(M_w\) U U \(r_{rup}\) I 2 1.0 3.0 S U A
Shabestari and Yamazaki (1998) Japan 3990 - 1020 U 8.1 \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) U U \(r_{rup}\) U 35 0.04 10 L O A
Chapman (1999) W. N. America 304 - 23 5.0 7.7 \(M_w\) 0.1 189.4 \(r_{jb}\) 3 24 0.1 2 G 2M A
Spudich et al. (1999) Worldwide extensional regimes 105–132 - \(\leq\) 38 5.1 7.2 \(M_w\) 0 99.4 \(r_{jb}\) 2 46 0.1 2 G 1M NS
N. Ambraseys and Douglas (2000), Douglas (2001b) & Ambraseys and Douglas (2003) Worldwide 186 183 44 5.83 7.8 \(M_s\) 0 15 \(r_{jb}\) 3 46 0.1 2 L 1 A
Bozorgnia, Campbell, and Niazi (2000) Worldwide 1308 1308 33 U U \(M_w\) U \(\leq60\) \(r_{seis}\) 4 U 0.05 4 G U A (R,S,T)
Campbell and Bozorgnia (2000) Worldwide 275–435 274–434 \(\leq\) 36 \(\geq\) 4.7 \(\leq\) 7.7 \(M_w\) \(\geq\) 1* \(\leq\) 60* \(r_{seis}\) 4 14 0.05 4 G 1 A (S,R,T)
Chou and Uang (2000) California 273 - 15 5.6 7.4 \(M_w\) 0* 120 \(r_{jb}\) 3 25 0.1 3 G 2M A
Field (2000) S California 357–447 - 28 5.1 7.5 \(M_w\) 0 148.9 \(r_{jb}\) C (6) 3 0.3 3.0 G 1M A (R, S, O)
Kawano et al. (2000) Japan 107 107 44 5.5 7.0 \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) 27 202 \(r_q\) I, C U 0.02 5 U O A
Kobayashi et al. (2000) Japan U - U 5.0 7.8 \(M_w\) 0.9* 400* U 4 17 0.1 5 B 1M A
McVerry et al. (2000) NZ with 66 foreign \(\leq\) 224 (461+66) - (51+17) (5.08) (7.23(7.41)) \(M_w\) (0.1) (573) (\(r_{rup}\) for some, \(r_c\) for most) 4 U 0.01* 4* U O A (N, R, RO)
Monguilner et al. (2000) W. Argentina 54 54 10 4.3 7.4 \(M_s\) if \(M_L\) & \(M_s>6\), \(M_L\) otherwise 11 350 \(r_{hypo}\) 2 200 0.1 6 U 1W A
Paciello, Rinaldis, and Romeo (2000) Greece & Italy 115 - 18 4.5* U \(M_w\) or \(M_s\) U U \(r_{epi}\) 3 2 0.2 1 B 1 A (N)
Shabestari and Yamazaki (2000) Japan 6017 - 94 5.0 6.6 \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) 7* 950* \(r_{rup}\) I 35 0.04 10 L O A
P. Smit et al. (2000) Caucasus 84 - 26 4.0 7.1 \(M_s\) 4 230 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 22 0.05 1 L 2 A
Takahashi et al. (2000) Japan+166 foreign \(\leq\)1332 - U+7* 5* (5.8*) 8.3* (8*) \(M_w\) 1* (0.1*) 300* (100*) \(r_{rup}\), \(r_{hypo}\) for some 4 20 0.05 5 G O A
Lussou et al. (2001) Japan 3011 3011 102 3.7 6.3 \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) 4* 600* \(r_{hypo}\) 4 63 0.02 10 B 2 A
Das, Gupta, and Gupta (2002, 2006) NE India 174 - 6 5.5 7.2 \(M_s\) 53.51* 153.91* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 20 0.04 1 V 2 A
Gülkan and Kalkan (2002) Turkey 93271 - 19 4.5 7.4 \(M_w\) 1.20 150 \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) 3 46 0.1 2 L, R 1 A
Khademi (2002) Iran 160 160 28* 3.4* 7.4 \(M_w\) (\(m_b\) for \(M_s<5\) and \(M_s\) otherwise) 0.1* 180* \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) for \(M<5.9\) 2 13 0.05 4 L O A
Manic (2002) Former Yugoslavia 153272 77 19 4.0 and 4.2 6.9 and 7.0 \(M_s\) and \(M_L\) 0 and 0 110 and 150 \(r_{jb}\) and \(r_{epi}\) 2 14 0.04 4 B 1 A
Schwarz et al. (2002) N.W. Turkey 683 683 U 0.9* 7.2 \(M_L\) 0* 250* \(r_{epi}\) 3 11 0.01 2 U 1 A
Zonno and Montaldo (2002) Umbria-Marche 161 - 15 4.5 5.9 \(M_L\) 2* 100* \(r_{epi}\) 2 14 0.04 4 L 2 N, O
Alarcón (2003) Colombia 45 or 47 - U 4.0 6.7 \(M_s\) 49.7 322.4 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 84 0.05 3 U U A
Atkinson and Boore (2003) Subduction zones 1200+ - 43* 5.5 8.3 \(M_w\) 11* 550* \(r_{rup}\) 4 7 0.04 3 C 1M F, B
Berge-Thierry et al. (2003) Europe & Mid. East+163 from W. USA 802+163273 403+82274 130+8 4.0 (5.8) 7.9 (7.4) \(M_s\) (\(M_w\) for W. USA) 4 330 \(r_{hypo}\) 2 143 0.03 10 B 2 A
Bommer, Douglas, and Strasser (2003) Europe & Mid. East 422 - 157 4.0 7.9 \(M_s\) (unspecified) 0 260 \(r_{jb}\) for \(M_s>6.0\), \(r_{epi}\) otherwise 3 46 0.1 2 L 1M A (S, R, N)
Campbell and Bozorgnia (2003d), Campbell and Bozorgnia (2003a) & Bozorgnia and Campbell (2004b) Worldwide 443 439 36275 4.7 7.7 \(M_w\) 2* 60* \(r_{seis}\) 4 14 0.05 4 G 1 A (S & N, R, T)
Fukushima et al. (2003) Mainly west Eurasia+some US and Japanese 399+341 - 40+10 5.5 7.4 \(M_w\) (\(M_s\)) 0.5 235 \(r_{hypo}\) (\(r_{rup}\) for 2 earthquakes) 2 11 0.03 2 B 2 A
Kalkan and Gülkan (2004a) Turkey - 95–100276 47 4.2 7.4 \(M_w\) (unspecified scales) 1.2 250 \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) for small events 3 46 0.1 2 - 1 A
Kalkan and Gülkan (2004a) Turkey 112 - 57 4.0 7.4 \(M_w\) (unspecified scales) \(1.2\) \(250.0\) \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) for small events 3 46 0.1 2 L277 1 A
Matsumoto et al. (2004) Japan 293278 - 63 5.0* 7.6* \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) 0* 195* \(r_{rup}\) & \(r_q\) 1 U 0.02* 4* M 1M A (B, C, F)
Özbey et al. (2004) NW Turkey 195 - 17 5.0 7.4 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 5* 300* \(r_{jb}\) 3 31 0.10 4.0 G 1M NS
Pankow and Pechmann (2004) and Pankow and Pechmann (2006) Worldwide extensional regimes 142 - 39 5.1 7.2 \(M_w\) 0 99.4 \(r_{jb}\) 2 46 0.1 2.0 G, O 1M NS
Sunuwar, Cuadra, and Karkee (2004) Okhotsk-Amur plate boundary 667 667 42 4.0 5.6 \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) \(>\)3 \(>\)264 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 19 0.05 3.0 L 2M A
Takahashi et al. (2004) Mainly Japan+W USA+Iran 4400 - 270 4.9* 8.3* \(M_w\) 0.3* 300 \(r_{rup}\) for some, \(r_{hypo}\) for rest 4 21 0.02 5.0 G 1M A (B, F, R, S)
Wang et al. (2004) Chi-chi aftershocks (Taiwan) 200* - 4 5.8 6.3 \(M_w\) 20* 80* \(r_{jb}\) 1 14 0.1 5 G 1M R
Y. Yu and Hu (2004) W USA 522+187279 - 38+14* 5.0 7.5 \(M_s\) 1.5* 575* \(r_{epi}\) 1 U 0.04 20 B O A
Y.-X. Yu and Wang (2004) W USA 187 for \(T<1.5\,\mathrm{s}\), 754 for \(T>1.5\,\mathrm{s}\) - \(>\)17 5.0* (5.0*) 7.8* (7.5*) U 2* 200* (600*) \(r_{epi}\) 1 30 0.04 6.0 B O A
N. N. Ambraseys et al. (2005a) Europe & Middle East 207–595 - 59–135 5.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 99 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for small events) 3 61 0.05 2.5 L 1M A (N, T, S, O)
N. N. Ambraseys et al. (2005b) Europe & Middle East - 207–595 59–135 5.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 99 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for small events) 3 61 0.05 2.5 - 1M A (N, T, S, O)
Bragato and Slejko (2005) E Alps (\(45.6\)\(46.8^{\circ}\)N & \(12\)\(14^{\circ}\)E) 1402 3168 240 2.5 6.3 \(M_L\) 0 130 \(r_{jb}\) & \(r_{epi}\) 1 47 0.05 2.0 R O A
Garcı́a et al. (2005) Central Mexico 277 277 16 5.2 7.4 \(M_w\) 4* 400* \(r_{rup}\) for \(M_w>6.5\), \(r_{hypo}\) otherwise 1 15 0.04 5 G280 1M B
McGarr and Fletcher (2005) Central Utah coal-mining areas 31–72 - 12 0.98 4.2 \(M_w\) (\(M_{CL}\)) 0.5* 10* \(r_{hypo}\) 2 5 0.1 2.0 L 2M M
Pousse et al. (2005) Japan 6812 - 591 4.1 7.3 \(M_w\) (\(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\)) 5.5 303 \(r_{hypo}\) (\(r_{rup}\) for 10 events) 5 U 0.01 4.0 B 2 A
Takahashi et al. (2005), Zhao et al. (2006) and Fukushima et al. (2006) Japan+208 overseas 2763–4518+208 - \(<\)249+20 5.0 8.3 \(M_w\) 0* 300* \(r_{rup}\) 5 20 0.05 5 G 1M C (R, S/N) & F, B
Wald et al. (2005) California U - U U 5.3* \(M_w\) U U \(r_{jb}\) 1 3 0.3 3 L U A
G. M. Atkinson (2006) Los Angeles region 461–4973 - 509+ 3.1* 7.1* \(M_w\) 5* 350* \(r_{epi}\) (\(r_{jb}\) for some) 3 0.3 3.0 I, C B 1 A
Beyer and Bommer (2006) Shallow crustal (USA, Taiwan, Turkey and others) 949 - 103 4.3* 7.9* \(M_w\) 6* 200* \(r_{hypo}\) U 77 0.01 5.0 1, 2, A, B, C, D50, G, I50, L, N, P, R 1M A (U)
Bindi et al. (2006) Umbria-Marche 144–239 - \(\leq\) 45 4.0 5.9 \(M_L\) 1* 100* \(r_{epi}\) & \(r_{hypo}\) 4 14 0.04 4 L 1M NS
Campbell and Bozorgnia (2006a) and Campbell and Bozorgnia (2006b) Worldwide 1500+ - 60+ 4.2 7.9 \(M_w\) 0 200 \(r_{rup}\) C U U 10 G 2M A
Hernandez et al. (2006) Haulien LSTT (Taiwan) 456 456 51 5 7.3 \(M_L\) 13.7 134.8 \(r_{hypo}\) 5 143 0.03 10 B 1 A
Jaimes, Reinoso, and Ordaz (2006) Ciudad Universitaria station, Mexico City 21 - 21 6.0 8.1 \(M_w\) 285 530 \(r_{rup}\) 1 30 0.2 6 U 1B F
Kanno et al. (2006) Japan+some foreign 3205–3392+331–377 (shallow) & 7721–8150 (deep) - 70–73+10 & 101–111 5.0* (6.1) & 5.5* 8.2* (7.4) & 8.0* \(M_w\) (\(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\)) 1* (1.5*) & 30* 450* (350*) & 450* \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for some) C 37 0.05 5 R 2M A
Kataoka et al. (2006) Japan 5160 - 47 4.8* 6.9* \(M_w\) 1* 200* U 1 18 0.1 5 U U C
McVerry et al. (2006) New Zealand 435 - 49 5.08 7.09 \(M_w\) 6 400 \(r_c\) (\(r_{rup}\)) 3 11 0.075 3 L, G 1M C (R, OR, S & N) & F, B
Pousse et al. (2006) Japan 9390281 - U 4.1 7.3 (\(M_w\)) 5* 250* \(r_{hypo}\) (\(r_{rup}\) for some) 5 U 0.01 3 B 2M A
Sakamoto, Uchiyama, and Midorikawa (2006) Japan 3198 - 52 5.5 8.3 \(M_w\) 1 300 \(r_{rup}\) 5 U 0.02 5 M 1M A
Sharma and Bungum (2006) Indian Himalayas+9 European records 175+9 - 12+7 4.5 (6.0) 7.2 (7.4) \(M_w\) (\(m_b\)) 10 200 \(r_{hypo}\) 2 13 0.04 2.5 G 1W A
Sigbjörnsson and Elnashai (2006) Europe & Mid. East 422 - 157 4.0 7.9 \(M_s\) (unspecified) 0 260 \(r_{jb}\) for \(M>6.0\), \(r_{epi}\) otherwise 3 52 0.1 4 L 2 A
Tapia (2006) & Tapia, Susagna, and Goula (2007) Western Mediterranean 334 - 30 3.8 6.0 \(M_L\) 6 542 \(r_{epi}\) 1 5 0.1 2.0 U 1 A
Uchiyama and Midorikawa (2006) Japan 3198 - 52 5.5 8.3 \(M_w\) U U \(r_{rup}\) 1 U 0.02 5 G 2M A (C/F, B)
Zare and Sabzali (2006) Iran 89 89 55* 2.7 7.4 \(M_w\) 4 167 \(r_{hypo}\) 4 21 0.10 4 U 1M & 2M A
Akkar and Bommer (2007a) Europe & Middle East 532 - 131 5.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 99 \(r_{jb}\) 3 80 0.05 4 G 1WM A (N, S, R)
Bindi et al. (2007) NW Turkey 4047 4047 528 0.5 5.9 \(M_L\)282 5* 200* \(r_{hypo}\)283 2 8 0.1 1284 L 1M A
Bommer et al. (2007) Europe and Middle East 997 - 289 3 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 99 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for small events) 3 10 0.05 0.50 G 1WM A (N, S, R)
Boore and Atkinson (2007) & Boore and Atkinson (2008) Worldwide shallow crustal 600*–1574 - 18*–58 4.27–5.00285 7.90286 \(M_w\) 0 280287 \(r_{jb}\) C 21 0.01 10 I50 2M A (N, R, S, U)
Campbell and Bozorgnia (2007), Campbell and Bozorgnia (2008b) & Campbell and Bozorgnia (2008a) Worldwide shallow crustal 506–1561 - 21–64 4.27288 7.90289 \(M_w\) 0.07 199.27 \(r_{rup}\) C 21 0.01 10 I50 1M A (N, R, S, HW)
Danciu and Tselentis (2007a), Danciu and Tselentis (2007b) & Danciu (2006) Greece 335 - 151 4.5 6.9 \(M_w\) 0* 136 \(r_{epi}\) 3 31 0.10 4 A 1M A (N, ST)
Y. Fukushima, Bonilla, et al. (2007b) & Y. Fukushima, Bonilla, et al. (2007a) Mainly west Eurasia+some US and Japanese 399+339 - 40+10 5.5 7.4 \(M_w\) (\(M_s\)) 0.5 235 \(r_{hypo}\) (\(r_{rup}\) for 2 earthquakes) 5 U 0.03 3 B 2M A
Hong and Goda (2007) & Goda and Hong (2008) California 484–592 - 34–39 5* 7.4* \(M_w\) 0.2* 100* \(r_{jb}\) C 27 0.1 3 G, Q, R 1M A
Massa et al. (2007) Central northern Italy 1063 - 243 2.5 5.2 \(M_L\) 0* 300* \(r_{hypo}\) 2 8 0.1 1.5 L 1 A
Tejeda-Jácome and Chávez-Garcı́a (2007) Colima, Mexico 162 162 26 3.3 5.2 \(M_L\) 5* 175 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 H:10, V:9 0.07 H:0.99, V:0.80 G 2M A
Abrahamson and Silva (2008) & Abrahamson and Silva (2009) Worldwide shallow crustal 500*–2754 - 64–135 4.27290 7.9291 \(M_w\) 0.06* 200* \(r_{rup}\) C 22 0.01 10 I50 1M A (N, R, S, HW)
Aghabarati and Tehranizadeh (2008) Worldwide shallow crustal 646 646 54 5.2 7.9 \(M_w\) 0 60 \(r_{rup}\) C 26 0.025 10 G 1M A (N, R, S)
C. Cauzzi and Faccioli (2008) & C. V. Cauzzi (2008) Worldwide shallow crustal 1164 1132 60 5.0 7.2 \(M_w\) 6* 150* \(r_{hypo}\) 4 & C 400 0.05 20 G 2M A (N, S, R)
Y. Chen and Yu (2008b) Worldwide shallow crustal 130 - U 5.0* 7.5* \(M_w\) 0* 200* U 1 U 0.04 10 B 1 A
Y. Chen and Yu (2008a) Worldwide shallow crustal 130 - U 5.0* 7.5* \(M_w\) 0* 200* U 1 U 0.04 10 B 1 A
B. S.-J. Chiou and Youngs (2008) Worldwide shallow crustal \(\leq\)1950292 - \(\leq\)125 4.265293 7.90294 \(M_w\) 0.2*295 70*296 \(r_{rup}\) C 22 0.01 10 I50 1M A (N, R, S, HW, AS)
Cotton et al. (2008) Japan 3894 - 337 4 7.3 \(M_w\) (\(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\)) 1 100 \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for small) 4297 & 2298 23 0.01 3.33 G 2M A
Dhakal, Takai, and Sasatani (2008) Northern Japan 772 (B), 1749 (F) - 10 (B), 20 (F) 5.4 (B), 5.1 (F) 7.0 (B), 7.3 (F) \(M_w\) 70* 300* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 16 0.1 5 V 2 B, F
Hancock, Bommer, and Stafford (2008) Worldwide shallow crustal U - U 5.6* 7.9* \(M_w\) 0.1* 400* \(r_{jb}\) 3 U 0* 2.5* U 1M A (S, N, R/RO)
Idriss (2008) Worldwide shallow crustal 942 - 72 4.5 7.7 \(M_w\) 0.3 199.3 \(r_{rup}\) 2 31 0.01 10 I50 1 A (R/RO/NO, S/N)
Kataoka et al. (2008) Japan 1880 (crustal), 2374 (subduction) - 11 (crustal), 14 (subduction) 5.8 (crustal), 6.1 6.9 (crustal), 8.2 (subduction) \(M_w\) 0.1* (crustal), 10* (subduction) 600* (crustal), 900* (subduction) U 1 19 2 20 U U C, BF
Lin and Lee (2008) NE Taiwan+10 foreign 4244+139 - 44+10 4.1 (6.0) 7.3 (8.1) \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 15 630 \(r_{hypo}\) 2 27 0.01 5 G 1W A (B, F)
Massa et al. (2008) Northern Italy 306 306 82 3.5 & 4.0 6.3 & 6.5 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) & \(M_L\) 1* 100* \(r_{epi}\) 3 12 & 14 0.04 2 & 4 L 1M A
Morasca et al. (2008) Molise 3090 3090 100 2.7 5.7 \(M_L\) 12* 60* \(r_{hypo}\) 2 12 0.04 2 L 1M A
Yuzawa and Kudo (2008) Japan 1988 - 18 5.9, 5.7 8.0, 7.9 \(M_{JMA}\), \(M_w\) U U \(r_q\) 1 45 1 10 U 2 A
Ghasemi et al. (2009) Iran+West Eurasia 716+177 - 200 5.0 7.4 \(M_w\) 0.5 100 \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for small events) 2 17 0.05 3 I50 1M A
Aghabarati and Tehranizadeh (2009) Worldwide shallow crustal 678 678 55 5.2 7.9 \(M_w\) 0 60 \(r_{rup}\) C 26 0.025 10 G 1M A (N, R, S)
Akyol and Karagöz (2009) Western Anatolia 168 - 49 4.03 6.40 \(M_w\) (\(M_d\), \(M_L\)) 15 200 \(r_{hypo}\) 2 30 0.05 2 L 2M A
Bindi, Luzi, and Pacor (2009) Italy 241 241 27 4.8 6.9 \(M_w\) 0 190 \(r_{jb}\) 3 18 0.03 2 L, G 1M A (N, S, R)
Bindi, Luzi, et al. (2009) Italy 235 - 27 4.6 6.9 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0 183 \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) 3 19 0.03 3 L 1M A
Bragato (2009) Italy 922 - 116 2.7 4.5 \(M_L\) 6 100 \(r_{epi}\) I, 3, 1, C 3 0.3 3 U 1 A
Goda and Atkinson (2009) Japan 8557 (3410 shallow, 5147 deep) - 155 (51 shallow, 104 deep) 5.5 7.9 \(M_w\) 1.5* 300* \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for some \(M<6.5\)) C U 0.1 5 G 2M A (C/F, B)
H. P. Hong, Pozos-Estrada, and Gomez (2009) Mexico (interface & inslab) 418, 277 -, - 40, 16 5.0, 5.2 8.0, 7.4 \(M_w\) U U \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for small) 1 27 0.1 3 G, R, Q 1M F, S
H. P. Hong, Zhang, and Goda (2009) California 484–592 - 34–39 5* 7.4* \(M_w\) 0.2* 100* \(r_{jb}\) C 27 0.1 3 G, R 1M, 2M, O A
Kuehn, Scherbaum, and Riggelsen (2009) Worldwide 2660 - 60 5.61 7.9* \(M_w\) 0.1* 200* \(r_{jb}\) C 39 0.01 3 G 1M (O) A (N, R, S)
Moss (2009) & Moss (2011) Worldwide shallow crustal 1950 - 125 4.265 7.90 \(M_w\) 0.2* 70* \(r_{rup}\) C 5 0.1 7.5 I50 1M A (N, R, S, HW, AS)
Rupakhety and Sigbjörnsson (2009) South Iceland+others 64+29 - 12 5.02 7.67 \(M_w\) 1 97 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for some) 2 66 0.04 2.5 L 1 SO
Sharma et al. (2009) Indian Himalayas+Zagros 58+143 - 6+10 5.5 & 5.9 6.8 & 6.6 \(M_w\) 5* & 10* 190* & 200* \(r_{jb}\) 1 13 0.04 2.5 G O A (S, R)
Akkar and Bommer (2010) Europe & Middle East 532 - 131 5.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 99 \(r_{jb}\) 3 60 0.05 3 G 1M A (N, S, R)
Akkar and Çağnan (2010) Turkey 433 - 137 5.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0* 200* \(r_{jb}\) C 14 0.03 2 G 1M A (N, S, R)
Amiri et al. (2009) Alborz and central Iran299 416 - 189 3.2300 7.7 \(M_s\) (\(m_b\)) 5* 400* \(r_{hypo}\) 2 15 0.1 4 L 1M A
Arroyo et al. (2010) Pacific coast of Mexico 418 - 40 5.0 8.0 \(M_w\) 20 400 \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for \(M_w<6\)) 1 56 0.04 5 U O F
Bindi et al. (2010) Italy 561 561 107 4.0 6.9 \(M_w\) 1* 100* \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) 3 21 0.03 2 L 1M A
Bozorgnia, Hachem, and Campbell (2010) Worldwide shallow crustal 506–1561 - 21–64 4.27 7.90 \(M_w\) 0.07 199.27 \(r_{rup}\) C 21 0.01 10 G 1M A (N, R, S, HW)
Das and Gupta (2010) Chi-Chi region (Taiwan) 487–498 - 16 4.99 7.3 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0* 50* \(r_{rup}\) 3 16 0.04* 10 G 1M A
Douglas and Halldórsson (2010) Europe & Middle East 595 - 135 5.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 99 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for small events) 3 61 0.05 2.5 L 1WM A (N, T, S, O, AS)
Faccioli, Bianchini, and Villani (2010) Worldwide shallow crustal 1499 - \(\leq\) 60 4.5 7.6 \(M_w\) 0.2* 200* \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for small) 4 & C 22 0.05 20 G 1M A (N, R, S)
Hong and Goda (2010) California301 484–592 - 34–39 5.0 7.28 \(M_w\) 0.2* 100* \(r_{jb}\) C 6 0.2 3 1, 2 1M A
Jayaram and Baker (2010) Worldwide shallow crustal 1561 - 64 4.27 7.90 \(M_w\) 0.07 199.27 \(r_{rup}\) C 21 0.01 10 I50 O A (N, R, S, HW)
Montalva (2010) & Rodriguez-Marek et al. (2011) Japan 3894 - 337 4 7.3 \(M_w\) (\(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\)) 1 100 \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for small) C, I 21 0.0384 1.3622 G O (1M) A
Ornthammarath et al. (2010), Ornthammarath (2010) & Ornthammarath et al. (2011) South Iceland 81 - 6 5.1 6.5 \(M_w\) 1* 80* \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for \(M_w<6\)) 2 4 0.2 2 G 1M S
Rodriguez-Marek and Montalva (2010) Japan 3894 - 337 4 7.3 \(M_w\) (\(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\)) 1 100 \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for small) C 7 0.01 1.3622 G 2M A
Sadeghi, Shooshtari, and Jaladat (2010) Iran 883 - 79 5 7.4* \(M_w\) 0* 340* \(r_{epi}\) 2 8 0.1 3 U O A
Saffari et al. (2010) Central Iran & Zagros 627 - 110 5 7.4* \(M_w\) 5* 200* \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for \(M_w<6.5\)) 2 19 0.05 5 U 2M A
Anderson and Uchiyama (2011) Guerrero, Mexico 293 293 27 5.05 7.96 \(M_w\) 10* 390* \(r_{rup}\) 1 5 0.1 3 M, V, V3 O A
Arroyo and Ordaz (2011) Worldwide shallow crustal 906, 458 - 44, 28 U U \(M_w\) U U \(r_{rup}\) 1 1 3 3 I50 1M A (R/RO/NO, S/N)
Bindi, Pacor, et al. (2011) Italy 769 - 99 4.1 6.9 \(M_w\) 0* 200* \(r_{jb}\) 5 20 0.04 2 G, V 1M A (S, R, N, U)
Buratti, Stafford, and Bommer (2011) Worldwide shallow crustal 1666 - U 5.6* 7.9* \(M_w\) 0.1* 400* \(r_{jb}\) 3 U 0.06* 3* U 1M A
Cauzzi et al. (2011) Global U - U 3 7.9 \(M_w\) 0* 150* \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\)) C, 4 10 1 10 B 1M A
Chopra and Choudhury (2011) Gujarat (India) 407 407 \(>\)70 3.5 5.7 \(M_w\) 0* 300* \(r_{hypo}\) 2 6 0.05 1 G 1 A
Gehl, Bonilla, and Douglas (2011) Japan 3874 - 335 4.0 7.3 \(M_w\) 0* 340* \(r_{rup}\) C 5 0.1 2 G 1M, O A
P.-S. Lin, Lee, et al. (2011) Taiwan+8 foreign events 5181+87 - 44+8 3.5 (6.0) 7.6 (7.4) \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 1 240 \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\)) 2 15 0.01 5 G 1 A (HW)
Chang, Jean, and Loh (2012) Taiwan 302 - 58 5.5 7.3 \(M_L\) 0* 170* \(r_{hypo}\) (\(r_{rup}\) for some) 1 U 0.01 10 G 1 A
Contreras and Boroschek (2012) Chile 117 - 13 6.5 8.8 \(M_w\) 30* 600* \(r_{rup}\), \(r_{hypo}\) for 4 events 2 23 0.04 2 G 1M F
Cui et al. (2012) Sichuan-Yunnan (China) 962 - \(>\)21 4.5 6.5 \(M_s\) 0* 110* \(r_{epi}\) 2 5 0.04 6 G 1, 1W A
Di Alessandro et al. (2012) Italy 602 - 120 4.0 6.8 \(M_w\) 2* 200* \(r_{hypo}\) 7 58 0.033 2.01 G 1M A
Hamzehloo and Mahood (2012) East central Iran 258 - 109302 4.9* 7.4 \(M_w\) 1* 200* \(r_{jb}\) 1 14 0.1 5 G 2M A
Laouami and Slimani (2012) Algeria \(+\) Europe & USA 633 \(+\) 528 & 155303 - 82+17* & 7* 3 (5*) 6.8 (7.3*) \(M_s\) 6* (10*) 140* (150*) \(r_{hypo}\) 2 U 0.01 3* B 2 A
Saffari et al. (2012) Iran 351 - 78 5.0 7.4 \(M_w\) 4 190* \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for \(M_w<6.5\)) 3 20 0.05 5 U 2M A
Abrahamson, Silva, and Kamai (2013, 2014) Worldwide shallow crustal 15750–4000* - 326–70* 3 7.9304 \(M_w\) 0 300 \(r_{rup}\) + others for HW C 22 0.01 10 D50 1M A (S, N, R, HW, AS)
Boore et al. (2013, 2014) Worldwide shallow crustal 15000*–5000* - 350*–100* 3.0 7.9305 \(M_w\) 0 400 \(r_{jb}\) C 105 0.01 10 D50 2M A (S, N, R, U)
Campbell and Bozorgnia (2013, 2014) Worldwide shallow crustal 15521–U* - 322–U* 3.0306 7.9307 \(M_w\) 0* 300* \(r_{rup}\) C 21 0.01 10 D50 1M A (S, R, N, HW)
Chiou and Youngs (2013, 2014) Worldwide shallow crustal 12244–4200* - 300–U* 3.1*308 7.9*309 \(M_w\) 0.3* 400*310 \(r_{rup}\) C 24 0.01 10 D50 1M A (S, R, N, HW)
Douglas et al. (2013) Mainly geothermally-related 3968 - 535 1* 4* \(M_w\) (\(M_L\), \(M_D\)) 0* 20* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 104 0.01 0.5 G 1M G
Idriss (2013, 2014) Worldwide shallow crustal 2353 - 151 4.5311 7.9312 \(M_w\) 0.2 175 \(r_{rup}\) C 22 0.01 10 D50 1 A
Laurendeau et al. (2013) Japan 2357 - 132 4.5 6.9 \(M_w\) 3* 300* \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for small) C 23 0.02 1.3622 G 1M A
Morikawa and Fujiwara (2013) Japan 21681 - 333 5.5 9.0 \(M_w\) 1* 200 \(r_{rup}\) C 47 0.05 10 V 2W A (C, B, F)
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (2013) Worldwide shallow crustal - \(M_w\) C 0.01 3 - 1M A (N, S, R, HW)
Segou and Voulgaris (2013) Europe & Middle East 327 - 164 4.1 6.6 \(M_w\) (\(m_b\)) 1* 150* \(r_{epi}\) 3 41 0.05 2 I50 O A (S, R, N)
Sharma et al. (2013) Geysers, N. California 5451 - 212 1.3 3.3 \(M_w\) (\(M_D\)) 0.5 20 \(r_{hypo}\) 3 3 0.2 1 L 1M G
Skarlatoudis et al. (2013) Hellenic Arc (Greece) \(\leq\)743 - \(\leq\)21 4.4 6.7 \(M_w\) (\(m_b\), \(M_L\)) 65* 850* \(r_{hypo}\) 3 9 0.01 4 D50 1M F, B
Akkar, Sandıkkaya, and Bommer (2014a, 2014b) Europe & Middle East 1041–600* - 221 4.0 7.6313 \(M_w\) 0 200 \(r_{jb}\) C 62 0.01 4 G 1M A (S, N, R)
Ansary (2014) Himalaya, India R: 229, S: 187 - 150* 2.5* 7.8 U 2* 2000* \(r_{hypo}\) 2 3 0.3 2 U 1 A
Bindi, Massa, et al. (2014b, 2014a) Europe & Middle East 1224–800*, 2126–1460 - 225–150*, 365–226 4.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 300 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for \(M_w\leq 5\) and \(r_{epi}\geq 10\)) & \(r_{hypo}\) C, 4 23314 0.02 3 G 1M A (S, N, R)
Derras, Cotton, and Bard (2014) Europe & Middle East 1088 - 320 3.6315 7.6316 \(M_w\) 1317 547318 \(r_{jb}\) C 62 0.01 4 G O A
Ghofrani and Atkinson (2014) Japan \(>1000\) - 6 7.0 9.0 \(M_w\) 30* 1000* \(r_{rup}\) C 23 0.07 9.09 G O F
Kurzon et al. (2014) San Jacinto fault zone (S. California, USA) 29474 - 809 1.5 5.9 \(M_L\) 0 150 \(r_{epi}\) 1 12 0.03 1 G 1M A
Luzi et al. (2014) Italy 829, 2805, 401 - 146, 658, 41 4, 4, 3.5 6.9, 6.9, 6.3 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0* 200* \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for \(M<5.5\)) 5 23 0.04 4 G 1M A
Rodrı́guez-Pérez (2014) Cen. and S. Mexico 75 (F), 121 (B) - 8 F, 25 B 5.1 (F), 5.0 (B) 8.0 (F), 7.2 (B) \(M_w\) 50* (F), 70* (B) 580* (F), 540* (B) \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for \(M_w<6.5\)) 1 15 0.04 5 G 1M F, B
Stafford (2014) Worldwide shallow crustal U - U U U \(M_w\) U U \(r_{rup}\) C U 0.01 2 G 1M, O A (S, N, R, AS)
Vacareanu et al. (2014) 9 events from Vrancea (Romania) + 17 foreign events 233+198 - 9+17 5.2 (5.6)319 7.4 (7.8)320 \(M_w\) 105321 650*322 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 19 0.1 4 G 1M B
Atkinson (2015) California U - U 3* 6* \(M_w\) 2* 40 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 10 0.03 5 G 1M A
C. Cauzzi, Faccioli, Vanini, et al. (2015) Worldwide shallow active crustal 1880 - 98 4.5 7.9 \(M_w\) 0* 150* \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for \(M_w\leq 5.7\)) C 208 0.02 10 G 2M A (S, N, R)
Emolo et al. (2015) South Korea 11129 - 222 2.0 4.9 \(M_L\) 1.4 600* \(r_{epi}\) I 13 0.055 5 L 1M A
Haendel et al. (2015) Northern Chile 1094 - 138 5* 8.1 \(M_w\) 40* 300* \(r_{rup}\) 2 9 0.03 3 G 1M B, F
Jaimes, Ramirez-Gaytán, and Reinoso (2015) Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico City323 22 - 22 5.2 7.4 \(M_w\) 103 464 \(r_{rup}\) for \(M_w >6.5\), \(r_{hypo}\) for \(M_w\leq 6.5\) 1 25 0.2 5 G 1B B
Kale et al. (2015) Turkey & Iran 1198 - 313 4 7.6324 \(M_w\) 0 200 \(r_{jb}\) C 62 0.01 4 G 1MW A (S, N, R)
Kuehn and Scherbaum (2015) Europe & Middle East 835 - 279 4.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 200 \(r_{jb}\) C 8 0.01 4 G O A (R, N, S)
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (2015) — Al Noman and Cramer Cen. and E. N. America + foreign 6061325 - 78326 2.5 7.6327 \(M_w\) 1* 2000* \(r_{rup}\) C 21 0.1 10 D50 2M A (R, S, U)
Vacareanu, Radulian, et al. (2015) Vrancea, Romania + foreign intermediate-depth 344+360 - 9+29 5.2 (5.1) 7.4 (8.0) \(M_w\) 2 (\(r_{epi}\)) 399 (\(r_{epi}\)) \(r_{hypo}\) 3 19 0.1 4 G 1M A
Vuorinen, Tiira, and Lund (2015) Fennoscandian shield U - 2239 U U U U U U U U U U U 1 A
Zhao et al. (2015) Japan + some overseas 16362 - 335 + 62 4.9* 9.1* \(M_w\) 0* 300* \(r_{rup}\) if available, \(r_{hypo}\) otherwise 4 + C 24 0.05* 5* G 1M A (B, F, R, N, S)
Abrahamson, Gregor, and Addo (2016) & BC Hydro (2012) Worldwide subduction 2590 for B, 953 for F - 63 for B, 43 for F 5.0 for B, 6.0 for F 7.9 for B, 8.4 for F \(M_w\) 12* 300* \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\)) for F, \(r_{hypo}\) for B C 22 0.02 10 G 1M B, F
Bommer et al. (2016) Groningen, Netherlands (induced seismicity) 85 - 12 2.6 3.6 \(M_w\) 0.5* 19.5* \(r_{epi}\) 1 5 0.01 2 G 1M E
Bozorgnia and Campbell (2016b) Worldwide shallow crustal - 15161 321 3.0328 7.9329 \(M_w\) 0* 500*330 \(r_{rup}\) C 21 0.01 10 - 1M A (R, S, N)
S. R. Kotha, Bindi, and Cotton (2016a, 2016b) Europe & Middle East 1251 - U 4 7.6 \(M_w\) 0* 300*331 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for some \(M_w\leq 5\)) C 17 0.01 4 G O A
Landwehr et al. (2016) California & Nevada 10692 - 221 3.0* 7.3* \(M_w\) 1* 300* \(r_{jb}\) C 7 0.02 4 U332 O A (S, N, R)
Lanzano et al. (2016) Po Plain & NE Italy 2489 - 94 4.0 6.4 \(M_w\) 0* 200* \(r_{jb}\) 5 24 0.04 4 G 1M A (R, N, U)
Sedaghati and Pezeshk (2016) Europe & Middle East 350 - 85 5.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 1* 100* \(r_{jb}\) 4 2 0.2 1.0 G 1, 1W, 1M, 2, 2M, 2O and O A
Shoushtari, Adnan, and Zare (2016) Malaysia, Japan and Iran 531 - 13 5.0 7.7 \(M_w\) 120* 1400* \(r_{hypo}\) 4 19 0.1 5 G 1 B
Stewart et al. (2016) Worldwide shallow crustal - 17089 U 3 7.9333 \(M_w\) 0 300 \(r_{jb}\) C 105 0.01 10 - 2M A (R, S, N, U)
Sung and Lee (2016) Taiwan 19887 - 150 4.01 7.62 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0.32 291.59 \(r_{hypo}\), \(r_{rup}\) for Chi-Chi C 3 0.3 3 U 1M, O A (S, N, R)
Tusa and Langer (2016) Mount Etna, Italy 1158 (shallow), 1957 (deep) 1158 (shallow), 1957 (deep) 38 (shallow), 53 (deep) 3.0 4.3 (shallow), 4.8 (deep) \(M_L\) 0.5 100 \(r_{epi}\) 3 23334 0.1 10 G 1 V
Wang et al. (2016) Offshore NE Taiwan 20*–832 - 13 4.0 5.9 \(M_w\) 20* 300* \(r_{hypo}\) C 105 0.01 10 G 1 N
J. X. Zhao, Jiang, et al. (2016) Japan 4555\(+\)155 - 125\(+\)11 5.0* 7.92 (8.25) \(M_w\) 25* 300* \(r_{rup}\), \(r_{hypo}\) for most 4 36 0.01 5.0 G 1M B
J. X. Zhao, Liang, et al. (2016) Japan 3111\(+\)463 - 76 5.0* 9.0 \(M_w\) 20* 300* \(r_{rup}\), \(r_{hypo}\) for most 4 36 0.01 5.0 G 1M F
J. X. Zhao, Zhou, et al. (2016) Japan + some foreign 5957 - 117 4.9 7.2* \(M_w\) 0* 280* \(r_{rup}\), \(r_{hypo}\) for most 4 36 0.01 5 G 1M C (N), UM (R, NS)
Ameri et al. (2017) Europe & Middle East 2355 - 384 3 7.6 \(M_w\) 0* 200* \(r_{epi}\), \(r_{jb}\) 4 26 0.01 3 G 1M A (N, R, S)
Bindi et al. (2017) Worldwide shallow crustal 4692 - 242 3* 7.9* \(M_w\) 4* 300* \(r_{hypo}\), \(r_{jb}\) C 89 0.02 4 G 1M A
Çağnan et al. (2017a, 2017b) Europe & Middle East - 1041 221 4.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 200 \(r_{jb}\) C 18 0.01 4 V 1M A (S, N, R)
Derras, Bard, and Cotton (2017) Japan 977 - 214 3.7 6.9 \(M_w\) 3.65 440.63 \(r_{jb}\) C \(\times\) C 18 0.01 4.0 G O A
Garcı́a-Soto and Jaimes (2017) Mexico (Pacific coast) 418 418 40 5.0 8.0 \(M_w\) 17 400 \(r_{rup}\) for \(M_w>6.5\), \(r_{hypo}\) otherwise 1 70335 0.01 5 V 1M F
Gülerce et al. (2017) Worldwide shallow crustal - 15597–4000* 326–70* 3 7.9336 \(M_w\) 0 300 \(r_{rup}\) + others for HW C 21 0.02 10 V 1M A (S, N, R, HW, AS)
Hassani et al. (2017) Iran337 806 - 330 4.0 7.3 \(M_w\) (\(m_b\), \(M_s\), \(M_L\)) 1* 280* \(r_{epi}\) 3 16 0.06 4 L 1M A
Idini et al. (2017) Chile 100*–114 for B, 150–369 for F - U–38 for B, U–65 for F 5.5 7.8 for B, 8.8 for F338 \(M_w\) 61 for B, 31 for F 386 for B, 391 for F \(r_{hypo}\) (\(r_{rup}\) for F and \(M_w\geq 7.7\)) C 21 0.01 10 U 2M B,F
G. A. Montalva, Bastı́as, and Rodriguez-Marek (2017b, 2017a, 2017c) Chile 2461 for F, 1313 for S - 281 for F, 192 for B 4.5* 8.8 for F, 7.8* for B \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 25* for F, 60* for B 1000* for F, 500* for B \(r_{rup}\) for F, \(r_{hypo}\) for B C 22 0.02 10 G 1M F, B
Peruzza et al. (2017) Mount Etna, Italy 1158 - 38 3.0 4.3 \(M_L\) 0.5 100 \(r_{hypo}\) 3 11 0.1 10 G 1 V
Sedaghati and Pezeshk (2017) Iran \(\leq\)688 \(\leq\)688 \(\leq\)152 4.7 7.4 \(M_w\) 1* 250* \(r_{jb}\) C 13 0.05 4 1M G A
Shahidzadeh and Yazdani (2017) Iran 289 - 136 5.0* 7.4* \(M_w\) 0* 190* \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) for some 3 14 0.05 2.5 L O A (S, R, N)
Soghrat and Ziyaeifar (2017) N Iran 325 325 55 4.1 7.3 \(M_w\) (U) 5.3 303.1 \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) for some 4, C 30 0.01 4.0 G 1M A (S, R, U)
Zuccolo, Bozzoni, and Lai (2017) Southwest Italy 2270 - 319 1.5 4.2 \(M_L\) 3 100* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 11 0.1 3 B 1W A
Ameur, Derras, and Zendagui (2018) Worldwide shallow crustal 2335 - 137 3.2339 7.9340 \(M_w\) 0.01341 358342 \(r_{jb}\) C 17 0.01 4.0 G O A
M. D’Amico et al. (2018) S Calabria & Sicily (Italy) 832–840 - 48 4.0 6.0 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 2* 200* \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for most) 4 3 0.3 3.0 G 1M A
Felicetta et al. (2018) Italy 769 - 99 4.1 6.9 \(M_w\) 0* 200* \(r_{jb}\) 5, 6 20 0.04 2 G 1M A (S, R, N, U)
Gupta and Trifunac (2018c) W Himalaya and NE India 365 365 83 4.0* 6.9* U 5* 340* \(r_{hypo}\) 3 \(\times\) 3 13 0.04 3.0 B, V O A
Ktenidou et al. (2018) Euroseistest (N Greece) 691 - 74 2.0 5.6 \(M_L\) 5 220 \(r_{rup}\) 1, 2, C, I U 0.01 2 D50 1M A
S. R. Kotha, Cotton, and Bindi (2018a) Japan 6462–15896 - U–850 3.4 7.3 \(M_w\) 0 543 \(r_{JB}\) I, 8 33 0.01 2 G O A
Laouami, Slimani, and Larbes (2018b, 2018a) Algeria + Europe + W. USA 556 + 494 + 158 - 82 + 58 + 8 3.0 + 5.3 + 5.9 6.8 + 7.6 + 7.2 \(M_w\) (\(M_s\)) 6* 230* \(r_{hypo}\) 3 58 0.02 4.0 B 2 A
Laurendeau et al. (2018) Japan 1031, 765 - 80, 75 4.5*, 4.5* 6.9* \(M_w\) 4* 290* \(r_{rup}\) C 20 0.03 2.0 G 1M A
Mahani and Kao (2018) Graham and Septimus areas (BC, Canada) U, U - 129, 90 1.5, 1.5 3.8, 3.0 \(M_L\) 2.3, 1.6 19, 42 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 5 0.1 1 G 1M W
Sharma and Convertito (2018) The Geysers, USA 261711 - 10974 0.7 3.3 \(M_w\) (\(M_D\)) 0.1 73 \(r_{hypo}\) I 5 0.05 1.0 L 1M G
Shoushtari, Adnan, and Zare (2018) Japan + Malay Peninsula 651 + 77 - 11 + 14 5.0 + 6.7 9.1 + 9.0 \(M_w\) 120* + 500* 1300* + 1000* \(r_{hypo}\) 4 19 0.1 5 G 1 F
Wen et al. (2018) Sichuan region (China) 1644 - 186 4.0 6.7 \(M_s\) 2 200 \(r_{jb}\) C 16 0.04 2 D50 1M A
Zafarani et al. (2018) Iran 1551 - 200 4.0 7.3 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0.6* 200* \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\)) 4 24 0.04 4 G 1M A (R, S, U)
Bindi et al. (2019) Europe & Middle East 2767–18859 - U–2179 3.5 7.8 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 1.5* 300* \(r_{hypo}\) I U 0.01 10 D50 1M A
Darzi et al. (2019) Iran 1350 - 370 4.5 7.4 \(M_w\) (\(M_s\), \(m_b\)) 1* 200* \(r_{epi}\), \(r_{hypo}\), \(r_{jb}\) & \(r_{rup}\) 3 60 0.01 10 G 2M A (S, R, U)
Farajpour, Pezeshk, and Zare (2019) Iran 1356343 - 208 4.8 7.5 \(M_w\) 1.5* 350* \(r_{rup}\) C 18 0.04 4.0 G 1M A (R, S, N)
Huang and Galasso (2019) Italy 7843 - 233 4.0 6.9 \(M_w\) 1* 250* \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_epi\)) 3 29 0.01 4 D50 O A (R, S, N)
Lanzano, Luzi, Pacor, Felicetta, et al. (2019; Lanzano, Luzi, Pacor, Puglia, et al. 2019) Italy + 12 foreign events 4965 + 823344–4100* - 144 + 12 3.5 + 6.07 6.87 + 8.0 \(M_w\) 0* 200* \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for \(M<5.5\)), \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for \(M<5.5\)) C 36 0.01 10 D50 1M A (N, R, S)
Laouami (2019) Algeria + Europe + W. USA - 257 + 247 + 79 U 3.0 7.4 \(M_w\) (\(M_s\)) 5 150 \(r_{hypo}\) 3 58 0.02 4.0 - 2 A
Sung and Lee (2019) Taiwan 20006 - 497 4.01 7.62 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0.63 200 \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for \(M_w<4.8\)) C, I 3 0.3 3 G 1M A (S, N, R)
Zolfaghari and Darzi (2019b) Iran - 1350 370 4.5 7.4 \(M_w\) (\(M_s\), \(m_b\)) 1* 200* \(r_{epi}\), \(r_{hypo}\), \(r_{jb}\) & \(r_{rup}\) 3 60 0.01 10 - 2M A (S, R, U)
Chao et al. (2020) Taiwan \(\leq\)40892 - \(\leq\)316 3.5 7.6345 \(M_w\) 0.07 437.10 \(r_{rup}\) C 19 0.01 5 D50 O A (N, S, R, F, B, AS)
Cremen, Werner, and Baptie (2020) Lancashire + N. Nottinghamshire (UK) 195+192 - 29+48 (0.1*) (2.9*) \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 1.5* 7* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 3 0.05 0.2 G O E + M
Hu, Tan, and Zhao (2020) Sagami Bay, Japan 738 (offshore)346, 3775 (onshore) 738 (offshore), 3775 (onshore) 233, 223 (onshore) 4.0 6.8 \(M_w\) 5* 300* \(r_{hypo}\) I, 4 20 0.05 5 D50 1M A (C, F, B)
Jaimes and Garcı́a-Soto (2020) Mexico 366 366 23 5.2 8.2 \(M_w\) 22 400 \(r_{rup}\) for \(M_w>6.5\), \(r_{hypo}\) otherwise 1 18 0.01 5 G347 1M B
Kotha et al. (2020) Europe & Mediterranean 18222–9698 - 927–491 3.0 7.4 \(M_w\) 0 545 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\)) I 34 0.01 8 D50 O A
Kowsari et al. (2020) South Iceland 83 - 6 5.1 6.5 \(M_w\) 0* 80* \(r_{jb}\) 2 40 0.05 3 D50 O S
Kuehn et al. (2020) Separate models for Taiwan & Iran 13236 & 2775 - 108 & 480 4* & 3 7.6* & 7.37 \(M_w\) 1* & 2.5 300* & 300 \(r_{jb}\) & \(r_{hypo}\) C & 1 1 0.2 0.2 D50 1M, O A
Lanzano and Luzi (2020) Volcanic areas, Italy 615–550* - 41 3.0 4.9 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 2* 200* \(r_{hypo}\) 3 30 0.025 5 G 1M V
Li et al. (2020) Sichuan-Yunnan (China) + global 250 + 276–250 + 140* - 7 + 22–7 + 10* 6.0 + 6.1 7.9 + 7.68 \(M_w\) 0* 200* \(r_{rup}\) C 21 0.01 10 D50 1M A
Phung, Loh, Chao, and Abrahamson (2020) Taiwan + Japan 3314 + 3376 - 51 + 25 4.5 + 6.5 7.1 + 9.1 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 1 + 26 280 + 345 \(r_{rup}\) C 20 0.01 5 D50 O A (B, F)
Phung, Loh, Chao, Chiou, et al. (2020) Taiwan + other shallow crustal \(\leq\) 11375 + 2040 - \(\leq\) 157 + 30 3.5 + 6.46 7.65 + 7.9 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0.1* 200* \(r_{rup}\) C 24 0.01 10 D50 O A (N, S, R, HW)
Tusa, Langer, and Azzaro (2020) Mt Etna, Italy 1600 1600 49 3.0 4.8 \(M_L\) 0.5 100 \(r_{hypo}\) 3 21 0.05 4 G 1M V
Boore et al. (2021) Greece 1500–1000* - 150–30* 4.0* 7.0* \(M_w\) 0.1* 300* \(r_{jb}\) C 105 0.01 10 D50 O A (S, R, N)
C. Huang, Tarbali, and Galasso (2021) N. Italy 2427 - 85 4.0 6.4 \(M_w\) 1* 200* \(r_{jb}\) 4 36 0.04 4 G O A (N, T, U)
Gao, Chan, and Lee (2021) S. Taiwan 338 - 61 4.2 7.6 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 3.6 300 \(r_{rup}\), \(r_{hypo}\) for some events 1 27 0.01 5 D50 1M A

List of other ground-motion models

Published ground-motion models for the prediction of PGA and/or response spectral ordinates that were derived by methods other than regression analysis on strong-motion data are listed below in chronological order. Note that deciding on how a model should be categorised is not always straightforward. Therefore, it is recommended to consult the original reference.

Herrmann and Goertz (1981) Eastern North America
Faccioli (1983) Italy
Herrmann and Nuttli (1984) & Nuttli and Herrmann (1987) Eastern North America
Boore and Atkinson (1987) and G. M. Atkinson and Boore (1990) Eastern North America
Toro and McGuire (1987) Eastern North America
Electric Power Research Institute (1988) Eastern North America
Boore and Joyner (1991) Eastern North America
Bungum et al. (1992) Intraplate regions
Midorikawa (1993b) Japan
Electric Power Research Institute (1993b) Central and eastern USA
Savy et al. (1993) Central and eastern USA
Atkinson and Boore (1995) & G. M. Atkinson and Boore (1997a) Eastern North America
Winter (1995) United Kingdom
Frankel et al. (1996) & Electric Power Research Institute (2004 Appendix B) Central and eastern USA
Jonathan (1996) Southern Africa
Wong et al. (1996) Eastern Idaho, USA
G. M. Atkinson and Boore (1997b) Cascadia subduction zone
Hwang and Huo (1997) Eastern USA
Ólafsson and Sigbjörnsson (1999) Iceland
Atkinson and Silva (2000) California
Somerville et al. (2001) Central and eastern USA
Toro and Silva (2001) Central USA
Balendra et al. (2002) Singapore
N. J. Gregor et al. (2002) Cascadia subduction zone
Silva, Gregor, and Darragh (2002) Central and eastern USA
Toro (2002) Central and eastern USA
Megawati, Pan, and Koketsu (2003) Sumatran subduction zone
Electric Power Research Institute (2004) (model clusters) Central and eastern USA
Iyengar and Raghu Kanth (2004) Peninsular India
Zheng and Wong (2004) Southern China
Megawati, Pan, and Koketsu (2005) Sumatran subduction zone
Motazedian and Atkinson (2005) Puerto Rico
Nath, Vyas, Pal, Singh, et al. (2005; Nath, Vyas, Pal, and Sengupta 2005) Sikkim Himalaya
Yun and Park (2005) & Yun (2006) Korea
G. M. Atkinson and Boore (2006) Eastern North America
Böse (2006) Marmara, Turkey
Collins et al. (2006) Intermountain West, USA
Raghu Kanth and Iyengar (2006, 2007) Peninsular India
Convertito et al. (2007) Campania, Italy
Megawati (2007) Hong Kong
Tuluka (2007) African Western Rift Valley
Carvalho (2008) Portugal
Jin, Kang, and Ou (2008)348 Fujian region, China
Liang et al. (2008) Southwest Western Australia
Sokolov et al. (2008) Vrancea, Romania
G. M. Atkinson and Macias (2009) Cascadia subduction zone
Kang and Jin (2009)349 Sichuan region, China
Nath et al. (2009) Guwahati, NE India
Somerville et al. (2009; P. Somerville et al. 2009) Australia
Hamzehloo and Bahoosh (2010) Tehran region, Iran
Megawati and Pan (2010) Sumatran subduction zone
National Disaster Management Authority (2010) Separate models for 7 regions of India
Deif et al. (2011) Aswan area, Egypt
Allen (2012) Southeastern Australia
Hamzehloo and Mahood (2012) East central Iran
Nath et al. (2012) Shillong region, India
Anbazhagan, Kumar, and Sitharam (2013)350 Himalaya
Douglas et al. (2013) Geothermally-induced events
Joshi, Kumar, Mohran, et al. (2013) Kutch region, India
Rietbrock, Strasser, and Edwards (2013) United Kingdom
Yazdani and Kowsari (2013) Northern Iran
Bora et al. (2014) Europe and Middle East
Harbindu, Gupta, and Sharma (2014) Garhwal Himalaya, India
Raghukanth and Kavitha (2014) India (active regions)
Bora et al. (2015) Europe and Middle East
C. Cauzzi, Edwards, et al. (2015) Switzerland (Foreland and Alps)
Drouet and Cotton (2015) & Drouet (2017) French Alps
Gamage (2015) Sri Lanka
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (2015) Central and eastern North America
Wong et al. (2015) Hawaii
Yenier (2015) and Yenier and Atkinson (2015b) Central and eastern North America
Adhikari and Nath (2016) Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya, India
Bommer et al. (2016) Groningen, Netherlands (induced seismicity)
Yazdani, Kowsari, and Amani (2016) Alborz, Iran
Bommer et al. (2017) Groningen, Netherlands (induced seismicity)
Bydlon, Gupta, and Dunham (2017)351 North-central Oklahoma and south-central Kansas
M. D’Amico et al. (2018) Southern Italy
Hassani and Atkinson (2018) California
Jeong and Lee (2018) South Korea
Novakovic, Atkinson, and Assatourians (2018) Oklahoma
Bajaj and Anbazhagan (2019b) Peninsular India
Bajaj and Anbazhagan (2019a) Himalaya
Bydlon, Withers, and Dunham (2019) Oklahoma and Kansas (induced seismicity)
Rietbrock and Edwards (2019) United Kingdom
Tang et al. (2020) Low-to-moderate seismicity regions
Sokolov et al. (2021) Western Saudi Arabia
Jee and Han (2021)352 South Korea
De Natale, Faccioli, and Zollo (1988) Campi Flegrei, Italy
Atkinson (1996) Cascadia
G. M. Atkinson and Silva (1997) California
Gusev et al. (1997) Kamchatka
Sokolov (1997) Northern Caucasus
Sokolov (1998) Caucasus
Raoof, Herrmann, and Malagnini (1999) Southern California
Malagnini and Herrmann (2000) Umbria-Marche, Italy
Malagnini, Herrmann, and Bona (2000) Apennines, Italy
Malagnini, Herrmann, and Koch (2000) Central Europe
Sokolov, Loh, and Wen (2000) Taiwan
Akinci et al. (2001) Erzincan, Turkey
Parvez et al. (2001) Himalaya
Junn, Jo, and Baag (2002) South Korea
Malagnini et al. (2002) Northeastern Italy
Bay et al. (2003) Switzerland
Singh et al. (2003) India
Bodin, Malagnini, and Akinci (2004) Kachchh basin, India
Jeon and Herrmann (2004) Utah and Yellowstone, USA
Halldorsson and Papageorgiou (2005) Intraplate and interplate
Scognamiglio, Malagnini, and Akinci (2005) Eastern Sicily, Italy
Sokolov et al. (2005) Vrancea, Romania
Akinci et al. (2006) Marmara, Turkey
Allen et al. (2006) Southwest Western Australia
Chung (2006) Southwestern Taiwan
Morasca et al. (2006) Western Alps
Malagnini et al. (2007) San Francisco, USA
Meirova et al. (2008) Israel
Zafarani et al. (2008) Iran
Edwards and Rietbrock (2009) Kanto, Tokai and Chubu regions, Japan
Hao and Gaull (2009) Perth, Australia
D’Amico, Akinci, and Malagnini (2012) Taiwan
Òlafsson and Sigbjörnsson (2012) Iceland
Zafarani and Soghrat (2012) Zagros, Iran
Akinci et al. (2013) Western Turkey
Edwards and Fäh (2013a) Switzerland (Foreland and Alps)
Edwards and Fäh (2013b) Europe and Middle East
Akinci et al. (2014) Lake Van region, Turkey
Bernal et al. (2014) Colombia
Galluzzo et al. (2016) Campi Flegrei
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (2015) Central and eastern North America
Yenier and Atkinson (2015a) California
Pacor et al. (2016) L’Aquila region, Italy
Tao, Tao, and Cui (2016) Sichuan and Yunnan regions, SW China
Bora et al. (2017) Europe and Middle East, Turkey and Italy
Jeong and Lee (2017) South Korea
Boore (2018) Eastern North America
S. D’Amico, Akinci, and Pischiutta (2018) Sicily Channel and surrounding region, S Italy
Ólafsson, Sigbjörnsson, and Rupakhety (2018) South Iceland Seismic Zone
Sokolov and Zahran (2018) Saudi Arabia
Wang, Ren, and Wen (2018) Wenchuan, China
Zandieh, Pezeshk, and Campbell (2018) Worldwide shallow crustal
Tang et al. (2019) South-eastern Australia and south-eastern China
Atkinson (2001) Eastern North America
Abrahamson and Silva (2002) Central and eastern USA
Campbell (2003b) Eastern North America
Atkinson (2005) Cascadia
Tavakoli and Pezeshk (2005) Eastern North America
Douglas, Bungum, and Scherbaum (2006) Southern Norway
Douglas, Bungum, and Scherbaum (2006) Southern Spain
Campbell (2007) Central and eastern USA
Pezeshk, Zandieh, and Tavakoli (2011) Eastern North America
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (2015) Central and eastern North America
Shahjouei and Pezeshk (2016) Central and eastern North America
Tsereteli, Askan, and Hamzehloo (2016) Georgia (no regression performed)
Pezeshk et al. (2018) Central and eastern North America
Pezeshk, Zandieh, and Haji-Soltani (2021) Gulf Coast, southern USA
Båth (1975) Worldwide
Battis (1981) Eastern North America
Hasegawa, Basham, and Berry (1981) Canada
Ben-Menahem, Vered, and Brooke (1982) Israel
Gaull, Michael-Leiba, and Rynn (1990) Australia (NE and W and SE)
J. Huo, Hu, and Feng (1992) China
Malkawi and Fahmi (1996) Jordan
Al-Homoud and Fandi Amrat (1998) Jordan and Israel
Nguyen and Tran (1999) Vietnam
Y.-X. Yu and Wang (2004) NE Tibet
Dost, Eck, and Haak (2004) Netherlands
Bommer et al. (2006) El Salvador
Atkinson (2008) Eastern North America
Scasserra et al. (2009) Italy
G. M. Atkinson (2009; Atkinson 2010) Hawaii
Gupta (2010) Indo-Burmese subduction zone
P.-S. Lin, Chiou, et al. (2011) Taiwan
Bourne et al. (2015) Groningen, Netherlands
Hassani and Atkinson (2015) Eastern North America
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (2015) Central and eastern North America
Vuorinen, Tiira, and Lund (2015) Fennoscandian shield
Gülerce, Kargıoğlu, and Abrahamson (2016) Turkey
Gupta, Baker, and Ellsworth (2017) Central and eastern USA
Kaski (2017) & Kaski and Atkinson (2017) Alberta, Canada
Zafarani, Rahpeyma, and Mousavi (2017) Northern Iran
Obaid et al. (2019) Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Kiuchi, Mooney, and Zahran (2019) Western Saudi Arabia
Zalachoris and Rathje (2019) Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas
Edwards et al. (2021) Preston New Road, Blackpool, UK
Farajpour and Pezeshk (2021) Central and eastern USA (induced events)
Sokolov et al. (2021) Western Saudi Arabia
Twesigomwe (1997) Modifies coefficients of Krinitzsky, Chang, and Nuttli (1988)
Lee, Anderson, and Zeng (2000) New \(\sigma\) for Abrahamson and Silva (1997), Boore, Joyner, and Fumal (1997), Campbell (1997), Sadigh et al. (1997) and V. W. Lee and Trifunac (1995)
Eberhart-Phillips and McVerry (2003) New terms for McVerry et al. (2000)
Petersen et al. (2004) Modified distance dependence of Youngs et al. (1997) for \(>200\,\mathrm{km}\)
L. Chen (2008) & Chen and Faccioli (2013) New \(\sigma\) for Faccioli, Bianchini, and Villani (2010)
Wang and Takada (2009) Adjustment of Si and Midorikawa (1999, 2000) for stations HKD100 and CHB022
Bradley (2010, 2013) Modified coefficients of B. S.-J. Chiou and Youngs (2008)
Chiou et al. (2010) New terms for B. S.-J. Chiou and Youngs (2008)
J. X. Zhao (2010) & J. X. Zhao and Gerstenberger (2010) New terms for Zhao et al. (2006)
G. M. Atkinson and Boore (2011) New terms for Boore and Atkinson (2008), G. M. Atkinson and Boore (2006) and Atkinson (2008)
Bommer, Akkar, and Drouet (2012) Coefficients for Akkar and Bommer (2010) for 6 periods from \(0.00\) to \(0.05\,\mathrm{s}\)
McVerry and Holden (2014) Modified terms for McVerry et al. (2006)
Pasyanos (2015) Introduces 2D attenuation variations into G. M. Atkinson and Boore (2006)
V. W. Lee, Trifunac, Bulajić, et al. (2016b) Modify V. W. Lee (1995) for Vrancea earthquakes using model of V. W. Lee, Trifunac, Bulajić, et al. (2016a)
Graizer (2017) Modifies Graizer (2016) using more physically justified approach
Skarlatoudis (2017) Modifies Abrahamson, Gregor, and Addo (2016) and Zhao et al. (2006) for inslab Greek earthquakes
Zalachoris and Rathje (2017) Modifies Hassani and Atkinson (2015) for Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas
Abrahamson et al. (2018) Introduces regional terms in Abrahamson, Gregor, and Addo (2016) for Cascadia, Central America, Japan, New Zealand, South America and Taiwan
Graizer (2018) Extends Graizer and Kalkan (2015, 2016) using the NGA-West2 database and adding new terms and more complex modelling353
Gupta and Trifunac (2018a) Modifies Gupta and Trifunac (2018c) for deep-focus Hindu Kush earthquakes
Gupta and Trifunac (2018b) Modifies Gupta and Trifunac (2018c) for Burmese subduction zone earthquakes
Erdem, Boatwright, and Fletcher (2019) Modifies Boore et al. (2013, 2014) for Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (California)
Gupta and Trifunac (2019) Modifies Gupta and Trifunac (2018c) for National Capital Region (includes Delhi) of India
Sahakian et al. (2019) Introduces additional path terms to Sahakian et al. (2018)
Fülöp et al. (2020) Modifies Graizer (2016) for Fennoscandia (Sweden and Finland)
Kowsari et al. (2020) Modifies for Iceland the coefficients of 4 ground-motion models from other regions using Bayesian inference
Schnabel and Seed (1973) Western North America
Katayama (1982) Japan
Anderson and Lei (1994) Guerrero, Mexico
V. W. Lee, Trifunac, Todorovska, et al. (1995) California
Emami, Iwao, and Harada (1996) Western North America
Anderson (1997) Guerrero, Mexico
Fajfar and Perus (1997) Europe & Middle East
Garcia and Romo (2006) Subduction zones
Pathak, Paul, and Godbole (2006) India
Güllü and Erçelebi (2007) Turkey
Ahmad, El Naggar, and Khan (2008) Europe & Middle East
Günaydın and Günaydın (2008) Northwestern Turkey
Cabalar and Cevik (2009) Turkey
Perus and Fajfar (2009, 2010) Worldwide
Kuehn, Riggelsen, and Scherbaum (2011) Worldwide shallow crustal
Tezcan and Cheng (2012) Worldwide shallow crustal
Hermkes, Kuehn, and Riggelsen (2014) Europe & Middle East
Yerlikaya-Özkurt, Askan, and Weber (2014) Turkey
Gandomi et al. (2016) Iran
Thomas, Pillai, and Pal (2016) Worldwide shallow crustal
Thomas et al. (2016) Worldwide shallow crustal
Derras, Bard, and Cotton (2016) Worldwide shallow crustal and Europe & Middle East
Oth, Miyake, and Bindi (2017) Japan
Dhanya and Raghukanth (2018) Worldwide shallow crustal
Goulet et al. (2018) Central and eastern North America
Hamze-Ziabari and Bakhshpoori (2018) Worldwide shallow crustal
Kaveh, Hamze-Ziabari, and Bakhshpoori (2018) Worldwide shallow crustal
Khosravikia et al. (2018) Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas
Tezcan, Dak Hazirbaba, and Cheng (2018) Western North America
Derakhshani and Foruzan (2019) Worldwide shallow crustal
Dhanya, Sagar, and Raghukanth (2019) Worldwide shallow crustal
Wiszniowski (2019) Legnica-Głogów Copper District, Poland District
Dhanya and Raghukanth (2020) Himalaya
Ghalehjough and Mahinroosta (2020) Iran
Huang et al. (2021) North India
Ji et al. (2021) Worldwide shallow crustal
Kashani et al. (2021) Worldwide shallow crustal
Khosravikia and Clayton (2021) Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas
Raghucharan et al. (2021) Indo-Gangetic Plains (N. India)
Toro, Abrahamson, and Schneider (1997) Central and eastern North America
Electric Power Research Institute (2004, 2013) Central and eastern North America
Petersen et al. (2008, 2014) Western USA
G. M. Atkinson (2011) Canada
Atkinson and Adams (2013) Various regions of Canada
Al Atik and Youngs (2014) Western USA
Coppersmith et al. (2014) Hanford, USA
Bommer et al. (2015) Thyspunt, South Africa
GeoPentech (2015) Diablo Canyon and Palo Verde, USA
Garcı́a-Fernández et al. (2016), Gehl (2017)
& Garcı́a-Fernández et al. (2019) Europe & Middle East
Goulet et al. (2017) Central and eastern USA
Douglas (2018a) Europe & Middle East
Goulet et al. (2018) Central and eastern North America
Phung et al. (2018) Taiwan
de Almeida et al. (2019) SE Brazil
Kowsari et al. (2019) Iran
Weatherill and Cotton (2020) Stable cratonic region of Europe
Weatherill, Kotha, and Cotton (2020) Europe & Middle East
Akkar et al. (2021) Central and eastern North America

General characteristics of GMPEs for intensity measures other than PGA and elastic spectral ordinates

The following table is an updated and extended version of Table 1 of Douglas (2012), where: AI is Arias intensity, CAV is cumulative absolute velocity, FSA is Fourier spectral amplitudes, IE is maximum absolute unit elastic input energy [often expressed in terms of equivalent velocity (Chapman 1999)], ISO is inelastic response spectral ordinates, JMA is Japanese Meterological Agency seismic intensity, MI is macroseismic intensity (these models are often now as intensity prediction equations), MP is mean period (Rathje et al. 2004), PGV is peak ground velocity, PGD is peak ground displacement, RSD is relative significant duration and VH is vertical-to-horizontal response spectral ratio. For consistency with the rest of this report only empirical models are listed [Table 1 of Douglas (2012) included hybrid and simulation-based models as well as empirical GMPEs].

Reference Area H V E \(M_{\mathrm{min}}\) \(M_{\mathrm{max}}\) \(M\) scale \(r_{\mathrm{min}}\) \(r_{\mathrm{max}}\) \(r\) scale S C R M IM
Reference Area H V E \(M_{\mathrm{min}}\) \(M_{\mathrm{max}}\) \(M\) scale \(r_{\mathrm{min}}\) \(r_{\mathrm{max}}\) \(r\) scale S C R M IM
Esteva and Rosenblueth (1964) W. USA 46* - U U U U 15* 450* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U U A PGV, MI
Orphal and Lahoud (1974) California 140 - 31 4.1 7.0 \(M_L\) 15 350 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U O A PGV, PGD
Nazarov and Shebalin (1975) Kazakhstan & Kirgizstan U - U U U U U U \(r_{epi}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Trifunac and Brady (1975a),Trifunac (1976a) & Trifunac and Brady (1976) W. USA 181 181 57 3.8 7.7 Mostly \(M_L\) 6354* 400355* \(r_{epi}\) 3 B O A PGV, PGD
Trifunac and Brady (1975b) W. USA 188 188 48 3.8 7.7 Mostly \(M_L\) 6* 400* \(r_{epi}\) 3 B O A AI, RSD
Trifunac (1976b) W. USA 182 182 46 3.8 7.7 Mostly \(M_L\) 6* 400* \(r_{epi}\) 3 B O A FSA
Gürpinar (1977) California 64, 34, 13 - U U U \(M_L\) 28* 70* \(r_{hypo}\) 3 B 1 A PGV, PGD
McGuire (1977) W. USA 34 - 22 5.3 7.6 \(M_L\) 14 125 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 B U A PGV, PGD
Oskorbin (1977) Sakhalin (Russia) U - U U U \(M_s\)356 U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Dobry, Idriss, and Ng (1978) W. USA 84 - 14 4.7 7.6 \(M_L\) 0.1 130 \(r_{rup}\) 2 B 1 A RSD
R. K. McGuire (1978b) W. USA 70 - 17+* 4.5* 7.7 U357 11* 210* \(r_{hypo}\) 2 B U A PGV, PGD
R. K. McGuire (1978a) W. USA 70 - 17+* 4.5* 7.7 U358 11* 210* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 B U A FSA
K. Sadigh, Power, and Youngs (1978) W. USA U - U U U U U U U U U 1 A PGV, PGD
Trifunac and Lee (1978) W. N. America U U U U U U U U \(r_{epi}\) 3 U U A FSA
McGuire and Barnhard (1979) W. USA 50 - U U U U U U \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for some) 2 B 1 A RSD
Cornell, Banon, and Shakal (1979) W. USA 70 - U U U \(M_L\) U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 C U A PGV, PGD, FSA
Båth (1980) Sweden U - U U U U U U \(r_{epi}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Goto, Kameda, and Sugito (1981) Japan 84 - 28 4.3* 7.8* U359 11* 300* \(r_{epi}\) 1, C L 1 A PGV, PGD
Joyner and Boore (1981) W. N. America 182 - 23 5.0 7.7 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0.5 370 \(r_{jb}\) 2 L 2 A PGV
Campbell (1984) & K.W. Campbell (1988)360 Worldwide U - U \(\geq\) 5 U \(M_L\) for \(M<6.0\) and \(M_s\) otherwise U \(<\)50 \(r_{seis}\) 2 M U A (S, R) PGV
Joyner and Fumal (1984) and Joyner and Fumal (1985) W. N. America 182 - 23 5.0 7.7 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0.5 370 \(r_{jb}\) C L 2 A PGV
Kamiyama (1984) Japan 192 - U 4.1 7.9 \(M_{JMA}\) 10 310 \(r_{epi}\) I B 1 A RSD
Kawashima, Aizawa, and Takahashi (1984) & Kawashima, Aizawa, and Takahashi (1986) Japan 197 - 90 5.0 7.9 \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) 5* 550* \(r_{epi}\) 3 R 1 A PGV, PGD
Erdik et al. (1985) Turkey U - 114 5.1 7.75 U U U \(r_{epi}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Trifunac and Lee (1985a) W. N. America 438 438 104 U U U U U \(r_{hypo}\) 3, C U U A FSA
Wilson and Keefer (1985) W. USA 30 - 20 5.0 7.4 \(M_w\) 6 130 \(r_{jb}\) 1 A 1 A AI
Woo (1985) UK U - U U U \(M_s\) U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Jibson (1987) W. USA 31 - 21 5.0 7.4 \(M_w\) 6 130 \(r_{jb}\) 1 A 1 A AI
Gaull (1988) S.W. W. Australia 25+ - 12+ 2.6 6.9 \(M_L\) 2.5 175 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U O A PGV
Hiehata, Takemura, and Ohta (1988) 3 sites in Tokyo 85 - 27* 4.2* 7.5* \(M_{JMA}\) 40* 400* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 B361 1 A FSA
Huo (1989) W. USA & S. China U - U U U U U U U 1 G 1 A PGV
Sewell (1989) California + 7 other events 112 - 24 5.0 7.7 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\), \(M_s\)) 0.6 211 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for some) 2 C 2 A ISO
Campbell (1990) Unknown U - U U U \(M_L\) for \(M<6\), \(M_s\) for \(M\geq 6\) U U \(r_{seis}\) 1 U U A PGV
Gaull, Michael-Leiba, and Rynn (1990) SE Australia U - U U U \(M_s\) U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Niazi and Bozorgnia (1991) array, Taiwan 236 234 12 3.6 7.8 \(M_L\) (\(M_D\)) for \(M_L<6.6\), else \(M_s\) 3.1362 119.7 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 M 2W A PGV, PGD
Dowrick (1992) New Zealand U - 30 5.0 7.8 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\), \(M_s\)) U U \(r_c\) 1 - 1 A MI
Kamiyama, O’Rourke, and Flores-Berrones (1992) & Kamiyama (1995) Japan 357 - 82 4.1 7.9 \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) 3.4 413.3 \(r_{hypo}\) I B O A PGV, PGD
Theodulidis and Papazachos (1992) Greece+16 foreign 105+16363 - 36+4 4.5 (7.2) 7.0 (7.5) \(M_s\), \(M_w\), \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) 1 (48) 128 (236) \(r_{epi}\) 2 B O A PGV, PGD
Midorikawa (1993a) Japan U - U 6.5 7.8 \(M_w\) U U \(r_{rup}\) C M 1 A PGV
Benouar (1994) Atlas Mountains 123 - 32 4.2 7.45 \(M_s\) U U \(r_{epi}\) 1 - 1 A MI
V. W. Lee, Trifunac, Todorovska, et al. (1995) W. N. America 1926 1926 297 1.7 7.7 Usually \(M_L\) for \(M\leq 6.5\) and \(M_s\) for \(M>6.5\) 2 200+ \(r_{hypo}\) 9, 3 \(\times\) C U 1 A PGV, PGD
Molas and Yamazaki (1995) Japan 2166 - 387 4.1* 7.8* \(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\) 8* 1000* \(r_{rup}\) for 2 earthquakes, \(r_{hypo}\) otherwise I L O A PGV
Abrahamson and Silva (1996) California with some others U U U 4.7 7.4 \(M_w\) 0.1 220* \(r_{rup}\) 2 G 1M A RSD
(N. N. Ambraseys and Simpson 1996) & (Simpson 1996) Worldwide shallow crustal 90–113 90–113 U–34 6.0 7.6 \(M_s\) 0 15 \(r_{jb}\) 1 L 1 A, R, S VH
Musson and Winter (1996) UK U - U U U \(M_L\) U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Sabetta and Pugliese (1996) Italy 95 95 17 4.6 6.8 \(M_s\) if \(M_L\) & \(M_s \geq 5.5\) else \(M_L\) 1.5, 1.5 179, 180364 Both \(r_{jb}\) & \(r_{epi}\) 3 L 1 A PGV, AI
Singh, Aman, and Prasad (1996) Himalayas 86 - 5 5.7 7.2 \(m_b\) 33.15 340.97 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U 1 A PGV
(1996) E China, W China U, U - U, U U, U U, U \(M_s\) U, U U, U \(r_{epi}\) 1 - 1 A MI
G. M. Atkinson and Silva (1997) California 1000 - 43 4.4 7.4 \(M_w\) 1* 200* \(r_{rup}\) 2 G O A FSA
Bakun and Wentworth (1997, 1999) Cen. California 4344 - 22 4.4 6.9 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0* 600* \(r_{epi}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Campbell (1997), Campbell (2000), Campbell (2001) & Campbell and Bozorgnia (1994) Worldwide 645 225 H:47, V:26 4.7 H:8.0, V:8.1 \(M_w\) 3 60 \(r_{seis}\) 3 G 1 A(S,R,N) PGV
Gregor and Bolt (1997) California 110 110 12 5.4 7.2 \(M_w\) 6* 200* \(r_{slip}\) 2 T, V 1 R, S PGD
Kayen and Mitchell (1997) W. USA 66 - U U U \(M_w\) 1* 100* \(r_{rup}\) 3 G 1 A AI
Shabestari and Yamazaki (1997) Japan 2166 - 387 4.1* 7.8 \(M_{JMA}\) U U \(r_{rup}\) 1 V 2 A JMA
Rathje, Abrahamson, and Bray (1998) California 306 - 20 5.7 7.3 \(M_w\) 0.5* 200* \(r_{rup}\) 2 O 1M A MP
Rinaldis et al. (1998) Italy & Greece 137* - 24* 4.5 7 \(M_s\) or \(M_w\) 7 138 \(r_{epi}\) 2 U O A (N, ST) PGV
Sadigh and Egan (1998) California with 4 foreign 960+4 - 119+2 3.8 7.4 \(M_w\) 0.1 305365 \(r_{rup}\) for some, \(r_{hypo}\) for small ones 2 G U A(R,SN) PGV, PGD
Sarma and Srbulov (1998) Worldwide 690366 - 113 3.9 7.7 \(M_s\) (U) 0 197 \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) 2 B 1 A AI
Somerville (1998) 15 mainly W. USA+12 simulated 27 - 13 6.2 7.5 \(M_w\) 0.1 10 \(r_{rup}\) 1 N 1 A PGV
Theodulidis et al. (1998) Kozani-Grevena (Greece) 232367 - \(>\)23 3.1 6.6 \(M_w\) 1 140* \(r_{epi}\) 1 B O A PGV
Chapman (1999) W. N. America 304 - 23 5.0 7.7 \(M_w\) 0.1 189.4 \(r_{jb}\) 3 G 2M A PGV, IE
Dowrick and Rhoades (1999) New Zealand U - 85 5.0 8.2 \(M_w\) 4* 450* \(r_c\) 1 - 1 A (S, R, N) MI
Jiménez, Garcı́a-Fernández, and the GSHAP Ibero-Maghreb Working Group (1999) Portugal U - U U U U U U U 1 - 1 A MI
Ólafsson and Sigbjörnsson (1999) Iceland 88368 - 17 4.0 5.9 \(M_w\) 2 112 \(r_{epi}\) 1 B 1 A RSD
Alavi and Krawinkler (2000) 15 mainly W USA+12 simulated 27 - 13 6.2 7.5 \(M_w\) 0.1 10 \(r_{rup}\) 1 N 1 A PGV
Bommer, Elnashai, and Weir (2000) Europe & Middle East 183 - 43 5.5 7.9 \(M_s\) 3 260 \(r_{jb}\) 3 L 1 A PGV, PGD
(N. Ambraseys and Douglas 2000), Douglas (2001b) & Ambraseys and Douglas (2003) Worldwide 186 183 44 5.83 7.8 \(M_s\) 0 15 \(r_{jb}\) 3; 1 L 1 A; A, N, R, S IE; VH
Hernandez and Cotton (2000) Italy & California 272369 - 40* 3.2 7.4 \(M_L\) for \(M<6\), \(M_s\) otherwise 1 109 \(r_{rup}\) 2 B 1 A RSD
Musson (2000) Turkey U - U U U \(M_s\) U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Paciello, Rinaldis, and Romeo (2000) Greece & Italy 115 - 18 4.5 U \(M_w\) or \(M_s\) U U \(r_{epi}\) 2 B 1 A (N) PGV, PGD, AI
Si and Midorikawa (1999, 2000) Japan 856 - 21 5.8 8.3 \(M_w\) 0* 280* Both \(r_q\) & \(r_{rup}\) 2 L O A PGV
Hinzen and Oemisch (2001) N Rhine area 4375 - 14 2.9 5.9 \(M_L\) 0* 675* \(r_{epi}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Wu, Shin, and Chang (2001) Taiwan 1941 - 60 4.8 7.6 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0.05* 400* \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for some) 1 & I U U A PGV
Chandler and Lam (2002) S China 264 - 76 3.3 8.0 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 1.9 289 \(r_{epi}\) 1 - 1 A MI
N. Gregor, Silva, and Darragh (2002) Shallow crustal worldwide (mainly California) 993 993 68 4.4 7.4 \(M_w\) 0.1 267.3 \(r_{rup}\) 2 U 1M A (S, R/O, T) PGV, PGD
Margaris et al. (2002a) & Margaris et al. (2002b) Greece 744 - 142 4.5 7.0 \(M_w\) 1 150 \(r_{epi}\) 3 B O A PGV, PGD
Tromans and Bommer (2002) Europe 249 - 51 5.5 7.9 \(M_s\) 1 359 \(r_{jb}\) 3 L 2 A PGV, PGD
Zonno and Montaldo (2002) Umbria-Marche 161 - 15 4.5 5.9 \(M_L\) 2* 100* \(r_{epi}\) 2 L 2 N, O PGV, AI
Bakun, Johnston, and Hopper (2003) E N America 14198 - 28 3.7 7.3 \(M_w\) 0* 2000* \(r_{epi}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Boatwright et al. (2003) N California 4028 - 104 3.3 7.1 Mainly \(M_w\), \(M_L\) for some 1* 370* \(r_{hypo}\) 4 U O A PGV
Skarlatoudis et al. (2003) Greece 1000 - 225 4.5 7.0 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 1.5* 150* \(r_{epi}\) 2 U O A (N, ST) PGV, PGD
Travasarou, Bray, and Abrahamson (2003) Mainly W USA 1208 - 75 4.7 7.6 \(M_w\) 0.1* 200* \(r_{rup}\) 3 A 1M A (N, R) AI
Zaré and Memarian (2003) Iran 470 - U 3.0 7.4 Mixed scales U U \(r_{epi}\) 1, 2 - 1 A MI
Atkinson (2004) SE Canada & NE USA U 1700 186 2.1* 5.1* \(m_1\) 7* 2000* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 G 1M A FSA
Bozorgnia and Campbell (2004b) Worldwide 443 439 36370 4.7 7.7 \(M_w\) 2* 60* \(r_{seis}\) 4 G 1 A (S & N, R, T) VH
Bray and Rodriguez-Marek (2004) Worldwide 54 - 13 6.1 7.6 \(M_w\) 0.1 17.6 \(r_{rup}\) 2 N 1M A PGV
Horike and Nishimura (2004) Japan U - U U U \(M_{JMA}\) U U \(r_{hypo}\) U U 1 A PGV
Hwang et al. (2004) Chi-Chi (Taiwan) 221371 - 4 6.2 7.7 \(M_w\) U U \(r_{jb}\) 1 A 2M A AI
Kalkan and Gülkan (2004a) Turkey 96–100 96–100 47 4.2 7.4 \(M_w\) (unspecified scales) 1.2 250 \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) for small events 3 L 1 A VH
Lin and Lee (2004) Taiwan U - 41 U U U U U \(r_{rup}\) 1 U 1 A AI
Mezcua, Rueda, and García Blanco (2004) Iberia 375 - 5 4.8 7.9 \(M_w\) 0* U \(r_{epi}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Midorikawa and Ohtake (2004) Japan 3335 - 33 5.5 8.3 \(M_w\) 0* 300* \(r_{rup}\) 2 L 1 A (C, B, F) PGV
Moradi, Mirzaei, and Rezapour (2004) Iran U - 22 U U \(M_s\) U U \(r_{epi}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Pankow and Pechmann (2004) and Pankow and Pechmann (2006) Worldwide extensional regimes 142 - 39 5.1 7.2 \(M_w\) 0 99.4 \(r_{jb}\) 2 G, O 1M NS PGV
Rathje et al. (2004) Worldwide shallow crustal 835 - 44 4.9 7.6 \(M_w\) 0.1* 200* \(r_{rup}\) 3 O 1M A MP
Y.-X. Yu and Wang (2004) NE Tibet U, U - 31 5.0 8.5 \(M_s\) U, U U, U \(r_{epi}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Atkinson (2005) Cascadia - U U 2.5* 6.2* \(m_1\) 20* 600* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 G 1M C, B, F FSA
Bragato and Slejko (2005) E Alps (\(45.6\)\(46.8^{\circ}\)N & \(12\)\(14^{\circ}\)E) 1402 3168 240 2.5 6.3 \(M_L\) 0 130 \(r_{jb}\) & \(r_{epi}\) 1 R O A PGV, AI, FSA
Dowrick and Rhoades (2005) New Zealand U - 89 4.6 (5.2 for B) 8.2 (7.3 for B) \(M_w\) 1* 450* \(r_c\) 1 - 1 A (S, R, N), B MI
Frisenda et al. (2005) NW Italy 6899372 - \(>\)1152 0.0* 5.1373 \(M_L\) 0 300374 \(r_{hypo}\) 2 B 1 A PGV
Garcı́a et al. (2005) Central Mexico 277 277 16 5.2 7.4 \(M_w\) 4* 400* \(r_{rup}\) for \(M_w>6.5\), \(r_{hypo}\) otherwise 1 G375 1M B PGV
Gong and Xie (2005) California 266 - 15 5.6* 7.4* \(M_w\) 0* 120* \(r_{jb}\) 3 G 2M A IE
Kostov (2005) Europe & Middle East 967 - U 4 7.8 \(M_s\) 2* 401* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U 1 A CAV
Liu and Tsai (2005) Taiwan 7907 7907 51 4.05 7.10 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 5* 300* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 M 2M A PGV
McGarr and Fletcher (2005) Central Utah coal-mining areas 72 - 12 0.98 4.2 \(M_w\) (\(M_{CL}\)) 0.5* 10* \(r_{hypo}\) 2 L 2M M PGV
Musson (2005) UK 727 - U U U \(M_L\) U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Tselentis, Danciu, and Gkika (2005) Greece U - U U U \(M_w\) U U \(r_{epi}\) U A 1M A AI
Wald et al. (2005) California U - U U 5.3* \(M_w\) U U \(r_{jb}\) 1 L U A PGV
Bakun (2006a) S California 3234 - 13 5.6 7.1 \(M_w\) 0* 550* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Bakun (2006b) Basin & Range, USA U - 9 6.1 7.3 \(M_w\) 0* 600* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Bindi et al. (2006) Umbria-Marche 239 - 45 4.0 5.9 \(M_L\) 1* 100* \(r_{epi}\) & \(r_{hypo}\) 4 L 1M NS PGV
Bakun and Scotti (2006) N France, S France 13996, 4373 - 15, 11 4* 5.5* \(M_w\) 0* 400* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Faccioli and Cauzzi (2006) Europe & Middle East 75 - 26 3.8 6.9 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 1.5 71 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for \(M_w<5.5\)) 1 - 1 A MI
Gómez-Soberón, Tena-Colunga, and Ordaz (2006) Mexico 1983 - 109 4.5* 8.1* \(M_w\) (\(M_s\) if \(M>6\), \(m_b\) if \(M<6\)) 5* 800* \(r_{hypo}\) (\(r_{rup}\) for some) 1 U 2 F PGD
Hwang (2006) Taiwan U - U U U U U U U U U 1 A AI
Jaimes, Reinoso, and Ordaz (2006) Ciudad Universitaria station, Mexico City 21 - 21 6.0 8.1 \(M_w\) 285 530 \(r_{rup}\) 1 U 1B F FSA
Kanno et al. (2006) Japan+some foreign 3392+377 (shallow) & 8150 (deep) - 73+10 & 111 5.0* (6.1) & 5.5* 8.2* (7.4) & 8.0* \(M_w\) (\(M_{\mathrm{JMA}}\)) 1* (1.5*) & 30* 450* (350*) & 450* \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for some) C R 2M A PGV
Kataoka et al. (2006) Japan 5160 - 47 4.8* 6.9* \(M_w\) 1* 200* U 1 U U C PGV, JMA
Kempton and Stewart (2006) Worldwide shallow crustal 1559 - 73 5.0* 7.6* \(M_w\) 0* 200* \(r_{rup}\) C G 1M A RSD
Pousse et al. (2006) Japan 9390376 - U 4.1 7.3 (\(M_w\)) 5* 250* \(r_{hypo}\) (\(r_{rup}\) for some) 5 B 2M A AI, RSD
Stafford (2006) & Stafford, Berrill, and Pettinga (2006) New Zealand + foreign 265–484 - 59–93 5* 7.4* \(M_w\) 0.3* 300* \(r_{rup}\) 3 G 1M A (S/N, R) FSA
Akkar and Bommer (2007a) Europe & Middle East 532 - 131 5.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 99 \(r_{jb}\) 3 G 1WM A (N, S, R) PGV
Amiri, Mahdavian, and Dana (2007a) & Amiri, Mahdavian, and Dana (2007b) Alborz and central Iran377 200* 200* 50* 4.5* 7.3* \(M_s\) (\(m_b\)) 5* 400* \(r_{hypo}\) 2 L 1 A PGV
Atkinson and Wald (2007) California, Cen. E US U - U 2.4*, 2.0* 7.8*, 7.8* \(M_w\) 2*, 7* 500*, 1000* \(r_{rup}\) 1 - 1M A MI
Bindi et al. (2007) NW Turkey 4047 4047 528 0.5 5.9 \(M_L\)378 5* 200* \(r_{hypo}\)379 2 L 1M A PGV
Boore and Atkinson (2007) & Boore and Atkinson (2008) Worldwide shallow crustal 1574 - 58 4.27380 7.90381 \(M_w\) 0 280382 \(r_{jb}\) C I50 2M A (N, R, S, U) PGV
Campbell and Bozorgnia (2007), Campbell and Bozorgnia (2008b) & Campbell and Bozorgnia (2008a) Worldwide shallow crustal 1561 - 64 4.27383 7.90384 \(M_w\) 0.07 199.27 \(r_{rup}\) C I50 1M A (N, R, S, HW) PGV, PGD
Danciu and Tselentis (2007a), Danciu and Tselentis (2007b) & Danciu (2006) Greece 335 - 151 4.5 6.9 \(M_w\) 0* 136 \(r_{epi}\) 3 A 1M A (ST, N) PGV, PGD, AI, IE
S. Fukushima, Hayashi, and Yashiro (2007) Japan 8615 - 158 5.0 6.8 \(M_{JMA}\) 18.1 448.4 \(r_{rup}\) 1 V 1 A PGV
Mahdavifar, Jafari, and Zolfaghari (2007) Alborz and central Iran 22 - 19 U U U U U \(r_{hyp}\) 1 U 1 A AI
Abrahamson and Silva (2008) & Abrahamson and Silva (2009) Worldwide shallow crustal 2754 - 135 4.27385 7.9386 \(M_w\) 0.06* 200* \(r_{rup}\) C I50 1M A (N, R, S, HW) PGV
Al-Qaryouti (2008) Dead Sea area 26 - 19 4.0 6.2 \(M_L\) 5.8 330.6 \(r_{epi}\) 1 L 2 A PGV
L. Chen (2008) China, Taiwan and Japan 249 249 55 4.2 7.6 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\), \(M_s\)) 10 & 12 153 & 153 \(r_{epi}\) & \(r_{hypo}\) 2 G & L 2 A PGV
B. S.-J. Chiou and Youngs (2008) Worldwide shallow crustal 1950 - 125 4.265387 7.90388 \(M_w\) 0.2*389 70*390 \(r_{rup}\) C I50 1M A (N, R, S, HW, AS) PGV
Jin, Kang, and Ou (2008) Fujian (China) 1974 1974 94 2.8 4.9 \(M_L\) 13 462 \(r_{epi}\) 1 U O A PGV
Massa et al. (2008) Northern Italy 306 306 82 3.5 & 4.0 6.3 & 6.5 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) & \(M_L\) 1* 100* \(r_{epi}\) 3 L 1M A PGV, AI
Mezcua, Garcı́a Blanco, and Rueda (2008) Spain 250 - 149 3.1 5.3 \(M_w\) (\(m_b (L_g)\)) 5* 100* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 U 1 A PGV
Pasolini et al. (2008) Italy 21932 - 470* 4.4* 7.4* \(M_w\) 0* 300* \(r_{epi}\) 1 - O A MI
Snæbjörnsson and Sigbjörnsson (2008) Europe & Middle East 71 - 13 5.0* 7.6* \(M_w\) 0* 100* \(r_{jb}\) 1 U 1 SS RSD
Bindi, Luzi, and Pacor (2009) Italy 241 241 27 4.8 6.9 \(M_w\) 0 190 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for small) 3 L, G 1M A (N, S, R) PGV
Bindi, Luzi, et al. (2009) Italy 235 - 27 4.6 6.9 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0 183 \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) 3 L 1M A PGV
Bommer, Stafford, and Alarcón (2009) Worldwide shallow crustal 2406 - 114 4.8 7.9 \(M_w\) 1.5* 100* \(r_{rup}\) C B O A RSD
Lee (2009), Lee and Green (2008) & Lee and Green (2014) W. USA391 324 324 49 5.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0.1 199.1 \(r_{rup}\) 2 A 1M A AI, MP, RSD
Rupakhety and Sigbjörnsson (2009) South Iceland+others 64+29 - 12 5.02 7.67 \(M_w\) 1 97 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for some) 2 L 1 S/O ISO
Sørensen, Stromeyer, and Grünthal (2009) Marmara Sea, Turkey 121195 - 7 5.9 7.4 \(M_w\) 0* 350* \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) 1 - 1W A MI
Stafford, Berrill, and Pettinga (2009) New Zealand + foreign 144+241 & 144+200 - 23+41 5.08 7.51 \(M_w\) 0.07 300 \(r_{jb}\) & \(r_{rup}\) 3 L, O, G, A 1M A (S/N, R) AI
Akkar and Bommer (2010) Europe & Middle East 532 - 131 5.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 99 \(r_{jb}\) 3 G 1M A (N, S, R) PGV
Akkar and Çağnan (2010) Turkey 433 - 137 5.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0* 200* \(r_{jb}\) C G 1M A (N, S, R) PGV
Amiri et al. (2009) Alborz and central Iran392 416 - 189 3.2393 7.7 \(M_s\) (\(m_b\)) 5* 400* \(r_{hypo}\) 2 L 1M A AI
Beauval et al. (2010) Sierra of Ecuador 453 - 4 5.3 7.1 \(M_w\) 10* 200* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Bindi et al. (2010) Italy 561 561 107 4.0 6.9 \(M_w\) 1* 100* \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) 3 L 1M A PGV
Bozorgnia, Hachem, and Campbell (2010) Worldwide shallow crustal 1561 - 64 4.27 7.90 \(M_w\) 0.07 199.27 \(r_{rup}\) C G 1M A (N, R, S, HW) ISO
Campbell and Bozorgnia (2011) & Campbell and Bozorgnia (2010a) Worldwide shallow crustal 1561 - 64 4.27 7.90 \(M_w\) 0.07 199.27 \(r_{rup}\) C G 1M A (N, R, S, HW) JMA
Campbell and Bozorgnia (2010b) & Campbell and Bozorgnia (2010a) Worldwide shallow crustal 1561 - 64 4.27 7.90 \(M_w\) 0.07 199.27 \(r_{rup}\) C G 1M A (N, R, S, HW) CAV
Chiou et al. (2010)394 S & N California 15684 - U 3* 6* \(M_w\) 5* 200* \(r_{rup}\) C I50 1M A (N, R, S, HW, AS) PGV
Iervolino et al. (2010) Italy 95 - 17 4.6 6.8 \(M_w\) 1.5, 1.5 179, 180 \(r_{jb}\) & \(r_{epi}\) 3 L 1 A PGV, AI
Rajabi et al. (2010) Zagros, Iran 37 - 35 4.1 7.0 \(M_w\) 5 150 \(r_{epi}\) 1, 3 & 4 L 1 A AI
Sørensen, Stromeyer, and Grünthal (2010b) Campania, Italy 2985 - 9 6.3 7.0 \(M_w\) 0* 650* \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) 1 - 1W A MI
Sørensen, Stromeyer, and Grünthal (2010a) Vrancea, Romania 4058 - 5 6.4 7.7 \(M_w\) 0* 550* \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\), \(r_{rup}\) 1 - 1W A MI
Szeliga et al. (2010) India U - 29 4* 8* \(M_w\) (\(m_b\)) 7* 2000* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 - 1M A MI
Boore and Atkinson (2007) & Boore and Atkinson (2008) modified by G. M. Atkinson and Boore (2011) Worldwide shallow crustal 1574 - 58 4.27 7.90395 \(M_w\) 0 280396 \(r_{jb}\) C I50 2M A (N, R, S, U) PGV
Alavi et al. (2011) Worldwide shallow crustal 2252 - U 5.1* 7.9* \(M_w\) 0.2* 350* \(r_{rup}\) C U O A (Rake) PGV, PGD
Anderson and Uchiyama (2011) Guerrero, Mexico 293 293 27 5.05 7.96 \(M_w\) 10* 390* \(r_{rup}\) 1 M, V, V3 O A PGV, PGD
Bindi, Parolai, et al. (2011) Central Asia 6000* - 66 4.6 8.3 \(M_s\) 0.1* 600* \(r_{epi}\), \(r_{hypo}\), \(r_{jb}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Bommer, Akkar, and Kale (2011) Europe & Middle East 1267 1267 392 4.5 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 100* \(r_{jb}\) 3 G 1M A (N, R, S) VH
De Luca et al. (2011) & De Luca (2011) Italy 725 - U 4.1 6.9 \(M_w\) 0 200 \(r_{jb}\) 5 G 1M A ISO
Emolo, Convertito, and Cantore (2011) Campania-Lucania, Italy 875 - 123 1.5 3.2 \(M_L\) 3 100* \(r_{hypo}\) 2 L 1 A PGV
Ghanat (2011) Worldwide shallow crustal 2690 - 129 4.8 7.9 \(M_w\) 0.2* 200* \(r_{rup}\) C G 1M A RSD
Ghosh and Mahajan (2011) NW Himalaya U - 10 4.3 7.8 \(M_s\) 10* 2000* \(r_{epi}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Gülerce and Abrahamson (2011) Worldwide shallow crustal 2684 2684 127 4.27397 7.9398 \(M_w\) 0.06* 200* \(r_{rup}\) C I50 1M A (N, R, S) VH
Luzi et al. (2011) Italy U - U 4.0* 6.9* \(M_w\) 0* 300* \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for \(M_w<5.5\)), \(r_{hypo}\) 5 G 1M A (S, N, R) PGV
Rupakhety et al. (2011) Worldwide shallow crustal 93 - 29 5.56 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 74.16 \(r_{jb}\) 1 N 1M A PGV
Allen, Wald, and Worden (2012) Worldwide shallow crustal 13077 - U 5.0 7.9 \(M_w\) 5* 315 \(r_{hypo}\) & \(r_{rup}\) C - 1 A MI
Cui et al. (2012) Sichuan-Yunnan (China) 962 - \(>\)21 4.5 6.5 \(M_s\) 0* 110* \(r_{epi}\) 2 G 1, 1W A PGV
Foulser-Piggott and Stafford (2012) Worldwide shallow crustal 2406 - 114 4.79 7.9 \(M_w\) 0.07 100 \(r_{rup}\) C A 1M A (S/N, R) AI
Gómez-Bernal, Lecea, and Juárez-Garcı́a (2012) Mexico 607 607 17399 6.0 8.1 \(M_w\) 20* 600* \(r_{rup}\) 1 L 2 A (F, B, C) PGV, AI
Lee et al. (2012) Taiwan 6570 - 62 3.93 7.62 \(M_w\) 0.3 205 \(r_{rup}\) C A 1M A (S, N, R) AI
Mohammadnejad et al. (2012) Worldwide shallow crustal 2252 - U 5.2 7.9 \(M_w\) 0.07 366.03 \(r_{rup}\) C I50 O A (R, S, N) PGV, PGD
Nguyen et al. (2012) Northern Vietnam 330 - 53 1.6 4.6 \(M_L\) 5* 500* \(r_{epi}\) 1 L3 1 A PGV
Saffari et al. (2012) Iran 351 - 78 5.0 7.4 \(M_w\) 4 190* \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for \(M_w<6.5\)) 3 U 2M A PGV
Abrahamson, Silva, and Kamai (2013, 2014) Worldwide shallow crustal 15750 - 326 3 7.9400 \(M_w\) 0 300 \(r_{rup}\) + others for HW C D50 1M A (S, N, R, HW) PGV
Boore et al. (2013, 2014) Worldwide shallow crustal 15000* - 350* 3.0 7.9401 \(M_w\) 0 400 \(r_{jb}\) C D50 2M A (S, N, R, U) PGV
Campbell and Bozorgnia (2013, 2014) Worldwide shallow crustal 15521 - 322 3.0402 7.9403 \(M_w\) 0* 300* \(r_{rup}\) C D50 1M A (S, R, N, HW) PGV
Chiou and Youngs (2013, 2014) Worldwide shallow crustal 12244 - 300 3.1*404 7.9*405 \(M_w\) 0.3* 400*406 \(r_{rup}\) C D50 1M A (S, R, N, HW) PGV
Crowell et al. (2013) Japan & California 118 118 5 5.3 8.3 \(M_w\) 10* 700* \(r_{hyp}\) 1 L3 1 A PGD
Douglas et al. (2013) Mainly geothermally-related 3968 - 535 1* 4* \(M_w\) (\(M_L\), \(M_D\)) 0* 20* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 G 1M G PGV
Du and Wang (2013) Worldwide shallow crustal 1390 - 62 4.26 7.9 \(M_w\) 0.07 200 \(r_{rup}\) 3 G 1M A (N, R, S) CAV
Ghosh and Mahajan (2013) NW Himalaya U - 10 4.3 7.8 \(M_s\) 0* 1600* \(r_{epi}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Idriss (2013, 2014) Worldwide shallow crustal 2353 - 151 4.5407 7.9408 \(M_w\) 0.2 175 \(r_{rup}\) C D50 1 A PGV
Morikawa and Fujiwara (2013) Japan 21681 - 333 5.5 9.0 \(M_w\) 1* 200 \(r_{rup}\) C V 2W A (C, B, F) PGV
Musson (2013) UK 446 - 161 2.5* 4.3* \(M_w\) U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (2013) Worldwide shallow crustal - \(M_w\) C V 1M A (N, S, R, HW) PGV
Segou and Voulgaris (2013) Europe & Middle East 327 - 164 4.1 6.6 \(M_w\) (\(m_b\)) 1* 150* \(r_{epi}\) 3 I50 O A (S, R, N) PGV
Sharma et al. (2013) Geysers, N. California 5451 - 212 1.3 3.3 \(M_w\) (\(M_D\)) 0.5 20 \(r_{hypo}\) 3 L 1M G PGV
Skarlatoudis et al. (2013) Hellenic Arc (Greece) 743 - 21 4.4 6.7 \(M_w\) (\(m_b\), \(M_L\)) 65* 850* \(r_{hyp}\) 3 D50 1M F, B PGV
Villalobos-Escobar and Castro (2013) Medellı̀n and Aburrà Valley (Colombia) 596 - 17 2.8 6.5 \(M_L\) 10* 290 \(r_{epi}\) I U 1M A PGV
Akkar, Sandıkkaya, and Bommer (2014a, 2014b) Europe & Middle East 1041 - 221 4.0 7.6409 \(M_w\) 0 200 \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) & \(r_{hypo}\) C G 1M A (S, N, R) PGV
Akkar, Sandıkkaya, and Ay (2014) Europe & Middle East 1041 - 221 4.0 7.6410 \(M_w\) 0 200 \(r_{jb}\) C G 1M A (S, N, R) VH
Ansary (2014) Himalaya, India R: 229, S: 187 - 150* 2.5* 7.8 U 2* 2000* \(r_{hyp}\) 2 U 1 A PGV, PGD
G. M. Atkinson, Worden, and Wald (2014) California, Cen. E USA U - U 4* 7.5* \(M_w\) 1* 400* \(r_{epi}\) 1 - 1M A MI
Bindi, Massa, et al. (2014b, 2014a) Europe & Middle East 1224, 2126 - 225, 365 4.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 300 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for \(M_w\leq 5\) and \(r_{epi}\geq 10\)) & \(r_{hypo}\) C, 4 G 1M A (S, N, R) PGV
Bora et al. (2014) Europe & Middle East 1232 - 369 4.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0* 200* \(r_{jb}\) C G 1M A FSA
Boyd and Cramer (2014) Cen. & E USA 21398* - 1143 2.5* 7.2* \(M_w\) 0* 1500* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 - O A MI
Cheng, Lucchini, and Mollaioli (2014) & Cheng (2013) Worldwide shallow crustal 1550 - 63 4.26 7.9 \(M_w\) 0.1 199.3 \(r_{rup}\) C G 1M A (N, R, S) IE
Chousianitis et al. (2014) Greece 133411 - 37 3.2 6.7 \(M_w\) 1 195 \(r_{epi}\) 4 L 2M A (S/T, N) AI
Derras, Cotton, and Bard (2014) Europe & Middle East 1088 - 320 3.6412 7.6413 \(M_w\) 1414 547415 \(r_{jb}\) C G O A PGV
Foulser-Piggott and Goda (2014) Japan 13703 - 158 5.5 9.0 \(M_w\) 2* 300* \(r_{rup}\) C G 1M A (B) AI, CAV
Ghofrani and Atkinson (2014) Japan \(>1000\) - 6 7.0 9.0 \(M_w\) 30* 1000* \(r_{rup}\) C G O F PGV
Le Goff, Borges, and Bezzeghoud (2014) Mainland Portugal - 25 4.4 6.2 \(M_w\) 5* 800* \(r_{epi}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Rodrı́guez-Pérez (2014) Cen. and S. Mexico 75 (F), 121 (B) - 8 F, 25 B 5.1 (F), 5.0 (B) 8.0 (F), 7.2 (B) \(M_w\) 50* (F), 70* (B) 580* (F), 540* (B) \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for \(M_w<6.5\)) 1 G 1M F, B PGV
Yaghmaei-Sabegh, Shoghian, and Sheikh (2014) Iran 286 - 141 3.7 7.7 \(M_w\) 0.6 294 \(r_{rup}\) 4 G 1 A RSD
Atkinson (2015) California U - U 3* 6* \(M_w\) 2* 40 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 G 1M A PGV
Bora et al. (2015) Europe & Middle East 1232 - 369 4.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0* 200* \(r_{jb}\) C G 1M A FSA
Bozorgnia and Campbell (2016b) Worldwide shallow crustal - 15161 321 3.0416 7.9417 \(M_w\) 0* 500*418 \(r_{rup}\) C V 1M A (R, S, N) PGV
Bozorgnia and Campbell (2016a) Worldwide shallow crustal 15521 15161 321–322 3.0419 7.9420 \(M_w\) 0* 500*421 \(r_{rup}\) C D50 1M A (R, S, N) VH
C. Cauzzi, Faccioli, Vanini, et al. (2015) Worldwide shallow active crustal 1880 - 98 4.5 7.9 \(M_w\) 0* 150* \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for \(M_w\leq 5.7\)) C G 2M A (S, N, R) PGV
Emolo et al. (2015) South Korea 11129 - 222 2.0 4.9 \(M_L\) 1.4 600* \(r_{epi}\) I L 1M A PGV, PGD
Foulser-Piggott and Goda (2015) Japan 68567 - 661 5.0 9.0 \(M_w\) 2* 300* \(r_{rup}\) C G 1M A (R, S, N, F, B) AI, CAV
Jaimes, Ramirez-Gaytán, and Reinoso (2015) Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico City422 22 - 22 5.2 7.4 \(M_w\) 103 464 \(r_{rup}\) for \(M_w >6.5\), \(r_{hypo}\) for \(M_w\leq 6.5\) 1 G 1B B PGV
Kale et al. (2015) Turkey & Iran 1198 - 313 4 7.6423 \(M_w\) 0 200 \(r_{jb}\) C G 1MW A (S, N, R) PGV
Kuehn and Scherbaum (2015) Europe & Middle East 835 - 279 4.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 200 \(r_{jb}\) C G O A (R, N, S) PGV
Leonard (2015) Australia MI
Melgar et al. (2015) Worldwide 1321 1321 10 5.9 9.1 \(M_w\) 10* 1000* \(r_{hyp}\) 1 V3 1 A PGD
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (2015) — Al Noman and Cramer Cen. and E. N. America + foreign 6061424 - 78425 2.5 7.6426 \(M_w\) 1* 2000* \(r_{rup}\) C D50 2M A (R, S, U) PGV
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (2015) — Graizer Cen. and E. USA 5026 - 48 4.0 6.8427 \(M_w\) 4428 1000* \(r_{rup}\) C D50 O A PGV
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (2015) — Hollenback et al. Cen. and E. USA U - U 2.5429 6.8430 \(M_w\) 0 300 \(r_{rup}\) C D50 O A FAS
Ullah et al. (2015) Central Asia 6000* - 66 4.6 8.3 \(M_s\) 0.1* 600* \(r_{epi}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Vacareanu, Iancovici, et al. (2015) Vrancea, Romania 9718 - 6 6.0 7.7 \(M_w\) 0* 1000* \(r_{epi}\) 1 - 1M A MI
Yaghmaei-Sabegh (2015) Iran 575 - 40 3.7 7.7 \(M_w\) 0.7 293 \(r_{jb}\) 3 O 1 A MP
Afshari and Stewart (2016) Worldwide shallow crustal 11195 - 3.0 7.9 \(M_w\) 0* 300* \(r_{rup}\) C G 1M A (R, S, N, U) RSD
Alıcı and Sucuoğlu (2016) Worldwide shallow crustal 1442 - 104 5.50 7.90 \(M_w\) 0.4 189.7 \(r_{epi}\) 2 G 1M A (N, R, S) IE
Galluzzo et al. (2016) Campi Flegrei, Italy 120* - 20 0.8 2.4 \(M_w\) 1* 12 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 L 1 A PGV
Ibrahim et al. (2016) Japan 409 - 20 6.0 9.1 \(M_w\) 10* & 10* 300* & 550* \(r_{rup}\) & \(r_q\) 1 V 2 A (C, F, B) PGV, PGD
Kaveh, Bakhshpoori, and Hamzeh-Ziabari (2016) Worldwide shallow crustal 2252 - U 5.2 7.9 \(M_w\) 0.07 360 \(r_{rup}\) C U O A PGV, PGD
S. R. Kotha, Bindi, and Cotton (2016a, 2016b) Europe & Middle East 1251 - U 4 7.6 \(M_w\) 0* 300*431 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for some \(M_w\leq 5\)) C G O A PGV
Lanzano et al. (2016) Po Plain & NE Italy 2489 - 94 4.0 6.4 \(M_w\) 0* 200* \(r_{jb}\) 5 G 1M A (R, N, U) PGV
V. W. Lee, Trifunac, Bulajić, et al. (2016a) Serbia (Vrancea events) 91 91 4 6.4 7.4 \(M_w\) 84.7 554.2 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 B 1 A FSA
Nekooei and Babaei (2016) Iran 484 - \(\geq 25\) 4.5 7.4 \(M_w\) 1 149 \(r_{rup}\) C L, G 1 A PGV
Shoushtari, Adnan, and Zare (2016) Malaysia, Japan and Iran 531 - 13 5.0 7.7 \(M_w\) 120* 1400* \(r_{hypo}\) 4 G 1 B PGV
Stewart et al. (2016) Worldwide shallow crustal - 17089 U 3 7.9432 \(M_w\) 0 300 \(r_{jb}\) C V 2M A (R, S, N, U) PGV
Tusa and Langer (2016) Mount Etna, Italy 1158 (shallow), 1957 (deep) 1158 (shallow), 1957 (deep) 38 (shallow), 53 (deep) 3.0 4.3 (shallow), 4.8 (deep) \(M_L\) 0.5 100 \(r_{epi}\) 3 G, V 1 V PGV
Çağnan et al. (2017a) Europe & Middle East - 1041 221 4.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 200 \(r_{jb}\) C V 1M A (S, N, R) PGV
Cameletti et al. (2017) Italy 6723 - 1917 2 5.9 \(M_L\) U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 - O A MI
Cremen, Gupta, and Baker (2017) Cen. and E. USA 104023 - 972 3.0 5.8 \(M_w\) 0* \(>50\) \(r_{epi}\) 1 - 1 A (E/G/M/W) MI
Du (2017) Worldwide shallow crustal 8491 - 263 3.05 7.9 \(M_w\) 0.1 499.5 \(r_{rup}\) C V 1M A MP
Derras, Bard, and Cotton (2017) Japan 977 - 214 3.7 6.9 \(M_w\) 3.65 440.63 \(r_{jb}\) C \(\times\) C G O A PGV
Garcı́a-Soto and Jaimes (2017) Mexico (Pacific coast) 418 418 40 5.0 8.0 \(M_w\) 17 400 \(r_{rup}\) for \(M_w>6.5\), \(r_{hypo}\) otherwise 1 V 1M F PGV
Gupta and Trifunac (2017) W Himalaya & NE India 365 365 113 3.0 6.9 \(M_s\) or \(M_w\) for \(M\geq 6.5\) & \(m_b\), \(M_L\) or \(M_s\) for \(M<6.5\) 8* 500* \(r_{hypo}\) 9 B 1 A FSA
Haji-Soltani et al. (2017) Gulf Coast (USA) 943 943 30 3.40 5.74 \(M_w\) 18* 1000* \(r_{rup}\) C D50 1M A VH
Hassani et al. (2017) Iran433 806 - 330 4.0 7.3 \(M_w\) (\(m_b\), \(M_s\), \(M_L\)) 1* 280* \(r_{epi}\) 3 L 1M A ISO
Oth, Miyake, and Bindi (2017) Japan 118102 - 1905 2.7 7.2 \(M_w\) 0.8* 250 \(r_{hypo}\) (\(r_{rup}\) for \(M_w\geq 6\)) 1 G 1M A JMA
Sandıkkaya and Akkar (2017) Europe & Middle East 1041 - 221 4.0 7.6 \(M_w\) 0 200 \(r_{jb}\), \(r_{epi}\) & \(r_{hypo}\) C G 1M A (S, N, R) AI, CAV, RSD
Sedaghati and Pezeshk (2017) Iran 688 688 152 4.7 7.4 \(M_w\) 1* 250* \(r_{jb}\) C 1M G A PGV
Ameur, Derras, and Zendagui (2018) Worldwide shallow crustal 2335 - 137 3.2434 7.9435 \(M_w\) 0.01436 358437 \(r_{jb}\) C G O A PGV
Baumont et al. (2018) France + Italy U - 30 + 11 3.6 7.1 \(M_w\) U U \(r_{hypo}\) 1 - 1M A MI
Bayless and Abrahamson (2018, 2019) Worldwide shallow crustal 13346 - 232 4.0* 7.9* \(M_w\) 0.2* 300* \(r_{rup}\) C Q 1M A (N) FSA
Chousianitis et al. (2018) Greece 652 - 72 4.0* 6.8 \(M_w\) 0.3* 200* \(r_{epi}\) 2 G 2M A (R/S, N) PGV, MP, CAV
Javan-Emrooz, Eskandari-Ghadi, and Mirzaei (2018) N Iran, E Turkey, Armenia & Georgia 463 463 107 4.5 7.4 \(M_w\) (\(m_b\)) 2 100 \(r_{epi}\) 2 V O A (R, S) PGV, PGD
Mahani and Kao (2018) Graham and Septimus areas (BC, Canada) U, U - 129, 90 1.5, 1.5 3.8, 3.0 \(M_L\) 2.3, 1.6 19, 42 \(r_{hypo}\) 1 G 1M W PGV, FAS
Sharma and Convertito (2018) The Geysers, USA 261711 - 10974 0.7 3.3 \(M_w\) (\(M_D\)) 0.1 73 \(r_{hypo}\) I L 1M G PGV
Shoushtari, Adnan, and Zare (2018) Japan + Malay Peninsula 651 + 77 - 11 + 14 5.0 + 6.7 9.1 + 9.0 \(M_w\) 120* + 500* 1300* + 1000* \(r_{hypo}\) 4 G 1 F PGV
Yaghmaei-Sabegh (2018) Iran 560 - 113 4.1 7.4 \(M_w\) 1 405 \(r_{epi}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Zafarani et al. (2018) Iran 1551 - 200 4.0 7.3 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 0.6* 200* \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\)) 4 G 1M A (R, S, U) VH
Ahmadzadeh, Doloei, and Zafarani (2019) Iran 111438 - 31 5.1 7.4 \(M_w\) 2.51 125.52439 \(r_{epi}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Bindi et al. (2019) Europe & Middle East 2767–18859 - U–2179 3.5 7.8 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 1.5* 300* \(r_{hypo}\) I G 1M A FSA
Campbell and Bozorgnia (2019) Worldwide shallow crustal 15521 - 322 3.0440 7.9441 \(M_w\) 0* 300* \(r_{rup}\) C G 1M A (S, R, N, HW) AI, CAV
Darzi et al. (2019) Iran 1350 - 370 4.5 7.4 \(M_w\) (\(M_s\), \(m_b\)) 1* 200* \(r_{epi}\), \(r_{hypo}\), \(r_{jb}\) & \(r_{rup}\) 3 G 2M A (S, R, U) PGV
Huang and Galasso (2019) Italy 7843 - 233 4.0 6.9 \(M_w\) 1* 250* \(r_{jb}\) 3 D50 O A (R, S, N) PGV
Lanzano, Luzi, Pacor, Felicetta, et al. (2019; Lanzano, Luzi, Pacor, Puglia, et al. 2019) Italy + 12 foreign events 4965 + 823442 - 144 + 12 3.5 + 6.07 6.87 + 8.0 \(M_w\) 0* 200* \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\) for \(M<5.5\)), \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for \(M<5.5\)) C D50 1M A (N, R, S) PGV
Podili and Raghukanth (2019) Japan 96880 - 1340 5.0 9.0 \(M_w\) 5 350 \(r_{rup}\) (\(r_{hypo}\) for some) C A 2 A (S, R, N, U, B, C) AI, CAV, PGV, PGD, RSD, VH
Quadros, Assump cão, and Trindade de Souza (2019) Brazil 497 - 20 3.5 6.2 \(m_b\) 5* 720* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 - 1 A MI
Ruhl et al. (2019) Worldwide 3433 3433 29 6.0 9.0 \(M_w\) 7* 1000* \(r_{hyp}\) 1 V3 1W A PGD
Xu et al. (2019) Taiwan (shallow + deep) 17171 + 7496 - 310 4.8 7.9 \(M_w\) 1* 200* \(r_{epi}\) C + 5 G 1M C, B CAV
Zolfaghari and Darzi (2019b) Iran - 1350 370 4.5 7.4 \(M_w\) (\(M_s\), \(m_b\)) 1* 200* \(r_{epi}\), \(r_{hypo}\), \(r_{jb}\) & \(r_{rup}\) 3 - 2M A (S, R, U) PGV
Zolfaghari and Darzi (2019a) Iran 1350 1350 370 4.5 7.4 \(M_w\) 1.5* 200* \(r_{epi}\), \(r_{hypo}\), \(r_{rup}\), \(r_{jb}\) 3 G 1M A (R, S) VH
Bullock et al. (2020) Worldwide shallow crustal 10093 - U 3.0* 7.9* \(M_w\) 0* 300* \(r_{rup}\) C D50 2M A (R, S, N) CAV
Chao et al. (2020) Taiwan 40892 - 316 3.5 7.6443 \(M_w\) 0.07 437.10 \(r_{rup}\) C D50 O A (N, S, R, F, B, AS) PGV, PGD
Cremen, Werner, and Baptie (2020) Lancashire + N. Nottinghamshire (UK) 195+192 - 29+48 (0.1*) (2.9*) \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 1.5* 7* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 G O E + M PGV
Huang, Tarbali, and Galasso (2020) Italy 5703 - 138 4.0 6.5 \(M_w\) 1* 220* \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_epi\)) 3 D50 O A (R, S, N) RSD, CAV, AI
Jaimes and Garcı́a-Soto (2020) Mexico 366 366 23 5.2 8.2 \(M_w\) 22 400 \(r_{rup}\) for \(M_w>6.5\), \(r_{hypo}\) otherwise 1 G444 1M B PGV, VH
Kotha et al. (2020) Europe & Mediterranean 18222 - 927 3.0 7.4 \(M_w\) 0 545 \(r_{jb}\) (\(r_{epi}\)) I D50 O A PGV
Lanzano and Luzi (2020) Volcanic areas, Italy 615 - 41 3.0 4.9 \(M_w\) (\(M_L\)) 2* 200* \(r_{hypo}\) 3 G 1M V PGV
Matsu’ura et al. (2020) Japan 33788 - 78 5.4 8.7 \(M_w\) 6* 1000* \(r_{hypo}\) C U O F, I, C JMA
Tusa, Langer, and Azzaro (2020) Mt Etna, Italy 1600 1600 49 3.0 4.8 \(M_L\) 0.5 100 \(r_{hypo}\) 3 G 1M V PGV
Abdelfattah et al. (2021) Jazan (Saudi Arabia) 638 - 72 2.0 5.1 \(M_L\) 4 200* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 A 1 A PGV
Bahrampouri, Rodriguez-Marek, and Green (2021a) Japan 17077 crustal, 21159 subduction - 984 crustal, 1028 subduction 4 7.5* crustal, 9.0* subduction \(M_w\) 2* 1000* \(r_{rup}\) C G 1M C, (F, I) AI
Bahrampouri, Rodriguez-Marek, and Green (2021b) Japan 22111 crustal, 74820 subduction - 873 crustal, 2249 subduction 4 7.5* crustal, 9.0* subduction \(M_w\) 2* 500* \(r_{rup}\) C G 1M C, (F, I) RSD
Boore et al. (2021) Greece 1500* - 150* 4.0* 7.0* \(M_w\) 0.1* 300* \(r_{jb}\) C D50 O A (S, R, N) PGV
Fang et al. (2021) Worldwide 1434 1434 22 6.0 9.1 \(M_w\) 10* 1000* \(r_{hypo}\) 1 V3 1 A PGV
C. Huang, Tarbali, and Galasso (2021) N. Italy 2427 - 85 4.0 6.4 \(M_w\) 1* 200* \(r_{jb}\) 4 G O A (N, T, U) ISO
Jaimes and Garcı́a-Soto (2021) Mexico 418, 366 - 40, 23 5.0, 5.2 8.0, 8.2 \(M_w\) 17, 22 400, 400 \(r_{rup}\) 1 Q 1M F, B RSD
Lavrentiadis, Abrahamson, and Kuehn (2021) California 8916 - 188 3.1 7.3 \(M_w\) 0.1 300 \(r_{rup}\) C G O A FSA

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  1. Only those models using magnitude rather than epicentral intensity are listed.↩︎

  2. Note that a number of the models summarized in this report also provide coefficients for peak ground velocity (PGV).↩︎

  3. Generally GMPEs from technical reports and Ph.D. theses are only summarized if they have been cited in journal or conference articles.↩︎

  4. Reports coefficient of variation of \(0.942\) which could be the value of \(\sigma\) in terms of natural logarithms.↩︎

  5. Report coefficient of variation of \(0.877\) which could be the value of \(\sigma\) in terms of natural logarithms.↩︎

  6. From N. N. Ambraseys and Bommer (1995).↩︎

  7. Report coefficient of variation of \(0.443\) which could be the value of \(\sigma\) in terms of natural logarithms.↩︎

  8. Not shown in paper.↩︎

  9. Typographic error in their Table 1 because only 14 records are listed for rock-like sites↩︎

  10. Report coefficient of variation of \(0.578\) which could be the value of \(\sigma\) in terms of natural logarithms.↩︎

  11. Thenhaus et al. (1989) summarise a model by K.W. Campbell (1984, 1987) where: \(a=-3.303\), \(b=0.85\), \(d=-1.25\), \(h_1=0.0872\), \(h_2=0.678\), \(e_1=0.34\) and includes an anelastic term \(-0.0059 r\) (\(\sigma\) is not reported), which they use for western Saudi Arabia.↩︎

  12. Not shown in paper.↩︎

  13. In the source for this model (Zhang et al. 1999) there is an additional \(-2.049M^2\) term but as this is the same coefficient as the geometric decay term and with this quadratic magnitude term the model predictions very small PGAs it is thought that it is a typographic mistake.↩︎

  14. These are taken from Table 8 of Boore, Joyner, and Fumal (1997) which uses natural logarithms so they were converted into terms of logarithms to base \(10\).↩︎

  15. They state it is ‘ …closest distance from the exposure of ruptured part of the fault …’ so may not be rupture distance.↩︎

  16. The procedure is not entirely clear.↩︎

  17. These are not summarised here as they are in Chinese and are not easily available.↩︎

  18. There could be a typographical error in the article since the use of common (base ten) logarithms leads to very large ground motions — the authors may mean natural logarithms.↩︎

  19. It is stated that common logarithms are used but this standard deviation is extremely high and hence it may actually be in terms of natural logarithms.↩︎

  20. There is a typographical error in Equation 12 of Nowroozi (2005) since this coefficient is reported as \(-1094\).↩︎

  21. Assume that \(147\) reported in paper is a typographical error.↩︎

  22. Assume that \(0140\) reported in paper is a typographical error.↩︎

  23. Assume that \(0290\) reported in paper is a typographical error.↩︎

  24. Assume that \(0232\) reported in paper is a typographical error.↩︎

  25. Model for \(T_5\) reported here is that given in 2009 errata. In original reference: \(T_5=1-(\delta-70)/20\) for \(\delta \geq 70\) and \(1\) otherwise).↩︎

  26. Not \(\,\mathrm{cm/s^2}\) as specified at some points in the article.↩︎

  27. Thought that this just means differentiation.↩︎

  28. Model is given as reported in article because it is not known which coefficients were specified a priori and which found by derivation algorithm.↩︎

  29. There is an inconsistency between the names given to the site coefficients in the tables of this article (\(C_0\), \(C_1\) and \(C_2\)) and those used to describe the functional form (\(e_0\), \(e_1\) and \(e_2\)).↩︎

  30. Typographical error in article (\(E_I\) should be \(E_S\)).↩︎

  31. Same functional form is used for separate models using only surface and only borehole records but without the flags indicating surface or borehole stations.↩︎

  32. \(M_h\) not clearly stated in report but could be \(5.6\) (p. 150).↩︎

  33. Although \(r_{rup}\) is used in Equation 4 of the paper it is probable that the distance metric is actually \(r_{jb}\) since they default to \(r_{epi}\) when the fault geometric is not known.↩︎

  34. This model is listed here, rather than in Chapter 6, because they provide an analytical expression for their model↩︎

  35. This value is given in the text (p. 1903) but they probably mean 199 records since otherwise the total is 669 (also see their Figure 4).↩︎

  36. This \(\sigma\) is very high. It could mean that natural logarithms were used to compute it.↩︎

  37. There appears to be a problem with this model since it seems to always give infinity.↩︎

  38. It is not clear what this is but it appears to be altitude of the site.↩︎

  39. Or \(4\,\mathrm{km}\) — both values are cited.↩︎

  40. It seems that the equation given in the article is missing a \(-\log\sqrt{r_{jb}^2+h^2}\) term since other the predictions do not match those reported and stated that the form of Joyner and Boore (1993) is used.↩︎

  41. It is possible that the coefficients \(d\), \(e\) and \(c\) were assumed a priori and not found by regression since they are the same for the three record subsets.↩︎

  42. This model is listed here, rather than in Chapter 6, because they provide an analytical expression for their model↩︎

  43. These \(\sigma\)s are very large. They are probably given in terms of natural logarithms rather than common logarithms, which are used for the model of the median.↩︎

  44. And possibly from the Pakistan Meteorological Department — it is not clear if these data were used.↩︎

  45. It is not clear if this is the entire depth range.↩︎

  46. Mixture of \(\ln\) and \(\log\) present in original formulation.↩︎

  47. There appears to be something wrong with \(\phi\) and \(\tau\) since \(\sigma_{tot}\) does not equal \(\sqrt{\phi^2+\tau^2}\)↩︎

  48. Article is poorly written and hence it is not clear if this is the correct functional form.↩︎

  49. Because the functional form and classes are decided by an automatic algorithm the coefficients have been included in the equations directly.↩︎

  50. The 2 articles are poorly written and neither cites the other, although they appear to present the same model. It is not easy to understand what data has been used, e.g. it could be that only data from a single location (Terengganu) has been used.↩︎

  51. This is probably the intra-event standard deviation.↩︎

  52. This is probably the inter-event standard deviation.↩︎

  53. They report coefficients for the other methods but they are not given here due to lack of space.↩︎

  54. There is a second set of coefficients for this model. It is not clear which should be used. \(a=3.57937\), \(c_1=-1.4864\), \(c_2=0.231465\), \(h=6.65758\), \(b_1=-0.0240888\), \(b_2=-0.0631411\), \(b_3=0\), \(e_1=0\), \(e_2=0.167762\), \(e_3=0.249286\), \(e_4=0.223014\), \(f_1=-0.0382253\), \(f_2=0.013243\), \(f_3=0\), \(M_{ref}=5.5\), \(M_h=6.75\) and \(R_{ref}=1\).↩︎

  55. Various other components of aleatory variability are reported in the article, which should be consulted for details.↩︎

  56. They also give \(c_3=0.8579\pm 0.2341\).↩︎

  57. The scatter plots of the data show records from distances \(>100\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  58. In the article there is an extra opening bracket in the equations for \(F\) but not a closing bracket so it could be that the term \(a_4+a_5(M-M_h)\) could be all in brackets.↩︎

  59. Equation for \(f_{path}\) not explictly given in the article.↩︎

  60. This is the same definition as the subduction slab so there is likely a typographic error somewhere.↩︎

  61. It is likely that the \(\tau\) and \(\phi\) values reported in Tables 5 and 6 of the article are reversed as they do not correspond to Figure 7 of article. Reported the reversed values here.↩︎

  62. It may be \(25\,\mathrm{Hz}\) as both are stated.↩︎

  63. The residuals in their Figure 5 are almost all positive, meaning systematic under-prediction.↩︎

  64. This is stated to be the ‘standard error’. \(0.176\) is reported as the ‘residual sum of squares’, which could correspond to \(\sigma\).↩︎

  65. This plot, their Figure 6, suggests that there is a strong bias in the model as the vast majority of residuals are positive.↩︎

  66. State that it is Richter magnitude which assume to be \(M_L\)↩︎

  67. Probably \(M_{JMA}\)↩︎

  68. N. N. Ambraseys and Bommer (1995) state that uses 38 earthquakes.↩︎

  69. N. N. Ambraseys and Bommer (1995) state that uses larger component.↩︎

  70. Note only valid for \(R \geq 20\,\mathrm{km}\)↩︎

  71. Note only valid for \(R \leq 200\,\mathrm{km}\)↩︎

  72. Total earthquake components (does not need to be multiplied by two) for magnitude and distance dependence. Uses 2713 underground nuclear explosion records for site dependence.↩︎

  73. Probably \(M_{JMA}\)↩︎

  74. Idriss (1978) finds magnitudes to be mixture of \(M_L\) and \(M_s\).↩︎

  75. Total earthquake components (does not need to be multiplied by two)↩︎

  76. Idriss (1978) believes majority are \(M_s\).↩︎

  77. Probably \(M_{JMA}\)↩︎

  78. Idriss (1978) finds magnitudes to be mixture of \(M_L\), \(m_b\) and \(M_s\).↩︎

  79. Reported in Idriss (1978).↩︎

  80. Does not need to be multiplied by two.↩︎

  81. Assume dip-slip means normal mechanism.↩︎

  82. State that it is Richter magnitude which assume to be \(M_L\)↩︎

  83. Probably \(M_{JMA}\)↩︎

  84. Reported in Joyner and Boore (1988).↩︎

  85. Reported in Joyner and Boore (1988).↩︎

  86. Also derive equations for Japan subduction zones.↩︎

  87. 195 for subduction zone equations.↩︎

  88. \(>\)7.5 for subduction zone equations.↩︎

  89. Call magnitude scale Richter magnitude, which note is equivalent to \(M_w\) for \(M\leq 8.3\), \(M_L\) for \(M<5.9\) and \(M_s\) for \(5.9 \leq M \leq 8.0\).↩︎

  90. About 15km for subduction zone equations.↩︎

  91. About 400km for subduction zone equations.↩︎

  92. \(r_{epi}\) for subduction zone equations.↩︎

  93. Reported in Joyner and Boore (1988).↩︎

  94. Details of dataset are given in tables but quality of scan too poor to clearly see digits.↩︎

  95. Consider equations valid for \(M_w\leq 8\)↩︎

  96. Free (1996) believes it is \(r_{hypo}\).↩︎

  97. This is \(M_s\).↩︎

  98. Total number of components, does not need to be multiplied by two.↩︎

  99. Also present equations for SSE (using 140 records) and NE Iberia (using 107 records).↩︎

  100. Equations stated to be for distances up to \(100\,\mathrm{km}\)↩︎

  101. Distance to centre of array↩︎

  102. Does not need to be multiplied by two.↩︎

  103. Total number of components does not need to be multiplied by two↩︎

  104. Boore, Joyner, and Fumal (1997) revise this magnitude to \(5.87\). New minimum magnitude is \(5.2\).↩︎

  105. Considers equation valid for \(M\geq 4.7\).↩︎

  106. Considers equation valid for \(d\leq 300\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  107. Boore, Joyner, and Fumal (1997) revise this magnitude to \(5.87\). New minimum magnitude is \(5.2\).↩︎

  108. Coefficients given in Boore, Joyner, and Fumal (1994b)↩︎

  109. Free (1996) believes it is largest horizontal component.↩︎

  110. It is not clear whether use Richter magnitude (\(M_L\)) or \(M_w\).↩︎

  111. Some may be \(m_b\) because in their Table 1 some earthquakes to not have \(M_s\) given but do have \(m_b\). If so new minimum is 5.0.↩︎

  112. They state it is ‘closest distance from the exposure of ruptured part of the fault, instead of focal distances’ so may not be rupture distance.↩︎

  113. It is not clear whether use Richter magnitude (\(M_L\)) or \(M_w\).↩︎

  114. Also derive equations for Australia and N. E. China↩︎

  115. N. N. Ambraseys, Simpson, and Bommer (1996) state it is two-stage of Joyner and Boore (1981) but in fact it is two-stage method of Joyner and Boore (1988).↩︎

  116. N. N. Ambraseys, Simpson, and Bommer (1996) state it is two-stage of Joyner and Boore (1981) but in fact it is two-stage method of Joyner and Boore (1988).↩︎

  117. Total number of components. Does not need to be multiplied by two.↩︎

  118. Called Richter magnitude.↩︎

  119. Includes some not used for regression↩︎

  120. Total number of components do not need to be multiplied by two.↩︎

  121. Equations stated to be for distances up to \(100\,\mathrm{km}\)↩︎

  122. Total number of components do not need to be multiplied by two.↩︎

  123. Total number of components do not need to be multiplied by two.↩︎

  124. Also derive equations for Spain.↩︎

  125. Also derive equations using \(M_L\).↩︎

  126. Also derive equations using \(r_{hypo}\).↩︎

  127. Total number of components. Does not need to be multiplied by two.↩︎

  128. Equation given in terms of \(\log M_0\).↩︎

  129. Equation for corrected PGA uses 443 records.↩︎

  130. Equation for corrected PGA uses 439 records.↩︎

  131. Equation for corrected PGA uses data from 36 earthquakes.↩︎

  132. Assuming they use same data as Monguilner et al. (2000).↩︎

  133. P. Smit et al. (2000) give \(r_{hypo}\) but this is typographical error (P. Smit 2000).↩︎

  134. Shallow crustal records.↩︎

  135. Subduction records.↩︎

  136. This is total number of horizontal components used. They come from 47 triaxial records.↩︎

  137. This is total number of components. Does not need to be multiplied by two.↩︎

  138. There are 960 components for uncorrected PGA.↩︎

  139. There are 941 components for uncorrected PGA.↩︎

  140. For horizontal corrected records. There are 49 for horizontal uncorrected PGA. There are 34 for vertical corrected records and 46 for vertical uncorrected PGA.↩︎

  141. The caption of their Table 2 states that reported coefficients are for mean.↩︎

  142. Authors state in text that ‘more than 14 000’ values were used but their Table 1 gives \(2 \times 6899\).↩︎

  143. State equations valid to \(4.5\).↩︎

  144. State equations valid up to \(200\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  145. Call it ‘quadratic mean’, which is assumed to be geometric mean.↩︎

  146. Also develop equations for hard rock sites and intraslab events.↩︎

  147. Also develops equations for Zagros using 98 records from an unknown number of earthquakes.↩︎

  148. Does not need to be multiplied by two.↩︎

  149. Also develop models for the Zagros region of Iran using about 100 records.↩︎

  150. Also derive model using \(M_w\).↩︎

  151. Also derive model using \(r_{epi}\).↩︎

  152. Recommend that model is not extrapolated below \(5\) due to lack of data.↩︎

  153. Believe that model can be used to \(8.0\).↩︎

  154. Recommend that model is not used for distances \(\geq 200\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  155. Believe that model can be extrapolated down to \(4.0\).↩︎

  156. Believe that model can be extrapolated up to \(8.5\) for strike-slip faulting and \(8.0\) for reverse faulting.↩︎

  157. Graizer and Kalkan (2007) state that valid down to \(4.5\).↩︎

  158. Graizer and Kalkan (2007) state that valid up to \(7.6\).↩︎

  159. Graizer and Kalkan (2007) state that valid up to \(200\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  160. Recommend that model is not extrapolated below \(5\) due to lack of data.↩︎

  161. Believe that model can be reliably extrapolated to \(8.5\).↩︎

  162. Not clear from article if the authors mean \(r_{rup}\) or \(r_{jb}\).↩︎

  163. Believe that model can be extrapolated down to \(4.0\).↩︎

  164. Believe that model can be extrapolated up to \(8.5\) for strike-slip faulting and \(8.0\) for reverse faulting.↩︎

  165. Believe that model valid to \(0\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  166. Believe that model valid to \(200\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  167. For stations on surface.↩︎

  168. For borehole stations.↩︎

  169. This is total number of horizontal components used. They come from 47 triaxial records.↩︎

  170. Also derive models for inslab (273 records from 16 earthquakes) and interface (413 records from 40 earthquakes) Mexican earthquakes.↩︎

  171. Not entirely clear in the article if \(r_{rup}\) was actually used.↩︎

  172. Authors also state that 516 records were used. Not clear which is the correct total.↩︎

  173. Probably roughly 5500 based on Sharma et al. (2013).↩︎

  174. Taken from their Table 3.1. Elsewhere in the article the total is given as 23 and 25.↩︎

  175. Or 106. Both are given.↩︎

  176. Do not need to multiply by 2.↩︎

  177. State model applicable up to \(8.5\).↩︎

  178. State model applicable up to \(M_w 8.5\) for strike-slip and reverse and \(M_w 7\) for normal earthquakes.↩︎

  179. State model applicable for \(M_w\geq 3.3\) in California and \(M_w\geq 5.5\) globally.↩︎

  180. State model applicable to \(M_w 8.5\) for strike-slip, \(M_w 8\) for reverse/reverse-oblique and \(M_w 7.5\) for normal/normal-oblique.↩︎

  181. State applicable for \(M_w\geq 3.5\).↩︎

  182. State applicable for \(M_w \leq 8.5\) for strike-slip and \(M_w\leq 8\) for reverse and normal earthquakes.↩︎

  183. State applicable up to \(300\,\mathrm{km}\)↩︎

  184. Recommends model for \(M_w\geq 5\).↩︎

  185. Recommends model up to \(M_w 8\).↩︎

  186. Believe model can be used up to \(M_w 8\).↩︎

  187. Recommend never using model below 4.↩︎

  188. Recommend never using model above 7.↩︎

  189. Recommend never using model for \(r_{jb}<5\).↩︎

  190. Recommend never using model for \(r_{jb}>200\).↩︎

  191. Believe can be used to 5.0.↩︎

  192. Believe can be used to 8.0.↩︎

  193. Believe can be used for \(r_{epi}\geq 10\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  194. Believe can be used for \(r_{epi}\leq 300\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  195. State that valid down to \(5.0\).↩︎

  196. State that valid up to \(8.0\) except for normal faulting where limit is \(7.0\).↩︎

  197. Also derive models for two other sites (SCT and CDAO) in Mexico City.↩︎

  198. Recommend model up to \(M_w 8\)↩︎

  199. Also use 1921 macroseismic intensities.↩︎

  200. Macroseismic intensities from 6 events.↩︎

  201. 7.7 by including macroseismic data.↩︎

  202. Recommends use down to 4.0.↩︎

  203. Believes applies up to 8.2.↩︎

  204. Believes applies down to \(0\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  205. Believe applicable down to 3.3 for California and down to 5.5 globally.↩︎

  206. Believe valid to 8.5 for strike-slip, 8.0 for reverse and 7.5 for normal.↩︎

  207. Believe applicable to \(300\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  208. Recommend model up to \(200\,\mathrm{km}\)↩︎

  209. Probably D50.↩︎

  210. Recommend model for use up to \(8.0\) for strike-slip and reverse and \(7.0\) for normal earthquakes.↩︎

  211. State model applicable up to \(8.5\).↩︎

  212. Recommend use for \(M_w\leq 9\) for interface and \(M_w\leq 8\) for intraslab.↩︎

  213. Call it ‘diagonal’.↩︎

  214. Believe applicable \(\geq 3.6\).↩︎

  215. Believe applicable \(\leq 7.6\).↩︎

  216. Believe applicable \(\geq 6\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  217. Believe applicable \(\leq 200\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  218. Recommend for use \(M_w\geq 5.0\).↩︎

  219. Recommend for use for \(M_w\leq 7.0\)↩︎

  220. Recommend for use for \(r_{jb}\leq 200\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  221. Could be 1288 records.↩︎

  222. This is the total in the Electronic Supplement listing all the data used. In the article it is stated that 5607 records from 146 earthquakes are used.↩︎

  223. Believe model applicable up to \(8.0\) for crustal and intraslab events and \(9.0\) for interface events.↩︎

  224. May be 742 as this is stated in Table 4 of article.↩︎

  225. Call it ‘quadratic mean’, which is assumed to be geometric mean.↩︎

  226. It is probably \(5\%\).↩︎

  227. In paper conversion is made between \(S_v\) and spectral acceleration, \(S_a\), suggesting that it is pseudo-velocity.↩︎

  228. Although coefficients should only differ by a constant because \(\mathrm{PSA}=(2\pi/T) \mathrm{PSV}\) they do not; hence response parameters are probably not those stated.↩︎

  229. \(f_3\) given in Abrahamson and Silva (1997) was modified to ensure homogeneity and a linear variation in \(f_3\) with magnitude.↩︎

  230. It is probably \(5\%\).↩︎

  231. The following values are from their Table 1 which does not match with their Figure 3.↩︎

  232. Probably this is Kolmogorov-Smirnov.↩︎

  233. On page 8 of paper it says 88 periods.↩︎

  234. The authors also give number of ‘sets’ as 81 for shallow crustal, 29 for inter-plate and 29 for deep intra-slab↩︎

  235. Authors call them ‘interplate’.↩︎

  236. Number of typographic errors in report so this may not be correct functional form.↩︎

  237. The actual functional form is not reported in the article but it is stated that it is like the form of Hancock, Bommer, and Stafford (2008).↩︎

  238. Probably pseudo-acceleration since uses NGA West database.↩︎

  239. They state it is two dimensional response spectrum which assume to be resolved component.↩︎

  240. Note only valid for \(R \geq 20\,\mathrm{km}\)↩︎

  241. Note only valid for \(R \leq 200\,\mathrm{km}\)↩︎

  242. Total earthquake components (does not need to be multiplied by two)↩︎

  243. Idriss (1978) finds magnitudes to be mixture of \(M_L\), \(m_b\) and \(M_s\).↩︎

  244. Note only valid for \(R \geq 20\,\mathrm{km}\)↩︎

  245. Note only valid for \(R \leq 200\,\mathrm{km}\)↩︎

  246. Note only valid for \(R \geq 20\,\mathrm{km}\)↩︎

  247. Note only valid for \(R \leq 200\,\mathrm{km}\)↩︎

  248. Reported in Joyner and Boore (1988).↩︎

  249. Reported in Joyner and Boore (1988).↩︎

  250. Details of dataset are given in tables but quality of scan too poor to clearly see digits.↩︎

  251. Consider equations valid for \(M_w\leq 8\)↩︎

  252. Total earthquake components (does not need to be multiplied by two). 79+10 records for \(0.1\,\mathrm{s}\) equation.↩︎

  253. Consider more than 4 natural periods but results not reported.↩︎

  254. Reported in Idriss (1993).↩︎

  255. Does not need to be multiplied by two.↩︎

  256. Distance to centre of array↩︎

  257. Considers equation valid for \(M\geq 4.7\).↩︎

  258. Considers equation valid for \(d\leq 300\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  259. Equations stated to be for distances up to \(100\,\mathrm{km}\)↩︎

  260. Minimum period for vertical equations is \(0.04\,\mathrm{s}\).↩︎

  261. Maximum period for vertical equations is \(3\,\mathrm{s}\).↩︎

  262. Coefficients given in Boore, Joyner, and Fumal (1994b).↩︎

  263. Total number, does not need to be multiplied by two.↩︎

  264. Total number, does not need to be multiplied by two.↩︎

  265. There are 116 records in total.↩︎

  266. Free (1996) believes it is largest horizontal component.↩︎

  267. Total number of components does not need to be multiplied by two↩︎

  268. State equations should not be used for distances \(>100\,\mathrm{km}\)↩︎

  269. Typographic error in Table 3 of Campbell (1997) does not match number of recordings in Table 4↩︎

  270. Typographical error in Figure 3b) of Perea and Sordo (1998) because it does not match their Table 1.↩︎

  271. This is total number of horizontal components used. They come from 47 triaxial records.↩︎

  272. This is total number of components. Does not need to be multiplied by two.↩︎

  273. Total number of records. Does not need to be multiplied by two.↩︎

  274. 485 records in total but do not state number of vertical records from W. USA.↩︎

  275. For horizontal corrected records. There are 34 for vertical corrected records.↩︎

  276. Authors do not state reason for different number of records used for different periods.↩︎

  277. The caption of their Table 2 states that reported coefficients are for mean.↩︎

  278. The authors also report that they used 139 ‘sets’, which could refer to number of records rather than the 293 ‘components’ that they also report.↩︎

  279. Does not need to be multiplied by two.↩︎

  280. Call it ‘quadratic mean’, which is assumed to be geometric mean.↩︎

  281. Does not need to be multiplied by two.↩︎

  282. Also derive model using \(M_w\).↩︎

  283. Also derive model using \(r_{epi}\).↩︎

  284. Their Figure 2 present \(\sigma\)s up to \(2\,\mathrm{s}\) but the coefficients of the model are not given beyond \(1\,\mathrm{s}\).↩︎

  285. Recommend that model is not extrapolated below \(5\) due to lack of data.↩︎

  286. Believe that model can be used to \(8.0\).↩︎

  287. Recommend that model is not used for distances \(\geq 200\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  288. Believe that model can be extrapolated down to \(4.0\).↩︎

  289. Believe that model can be extrapolated up to \(8.5\) for strike-slip faulting and \(8.0\) for reverse faulting.↩︎

  290. Recommend that model is not extrapolated below \(5\) due to lack of data.↩︎

  291. Believe that model can be reliably extrapolated to \(8.5\).↩︎

  292. Due to filtering number of records and earthquakes depends on period.↩︎

  293. Believe that model can be extrapolated down to \(4.0\).↩︎

  294. Believe that model can be extrapolated up to \(8.5\) for strike-slip faulting and \(8.0\) for reverse faulting.↩︎

  295. Believe that model valid to \(0\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  296. Believe that model valid to \(200\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  297. For stations on surface.↩︎

  298. For borehole stations.↩︎

  299. Also develop models for the Zagros region of Iran using 309 records from 190 earthquakes.↩︎

  300. State that only use data with \(M_s\geq 4\) but one earthquake in their Appendix A has \(M_s 3.2\).↩︎

  301. Also derive models for inslab (273 records from 16 earthquakes) and interface (413 records from 40 earthquakes) Mexican earthquakes.↩︎

  302. Or 106. Both are given.↩︎

  303. Do not need to multiply by 2.↩︎

  304. State model applicable up to \(8.5\).↩︎

  305. State model applicable up to \(M_w 8.5\) for strike-slip and reverse and \(M_w 7\) for normal earthquakes.↩︎

  306. State model applicable for \(M_w\geq 3.3\) in California and \(M_w\geq 5.5\) globally.↩︎

  307. State model applicable to \(M_w 8.5\) for strike-slip, \(M_w 8\) for reverse/reverse-oblique and \(M_w 7.5\) for normal/normal-oblique.↩︎

  308. State applicable for \(M_w\geq 3.5\).↩︎

  309. State applicable for \(M_w \leq 8.5\) for strike-slip and \(M_w\leq 8\) for reverse and normal earthquakes.↩︎

  310. State applicable up to \(300\,\mathrm{km}\)↩︎

  311. Recommends model for \(M_w\geq 5\).↩︎

  312. Recommends model up to \(M_w 8\).↩︎

  313. Believe model can be used up to \(M_w 8\).↩︎

  314. In text says 27 periods but coefficients only reported for 23.↩︎

  315. Recommend never using model below 4.↩︎

  316. Recommend never using model above 7.↩︎

  317. Recommend never using model for \(r_{jb}<5\).↩︎

  318. Recommend never using model for \(r_{jb}>200\).↩︎

  319. Believe can be used to 5.0.↩︎

  320. Believe can be used to 8.0.↩︎

  321. Believe can be used for \(r_{epi}\geq 10\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  322. Believe can be used for \(r_{epi}\leq 300\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  323. Also derive models for two other sites (SCT and CDAO) in Mexico City.↩︎

  324. Recommend model up to \(M_w 8\)↩︎

  325. Also use 1921 macroseismic intensities.↩︎

  326. Macroseismic intensities from 6 events.↩︎

  327. 7.7 by including macroseismic data.↩︎

  328. Believe applicable down to 3.3 for California and down to 5.5 globally.↩︎

  329. Believe valid to 8.5 for strike-slip, 8.0 for reverse and 7.5 for normal.↩︎

  330. Believe applicable to \(300\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  331. Recommend model up to \(200\,\mathrm{km}\)↩︎

  332. Probably D50.↩︎

  333. Recommend model for use up to \(8.0\) for strike-slip and reverse and \(7.0\) for normal earthquakes.↩︎

  334. Authors state 28 but coefficients only reported for 23.↩︎

  335. Report coefficients for only 37 periods.↩︎

  336. State model applicable up to \(8.5\).↩︎

  337. Also develop separate models for Zagros and Alborz-central Iran.↩︎

  338. Recommend use for \(M_w\leq 9\) for interface and \(M_w\leq 8\) for intraslab.↩︎

  339. Believe applicable \(\geq 3.6\).↩︎

  340. Believe applicable \(\leq 7.6\).↩︎

  341. Believe applicable \(\geq 6\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  342. Believe applicable \(\leq 200\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  343. Could be 1288 records.↩︎

  344. This is the total in the Electronic Supplement listing all the data used. In the article it is stated that 5607 records from 146 earthquakes are used.↩︎

  345. Believe model applicable up to \(8.0\) for crustal and intraslab events and \(9.0\) for interface events.↩︎

  346. May be 742 as this is stated in Table 4 of article.↩︎

  347. Call it ‘quadratic mean’, which is assumed to be geometric mean.↩︎

  348. This may be an empirical GMPE because it is based on broadband velocity records from which acceleration time-histories are generated by ‘real-time simulation’. This could just mean differentiation.↩︎

  349. This may be an empirical GMPE because it is based on broadband velocity records from which acceleration time-histories are generated by ‘real-time simulation’. This could just mean differentiation.↩︎

  350. This model is derived from both observations and simulations but most of the data, especially for large magnitudes, are simulated hence listed here.↩︎

  351. This model is derived from both observations and simulations but most of the data are simulated hence listed here.↩︎

  352. This model is derived from both observations and simulations but most of the data are simulated hence listed here.↩︎

  353. This model is not included in the main body of the report as it is not clear from text (particularly Figure 3) whether a model for PGA can be expressed in the normal way.↩︎

  354. Note only valid for \(R \geq 20\,\mathrm{km}\)↩︎

  355. Note only valid for \(R \leq 200\,\mathrm{km}\)↩︎

  356. Called \(M_{LH}\) so may be \(M_L\).↩︎

  357. Idriss (1978) finds magnitudes to be mixture of \(M_L\), \(m_b\) and \(M_s\).↩︎

  358. Idriss (1978) finds magnitudes to be mixture of \(M_L\), \(m_b\) and \(M_s\).↩︎

  359. Probably \(M_{JMA}\)↩︎

  360. Reported in (Joyner and Boore 1988).↩︎

  361. Does not need to be multiplied by two.↩︎

  362. Distance to centre of array↩︎

  363. Total number of components does not need to be multiplied by two↩︎

  364. State equations should not be used for distances \(>100\,\mathrm{km}\)↩︎

  365. Equations stated to be for distances up to \(100\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  366. Total number of components do not need to be multiplied by two.↩︎

  367. Total number of components do not need to be multiplied by two.↩︎

  368. Total number of components do not need to be multiplied by two.↩︎

  369. Total number of components do not need to be multiplied by two.↩︎

  370. For horizontal corrected records. There are 34 for vertical corrected records.↩︎

  371. Three other equations for site classes B, D and E.↩︎

  372. Authors state in text that ‘more than 14 000’ values were used but their Table 1 gives \(2 \times 6899\).↩︎

  373. State equations valid to \(4.5\).↩︎

  374. State equations valid up to \(200\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  375. Call it ‘quadratic mean’, which is assumed to be geometric mean.↩︎

  376. Does not need to be multiplied by two.↩︎

  377. Also develop models for the Zagros region of Iran using about 100 records.↩︎

  378. Also derive model using \(M_w\).↩︎

  379. Also derive model using \(r_{epi}\).↩︎

  380. Recommend that model is not extrapolated below \(5\) due to lack of data.↩︎

  381. Believe that model can be used to \(8.0\).↩︎

  382. Recommend that model is not used for distances \(\geq 200\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  383. Believe that model can be extrapolated down to \(4.0\).↩︎

  384. Believe that model can be extrapolated up to \(8.5\) for strike-slip faulting and \(8.0\) for reverse faulting.↩︎

  385. Recommend that model is not extrapolated below \(5\) due to lack of data.↩︎

  386. Believe that model can be reliably extrapolated to \(8.5\).↩︎

  387. Believe that model can be extrapolated down to \(4.0\).↩︎

  388. Believe that model can be extrapolated up to \(8.5\) for strike-slip faulting and \(8.0\) for reverse faulting.↩︎

  389. Believe that model valid to \(0\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  390. Believe that model valid to \(200\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  391. Also model for Central USA using 14 records and 296 scaled records↩︎

  392. Also develop models for the Zagros region of Iran using 309 records from 190 earthquakes.↩︎

  393. State that only use data with \(M_s\geq 4\) but one earthquake in their Appendix A has \(M_s 3.2\).↩︎

  394. Adjustment of GMPE of B. S.-J. Chiou and Youngs (2008) for \(M_w<6\)↩︎

  395. Believe that model can be used to \(8.0\).↩︎

  396. Recommend that model is not used for distances \(\geq 200\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  397. Recommend that model is not extrapolated below \(5\) due to lack of data.↩︎

  398. Believe that model can be reliably extrapolated to \(8.5\).↩︎

  399. Taken from their Table 3.1. Elsewhere in the article the total is given as 23 and 25.↩︎

  400. State model applicable up to \(8.5\).↩︎

  401. State model applicable up to \(M_w 8.5\) for strike-slip and reverse and \(M_w 7\) for normal earthquakes.↩︎

  402. State model applicable for \(M_w\geq 3.3\) in California and \(M_w\geq 5.5\) globally.↩︎

  403. State model applicable to \(M_w 8.5\) for strike-slip, \(M_w 8\) for reverse/reverse-oblique and \(M_w 7.5\) for normal/normal-oblique.↩︎

  404. State applicable for \(M_w\geq 3.5\).↩︎

  405. State applicable for \(M_w \leq 8.5\) for strike-slip and \(M_w\leq 8\) for reverse and normal earthquakes.↩︎

  406. State applicable up to \(300\,\mathrm{km}\)↩︎

  407. Recommends model for \(M_w\geq 5\).↩︎

  408. Recommends model up to \(M_w 8\).↩︎

  409. Believe model can be used up to \(M_w 8\).↩︎

  410. Believe model can be used up to \(M_w 8\).↩︎

  411. Use an additional 60 records to validate model.↩︎

  412. Recommend never using model below 4.↩︎

  413. Recommend never using model above 7.↩︎

  414. Recommend never using model for \(r_{jb}<5\).↩︎

  415. Recommend never using model for \(r_{jb}>200\).↩︎

  416. Believe applicable down to 3.3 for California and down to 5.5 globally.↩︎

  417. Believe valid to 8.5 for strike-slip, 8.0 for reverse and 7.5 for normal.↩︎

  418. Believe applicable to \(300\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  419. Believe applicable down to 3.3 for California and down to 5.5 globally.↩︎

  420. Believe valid to 8.5 for strike-slip, 8.0 for reverse and 7.5 for normal.↩︎

  421. Believe applicable to \(300\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  422. Also derive models for two other sites (SCT and CDAO) in Mexico City.↩︎

  423. Recommend model up to \(M_w 8\)↩︎

  424. Also use 1921 macroseismic intensities.↩︎

  425. Macroseismic intensities from 6 events.↩︎

  426. 7.7 by including macroseismic data.↩︎

  427. Believes applies up to 8.2.↩︎

  428. Believes applies down to \(0\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  429. Recommends use down to 4.0.↩︎

  430. Believes applies up to 8.2.↩︎

  431. Recommend model up to \(200\,\mathrm{km}\)↩︎

  432. Recommend model for use up to \(8.0\) for strike-slip and reverse and \(7.0\) for normal earthquakes.↩︎

  433. Also develop separate models for Zagros and Alborz-central Iran.↩︎

  434. Believe applicable \(\geq 3.6\).↩︎

  435. Believe applicable \(\leq 7.6\).↩︎

  436. Believe applicable \(\geq 6\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  437. Believe applicable \(\leq 200\,\mathrm{km}\).↩︎

  438. Isoseismals not intensity data points.↩︎

  439. Table 1 includes a radius of \(171.98\,\mathrm{km}\) but this looks like a typo.↩︎

  440. State model applicable for \(M_w\geq 3.3\) in California and \(M_w\geq 5.5\) globally.↩︎

  441. State model applicable to \(M_w 8.5\) for strike-slip, \(M_w 8\) for reverse/reverse-oblique and \(M_w 7.5\) for normal/normal-oblique.↩︎

  442. This is the total in the Electronic Supplement listing all the data used. In the article it is stated that 5607 records from 146 earthquakes are used.↩︎

  443. Believe model applicable up to \(8.0\) for crustal and intraslab events and \(9.0\) for interface events.↩︎

  444. Call it ‘quadratic mean’, which is assumed to be geometric mean.↩︎